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Plant goals 2023, anyone?

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First I need to get this tank under control. I like the jungle look but this is too much! I'll definitely be removing a mass of broad leaf Java and concentrating on narrow leaf varieties.   I’ll also most likely upgrade the light to get better growth from stem plants. 



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Gonna setup a low tech 9 gal betta tank - now that I understand the importance of a good light, and starting with LOTS of plants, I hope I have better luck and won't need to fall back on any CO2. Also trying out EcoComplete for the 1st time. 

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On 1/13/2023 at 10:12 AM, Anjum said:

I haven't put any research into it yet, but I just got the co-op light for my 29 so I can finally try plants that need more light. I've always had to rely on low light plants so it feels like the possibilities are endless now 😅 

I should also make it a goal to dose easy green on the recommended basis so I can maybe save my poor java ferns. 

Same here! it felt weird ordering plants other and low light plants now that I have the coop light. A whole new world awaits. 

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On 1/21/2023 at 3:12 PM, Jurrian Hering said:

Ordered some Staurogyne Repens, some micro sword, some Monte Carlo. And I think ima try to order some tiger lotus and maybe a few other red plants soon. Got a few of a lot of things to try out and see what I like!

Good ideas! I tried S. Repens before but it didn't last in lower light. Same w/ Scarlet Temple (Alternanthera reineckii). I've been wanting to try tiger lotus too.

Good luck with all of it!

Edited by Anjum
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On 1/20/2023 at 12:14 PM, Patrick_G said:

First I need to get this tank under control. I like the jungle look but this is too much! I'll definitely be removing a mass of broad leaf Java and concentrating on narrow leaf varieties.   I’ll also most likely upgrade the light to get better growth from stem plants. 



Ohhhh, but it looks so good right now! I mean, I can see the fish may be a bit crowded but they maybe they can move to an empty tank and let the plants have this one!

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On 1/21/2023 at 11:58 PM, John Henry said:

After years of having my plants SURVIVE but never THRIVE I am going to tear down my 20 H and replace the inert gravel with aquasoil.  The Landen has arrived and just waiting for the holding tank to cycle.

Exactly how I feel my plants are doing (except for guppy grass--that's thriving, all right!). I am trying increasing root tabs and limiting the number and growth of less desired plants like guppy grass, even frogbit, to leave more nutrients available for the plants I am really interested in improving.

Please take lots of before and after pics so we can see how it goes!


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On 1/9/2023 at 6:19 PM, Rube_Goldfish said:

This might sound silly but try rotating the dwarf lily bulb 180 degrees. It might be upside down. It's worth a shot if nothing else has worked.

I hope to tame moss, to make it grow but where and how I want it to. I also think I'm ready to try Bucephalandra. I know buce is pretty easy, but it's on the expensive side, so I've been "some day"-ing it until I got more plant experience under my belt.

I love my Buce! They are growing the best in my tank. One is even flowering! Definitely worth the price. Go for it! 

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I'm in the same camp where I can't add any additional fish so I'm going to focus on plants as well.

My goals are:

- Finally get a dwarf lily to grow. (Cross your fingers!)

- Add a larger variety of anubias attached to some large driftwood  to my 10g tank to use as a background plant.

- Yank out the Christmas moss I have in my 5g. It's growing like a stringy weed and even though the shrimp love it, I do not. I want to replace it with an African Water Fern attached to a new piece of driftwood. This'll be my first time with this plant, so fingers crossed again. 


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On 1/9/2023 at 10:49 AM, PineSong said:

Anybody else got plans to change or improve their plant situation in 2023? I'm trying to not bring home any new fish and to focus my energy and spending on plants.

Since I do not want to protect any fry at the moment ( 😞 ), I removed all the guppy grass and about half the corkscrew valisneria clogging up my tanks and then felt quite bah humbug about my plant situation.

My goal for 2023 is to KEEP TRYING STEM PLANTS until I find some I can grow, and to re-arrange things so there will be more of each kind of plant clumped together, but maybe fewer kinds of plants total, especially the kinds I don't really care for or who are in the totally wrong place, like the sagittaria in middle of my 20g long.



I'll need to get my hair algae problem under control. It keeps covering my plants and kills a lot. The only things that still live are things like Java Fern and Jungle Val. Another goal is to expand on other plants. I might wanna try some slow growing plants. 

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On 1/8/2023 at 5:21 PM, DaniV said:

Right now, I'd say I wanna see if I can make lillies work.  I've had a Red Dwarf Lily bulb in my 20 gallon for about 4 weeks now, no growth at all.  I'm gonna remove it during my next water change.  I just set up my 10 gallon and I have a Tiger Lotus bulb in that one that came with some tiny leaves already, so I'm hoping this one will grow more.

Have you fertilized them with root tabs? They are heavy feeders. But there are also some folks that wait on root tabs. I would also suggest a liquid fertilizer like EasyGreen and keep dosing on a regular schedule. 

On 1/11/2023 at 9:59 AM, anewbie said:

My only real plant goal is to take this mess:



And to put it in an aquarium 3 times larger so that it can eventually be even messier !


I don’t have that much mess of plants, but mine are overwhelming my 75 gallon, just floating in the water and growing massive roots. It would be nice to see more of the fish. 😁

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On 1/28/2023 at 11:45 PM, Nanci B said:


I don’t have that much mess of plants, but mine are overwhelming my 75 gallon, just floating in the water and growing massive roots. It would be nice to see more of the fish. 😁

I can usually find most of my fishes minus the orange laser cory as they each seem to have their place. Mr. Pleco is almost always in his cave and Mrs Pleco is scavenging food on the left with Mr. red lizard whiptail. Mrs Nijjensi is frequently under the nuri rosen leaf and Mr. Nannacara is often hiding just above Mr pleco cave waiting to say hello to baby pleco; though i haven't seen him the last couple of days so he might have a stomach ache.

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On 1/24/2023 at 3:10 PM, cavdad45 said:

May sound silly, but I'm trying to grow harvestable amounts of Java Moss to sell to LFS along with my livebearers

I have a big gob of it I can donate to the cause. For a while the the only things in my tanks were an anubias and crypt of unknown species and Java moss. The Java moss was almost half my 15gal. I’ve dialed it back but it’s still a big mass. I have some in my 20 that is happy too. I really don’t know what to do with it. I’m trying to plant new species and a friend keeps giving me cuttings to grow so the older plants need to make room for the new. But my anubias rihzome is as thick as my little finger and it’s hard to let it go. Even cut back it grows well. I have a 40 breeder I’ve recently bought (first bigger tank!) that’s waiting for me to setup. I want to hang on to any cuttings for that. Maybe I’ll set up my QT tote with just water and a light to throw plants into for now. Hmmmm.

Edited by Birdsnstuff
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