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New 160 Liters (42.2g) Tank!


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Hey guys, 

hope you are all doing well.

As my 29g tank is pretty old, and it's stand is giving me constant anxiety, I've decided to upgrade my tank to a new bigger one. As I already had a stand sitting in basement, I've decided to go with it.

The tank will be 100x40x40cm. (39.4x15.7x15.7 inch approximately). 160 Liters (42.2g, you guys have weird measurements. help.)

I will try to keep it low budget as much as I can, as I cannot afford too much currently. I just want a better environment for the fish.

The stocking is: 9 rummynoses, 5 sterbais, 3 rams, 1 honey gourami, 1 L199, nerites, rabbit snails and a borneo sucker. Planning to add one SAE in the future.

This is the stand:


I am currently running my 29g with One sponge filter and one HOB with a performance of 550lt/h. I have a 100w heater, we keep our home at 22C all year long, so 100w has been enough in my 125Liters (33g) tank too. However, lately my heater starting being off up to 1 C, so I am planning to get a new one. I keep my tank around 27-28C (80-82F) currently as rams like it hot, and other fish and rabbit snails I keep can go up to these temps with no problem. (Tried catchin borneo sucker 4 times to move it to a cooler tank, Big mission fail, may move him when I take the tank down)



  • 100w and 200w heaters are the same price. Should I get a 200w one instead for this new tank?
  • Should I put anything below the tank? I use straphor on my others but on this one it would look very ugly I feel.
  • Should I increase my HOB size to something maybe AC50 or AC70? AC70 is 0.5x more expensive as I have to order it from Amazon Germany, so I need to pay stuff for transportation and customs. Would buying a new AC50 would be a worthy upgrade or kinda a waste of money? Is one sponge and current HOB I have would be enough?


We as a family had bigger tanks in the past, but they were not in my responsibility, my all tanks were 125 Liters or smaller. So this is the biggest one I will have that belongs to me only. So I am not really experienced with this size, even it is considerably a medium one.

thanks for your help in advance.

Also in case you'd like to share any scape that you like, it is very much appreciated! I'm looking for some ideas 🙂

@mynameisnobody as I know you like bigger tanks, wanted to tag you 🙂




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I'd probably go with 100 watt heater myself. I like having smaller heaters as if they fail I have more time to catch it. I also think 100 watts with a glass top will probably do the job for ya. I wouldn't put anything under the tank, usually that hurts hardwood floors by trapping water, where wood to wood dries out better in my experience.


As for the aquaclear, I'd say with the smaller HoB, as you're going with a sponge filter as well. I think you won't get much improvement out of the larger HoB unless you decide to go with fish that love very fast moving currents down the road.

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it should make maintenance easier having a larger tank.

if you current filtration is working, just keep it. there is not need to buy new stuff if your current stuff works.

that stand looks perfect for storing useful items, like food, test kits etc...

On 3/13/2023 at 6:40 PM, Lennie said:

Also in case you'd like to share any scape that you like, it is very much appreciated! I'm looking for some ideas 🙂

as for scaping, ive had this idea for a while, and it would look good in my head, but tell me what you think:


the black is large rocks, the green is some Hydrocotyle tripartite ‘Japan’ (i imagine it slowly covering the rocks) the yellow is a wall of Val in the background, though the rocks could also be used to hide equipment.

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On 3/13/2023 at 6:40 PM, Lennie said:

I keep my tank around 27-28C (80-82F)

In my 40 breeder with my German blue Rams 81 degree Fahrenheit 1-100w is enough however it runs near constantly. My fish room runs 70-72 Fahrenheit (you guys have weird measurements 🤣😜) Glass lid  

That said I prefer running 2 100w heaters so one is not constantly running and if it fails off the other keeps my kids toasty until I notice the issue. I do run an inkbird. I put one on either side and the tank stays heated evenly and I don’t feel like the heaters are constantly on. 
Neither of those suggestions are budget friendly but they are what I find to work best. 
I can’t wait to see the kids new tank. They are going to be delighted. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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On 3/14/2023 at 2:27 AM, Guppysnail said:

you guys have weird measurements 🤣😜


we really should unite the measurements all around the world, it’s 2023! 😄 

On 3/14/2023 at 2:27 AM, Guppysnail said:

That said I prefer running 2 100w heaters so one is not constantly running and if it fails off the other keeps my kids toasty until I notice the issue. I do run an inkbird. I put one on either side and the tank stays heated evenly and I don’t feel like the heaters are constantly on. 
Neither of those suggestions are budget friendly but they are what I find to work best. 
I can’t wait to see the kids new tank. They are going to be delighted. 

Yea, def agreed. It is just I am short on money but I can’t risk keeping them as it is, and thought maybe 200w could do the job, and I will have this 100w as a backup on hand in case of emergencies. I constantly keep checking the temp in the tank to make sure nothing is too off until I buy a new one.

I always use tetra’s heaters and personally have been very happy with their performance, but I feel like too much turning on and off all the time kinda wore them out, as I keep my tanks without lid and next to an open window all the time. This one is only around a 1 yo and is already off by 1 C (in weird scale: ~2F) 😛

I am very excited as well! Hoping for the best for the fishies. I am sure they will love their bigger home. Especially rams. No matter how small they are, they are having small funny fights😄 maybe to establish dominance? Turnins around each other and stuff.

has been ages since I kept cichlids. Missed these type of behavior on fish 😄

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On 3/13/2023 at 7:37 PM, Lennie said:

we really should unite the measurements all around the world, it’s 2023

I will measure my foot. That shall be our universal standard measure 🤣🤣🤣


On 3/13/2023 at 7:37 PM, Lennie said:

I keep my tanks without lid and next to an open window all the time.

No lid and breeze on a budget I would go with the 200 directly in the path of flowing water. With enough flow it won’t turn off until the entire tank is heated evenly. I also lay horizontally to more evenly disperse heat. 

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On 3/13/2023 at 3:40 PM, Lennie said:

The stocking is: 9 rummynoses, 5 sterbais, 3 rams, 1 honey gourami, 1 L199, nerites, rabbit snails and a borneo sucker. Planning to add one SAE in the future.

Maybe three! They might school for you too. 🙂

I think the AC50 works, especially if you're planning on doing the siphoning and stuff if the filter has any dead spots. 

The loaches and SAE would appreciate higher flow, a note on what Cory mentioned, but I think everything should work well. Add an extra airstone or you see them craving oxygenation.

100W vs other wattage, the main question is always what is the room temperature in winter? If it's ~20F higher than ambient you might want to size up, but if the room is generally closer to the room temp than you would likely be perfectly fine based on everyone's recommendations above.

This chart below is generally what I find to be a useful tool. Cube tank vs. a longer tank, given that, I think you're good with one heater of adequate size.

For conversion sake: 20F is approximately 11.1CAQE_HeaterGuidelines.jpg.899a4554a5309acaa589379d40c4f896.jpg

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Thank you very much everyone for your help and responses.

I will try my best to respond y'all below:

On 3/14/2023 at 2:41 AM, Guppysnail said:

No lid and breeze on a budget I would go with the 200 directly in the path of flowing water. With enough flow it won’t turn off until the entire tank is heated evenly. I also lay horizontally to more evenly disperse heat. 

Sounds like a plan! If I need to, I will sneak in the 100w I have in the tank. 


On 3/14/2023 at 3:18 AM, Pepere said:

I really have been enjoying having undergravel filter plates in my tanks.  Dirt cheap loads of biofiltration, and you can still benefit from the hob for more mechanical filtration and for flow.


If you lose power for an extended period of time the undergravl filter would keep beneficial bacteria alive for an extended time period even if you didnt have a backup battery for air pump…


I just think they are such a great addition to a tank, and it is never easier to add them as before you put substrate in the tank…

I think this is one of the differences in the hobby we have between countries! 

I have been fishkeeping for a good 15 years, and even back then I can't recall coming across anyone using undergravels here. I feel like it has never gained reputation here, even during old school times. So It is sort of impossible to find. We literally have any type of filters but this one.

I have a USB air pump for my sponge filter. As much as it sounds like achore, When we have electricity cut, I usually bag the HOB media and keep it in the tank while running sponge filter on USB air pump.

On 3/14/2023 at 3:27 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

100W vs other wattage, the main question is always what is the room temperature in winter? If it's ~20F higher than ambient you might want to size up, but if the room is generally closer to the room temp than you would likely be perfectly fine based on everyone's recommendations above.

We keep the home at 22C all the time at lowest, so it does not change in winter. Our winters are not really tough here


On 3/14/2023 at 3:27 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

For conversion sake: 20F is approximately 11.1CAQE_HeaterGuidelines.jpg.899a4554a5309acaa589379d40c4f896.jpg

200 Seems like a better bet then considering they are both the same price and I already have a 100w on hand if needed.

On 3/14/2023 at 2:21 AM, Theplatymaster said:

as for scaping, ive had this idea for a while, and it would look good in my head, but tell me what you think:


the black is large rocks, the green is some Hydrocotyle tripartite ‘Japan’ (i imagine it slowly covering the rocks) the yellow is a wall of Val in the background, though the rocks could also be used to hide equipment.

Masterpiece 🤣

Hydrocotyle tripartite ‘Japan’ is one of the few plants that didn't survive in my water. I've found a really beautiful scape with jungle val but it shooting roots constantly seems like something that would annoy me in the future as it will pop up everywhere.

So not sure If I want jungle val as much as it looks good. Also my height is only 40cms, so I think it will start outgrowing that height pretty fast and will block lots of light suddenly

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Decided to go with another 100w heather for now. Potentially 200w cooking fish sounds like a horror movie.

If I see this 100w not being enough, I may add the current 100w I have and set it on low to asist it reaching okay numbers faster, I thought.

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On 3/14/2023 at 3:23 AM, Lennie said:

Masterpiece 🤣

Hydrocotyle tripartite ‘Japan’ is one of the few plants that didn't survive in my water. I've found a really beautiful scape with jungle val but it shooting roots constantly seems like something that would annoy me in the future as it will pop up everywhere.

So not sure If I want jungle val as much as it looks good. Also my height is only 40cms, so I think it will start outgrowing that height pretty fast and will block lots of light suddenly

ok fine how about this scape idea :





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On 3/14/2023 at 7:02 AM, Lennie said:

I like it on tall tanks and when limited as a background plant.

Like this scape:

fine, ill come up with a new scape idea for you:

A sloping of substrate, so the stuff in the back is higher up, then just some medium stones scattered around, the ones in back will appear taller due to the slope.

you can just put like anubias on the rocks.


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On 3/14/2023 at 2:32 PM, Pepere said:

What country are you in

I’m from Turkey

On 3/14/2023 at 2:32 PM, Pepere said:

I really like having two smaller heaters adding up to my intended need.  In essence it cuts risk of failure in half.  If one fails to come on at all, the other one keeps the tank from getting too cold.  If one fails to shut off it is far less likely to have enough power to cook your fish….Ideally both have indicator lights to show when they are running and you keep an eye to see that if one is on, the other one is and not just one all the time….

Yeah. Definitely sounds like the best option. I do not worry about it getting cold in dangerous levels as the room temp is minimum 22C at home, but the other way around, it potentially breaking and starting to overheat sounds scary.

Another 100W seems to be the way. 


Thanks for the help.

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The custom made tank is here. I also got a new 100w heater, AC70 (found it locally, so didn't have to order from Amazon Germany and pay a lot more!), 90cm plant light and 2x 8Liters of Neo Aquasoil.


The straphor under didn't make me feel comfy enough. We talked with @nabokovfan87 some, and I'm planning to get an aquarium mat instead. Sera (Sera Thermosafe mat) has one that perfectly fits 100x40cm, which is exactly my tank size. And Creaqua, which is a well known local aquarium brand here, has one that looks like rubber, 150x50cm. Planning to get the bigger one and cut it I guess.



Any ideas?


Also I am looking for some algae eaters that would handle the 27C-28C (80-82F) that rams enjoy. I currently have rams, honey gourami, sterbai cories, rabbit snails, L199 and rummy nose tetras that will move to this tank from their 29g.

I've been considering SAE and panda garras. But seems like they like it a bit lower temps. Any suggestions are welcomed as tank mates, especially algae eaters. @DiscusLover @Fish Folk Any ideas guys?

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On 3/19/2023 at 2:23 PM, Guppysnail said:

Tank looks lovely. I’m very excited for you. 
I keep nerites and bristlenose plecos with my rams 80-81. They are happy and thriving. 

Thanks a lot! I'm very excited as well. I wanna see how they enjoy this update already 🙂

Would a BN go well with a L199 in the same tank? I guess L199 can be a little territorial. I'm planning to make something like an triangular island shape, so it may kick it out of potential hiding places, I thought, as some part of the tank will be pure sand.

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On 3/19/2023 at 7:28 AM, Lennie said:

Would a BN go well with a L199

This I’m not certain as I have no experience with l199. My mom, dad and lefty would not care. They get along with everyone. Angel who is Lefty’s brother and spawn of mom n dad had an attitude problem. I watched him constantly chase and a a few occasions ran into the side of a guppy. He was the only one that had any aggression in him. He was dominant even in his grow out as a baby. He was moved early because he would not share food. 
So I guess an individual of any species can have a bad attitude. 
Maybe @Colu or @rockfisher have experience with l199 and can shed more light. 

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On 3/19/2023 at 3:46 PM, Guppysnail said:

This I’m not certain as I have no experience with l199. My mom, dad and lefty would not care. They get along with everyone. Angel who is Lefty’s brother and spawn of mom n dad had an attitude problem. I watched him constantly chase and a a few occasions ran into the side of a guppy. He was the only one that had any aggression in him. He was dominant even in his grow out as a baby. He was moved early because he would not share food. 
So I guess an individual of any species can have a bad attitude. 

Yea, I've never kept this one with another pleco before so I really don't know how the reaction would be like versus something similar to itself.

Normally it is very peaceful, only hardly pushes corys away sometimes from its food.



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