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What's an interesting fish you've seen lately?


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On 1/31/2023 at 1:40 PM, knee said:

Pygmy sunfish. Always wanted to keep these cuties but can never find them being sold.

North American Native Fishtanks — The Peaceful Pygmy Sunfish ...

Reminds me of the aphanius mento kirk that I keep.


The last interesting aquarium suitable freshwater fish that I can recall learning of was the neon borneo sucker. I think related to the other borneo/hillstream loaches that we more commonly know in the hobby. Apparently not only do they get this cool neon green color as adults, but they can also change colors at will to the blacks and oranges that they grew from. Gastromyzon-lepidogaster.jpg

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On 1/31/2023 at 1:57 PM, jwcarlson said:

I'm pretty sure Fish Folk just bought some from Jonah's Aquarium.

They have Elassoma Zonatum which also looks cute but I'm looking for the Gilberti.

Thank you for letting me know tho. I might get some dwarf crays from them 🙂

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On 1/31/2023 at 4:26 PM, knee said:

They have Elassoma Zonatum which also looks cute but I'm looking for the Gilberti.

Thank you for letting me know tho. I might get some dwarf crays from them 🙂

My understanding is he has those (though you might have to email).  @Fish FolkFolk might be able to confirm.

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On 1/31/2023 at 7:58 PM, knee said:

Thank you! He's looking really nice already 🙂

What do you feed them?

They can be trained to accept Xtreme micro / nano pellets. Frozen foods — chopped up Hikari bloodworms  — are also doable. But live foods promote spawning. I feed Scuds, baby brine shrimp, black-worms (if you can find them), etc.

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Recently was able to sit and observe a pair of yellowface pikeblenny or something similar for a while in the wild. Amazing fish and so angry at us divers haha. 


On 1/31/2023 at 11:00 PM, ccc24 said:

African Butterfly Fish. They look amazing. 


Need to keep these someday

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I was just at my friends from the fish clubs house. They keep these two and allowed me to take photos because I’m very interested in them. Not a lot of color to look at unless you are like me and simply enjoy a fish for their hardiness and behaviors. 

Neetroplus nematopus 

substrate spawners with the darling personality of guppies. A0A9D941-EC26-4EFD-9514-442B1CBCD18B.jpeg.8c3d82c66e755a155a893637137a30f2.jpeg

And these guys the male is the mouthbrooding daddy day care. A touch more aggressive but they watch you in a very calculated manor. I believe plotting against you but crazy fun to watch. 

Chromidotilapia guentheri68C5C770-40A4-4973-8EC7-202C1C25CC40.jpeg.f216d2df86d5fc6fe2917cb874e4ff1f.jpeg


Edited by Guppysnail
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On 1/31/2023 at 1:40 PM, knee said:

Pygmy sunfish. Always wanted to keep these cuties but can never find them being sold.

North American Native Fishtanks — The Peaceful Pygmy Sunfish ...

That blue is ridiculous.



On 2/1/2023 at 10:33 PM, Schuyler said:

Nothobranchius Ruudwildekampi

Saw some eggs being sold on aquabid and was really tempted... But it's the middle of winter, they're shipping from Scotland, and I don't have space for more tanks.


Step 1.... they come from SCOTLAND. Step 2. find a tub.

If they make it, you'll have a tank.

I know there's an answer in here somewhere that involves a shark.


I had a question / idea for a topic and it was one of those that I never posted.  This article... the difference between the nurse shark and the grey nurse shark is what led me here.

I'll say it again.... go watch the sharkwater movies. Especially #2 on amazon prime (free if you have prime).

In terms of our hobby... it's a breathtaking story.

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On 2/1/2023 at 11:15 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Step 1.... they come from SCOTLAND. Step 2. find a tub.

If they make it, you'll have a tank.

The issue is that if the eggs get too cold they will die off and dissolve. That's a lot of money to ship a potential bag of dirt.

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