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Gravel or Sand?


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I've done both and prefer sand - it just seems to break down detritus more than gravel (I also have MTS and they churn the sand pretty good). Also, no worries with cories or other bottom feeders. Either way I like to keep a nice deep layer, at least 3 inches. 

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On 6/7/2023 at 6:14 PM, FLFishChik said:

So, I need to make a decision for my new 75g tank… gravel or sand. I’ve no experience with sand and so far gravel has been easy to maintain… but sand looks so nice in a tank! Is there something in between?

Aquasoil on plant parts, sand in everywhere else 😛 

That's what work wonders for me.

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I did the experiment with Sand, eco-complete, and gravel. I think it depends on what you want most. It was testing for root growth and the deep gravel did the best. I personally use Coal slag or BDBS in my largest tanks. I like the look and I choose plants that meet the needs of the tank. I do ding I harder to vacuum the sand. You have enough experience now to use which ever you want and will get the hang of either. I only have 3 tanks over 150 so I use sand in those and the take the longest to maintain. The 18 onlyes have gravel or moss substrate? That a different beast). I can choose but I tent to recommend a larger gravel. I think it’s the easiest for most people. 

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On 6/7/2023 at 2:28 PM, rockfisher said:

I did the experiment with Sand, eco-complete, and gravel. I think it depends on what you want most. It was testing for root growth and the deep gravel did the best. I personally use Coal slag or BDBS in my largest tanks. I like the look and I choose plants that meet the needs of the tank. I do ding I harder to vacuum the sand. You have enough experience now to use which ever you want and will get the hang of either. I only have 3 tanks over 150 so I use sand in those and the take the longest to maintain. The 18 onlyes have gravel or moss substrate? That a different beast). I can choose but I tent to recommend a larger gravel. I think it’s the easiest for most people. 

Currently all my tanks have gravel and I like how easy it is to vacuum and how the detritus kind of works it’s way down into it and out of sight 😂. I’ll probably stick with whatever is easiest 

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On 6/7/2023 at 3:45 PM, Pepere said:

I have heard people mention the advantage of gravel over sand as detritus settles out of sight into the gravel and sits on top of sand.


I have never seen unsightly detritus on my sand… the Cories stir it back up into the water column giving the filter extra chances to get it….

Ah… didn’t think about that! 

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I only have one sanded tank at the moment.  The detritus consisting of plant and pest snail waste sits on top of the lite tan colored sand.  I find that when cleaning the sand substrate that it is very easily disturbed, some dust is stirred up, and I lose a little sand each time. I can recover the sand from the bucket. The other tanks use pea or aquarium gravel. I've rarely noticed waste on top.  In another forum, there was mention of using agricultural sand.  It would seem to be the in between product. 

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All ten of my tanks have sand substrate (either Black Diamond sandblasting sand or pool filter sand, depending on which color I wanted).  I can't remember the last time I vacuumed waste off the bottom.  It breaks down and helps feed the plants.  Even if I wanted to, much of the area that isn't densely planted is covered with dead tree leaves I've added.

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On 6/8/2023 at 9:53 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

@Guppysnail found a gravelish-sandish product.  A very fine gravel that looks like sand.

It’s almost like a super fine gravel. It siphons easily with gunk going up and substrate dropping out of the tube. I love this stuff. I’m not a sand fan and I dislike that most gravel is large and food falls in cracks. This is the best of both worlds without the annoyance of either for me. 




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