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Got the new shrimp friends in the tank and turned the light off for a bit. It will come back in around 2. That way they can have a couple hour break to explore the tank. I figured it was good to have 2 different lines for breeding so the genetics stay strong. We will check back later and see what's going on.

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So I got the plants all put into the tank. The taller cryps are a bit harder to see in the back and the new smaller cryps up front. As well as a new water wisteria in the front right corner. Not sure if I like the placement on that one yet. As well we have one last new addition to the Cory tank. A new red onion nerite who we named lighting. As well as some new red mifoil plants that I have floating right now.





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So on today's  third installment of coffee with TeeJay early evening edition, we have a new suprise for the least killi tank. Let me introduce you to the newest tank inhabitant McQueen. He is another new red onion nerite snail. As well the killis will be enjoying live bbs for dinner tonight. 


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On 10/5/2022 at 2:08 PM, TeeJay said:


It'll be interesting to see how the colors change over time.  Be careful with plants with fine leaves like that, I guess the word is that they get into pumps and equipment really easily because they can just get into little nooks and crannies.   Awesome looking plant!

Question for the Cory tank.  Do you happen to have a QT tank or tub or anything?

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On 10/5/2022 at 7:58 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

It'll be interesting to see how the colors change over time.  Be careful with plants with fine leaves like that, I guess the word is that they get into pumps and equipment really easily because they can just get into little nooks and crannies.   Awesome looking plant!

Question for the Cory tank.  Do you happen to have a QT tank or tub or anything?

I have a 15 gallon tote that I could turn into a qt if needed.and a little 2.5 with some plants and a sponge filter going

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On 10/5/2022 at 5:05 PM, TeeJay said:

I have a 15 gallon tote that I could turn into a qt if needed.and a little 2.5 with some plants and a sponge filter going

So.... one back of sand then?  First set of fry go in there? 😉 It would be interesting to see if you notice any major behavior changes, that's all.

I have noticed a TON more activity in my tank this week.  Phosphates are down, algae is doing what it does, not many changes, apart from better movement and more oxygenation with the spraybar + Airstone back on 24/7.  I am hoping to see some eggs, one of these days.

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On 10/5/2022 at 8:14 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

So.... one back of sand then?  First set of fry go in there? 😉 It would be interesting to see if you notice any major behavior changes, that's all.

I have noticed a TON more activity in my tank this week.  Phosphates are down, algae is doing what it does, not many changes, apart from better movement and more oxygenation with the spraybar + Airstone back on 24/7.  I am hoping to see some eggs, one of these days.

Are you running an independent air stone from your filter(s)?

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So tonight's batch of bbs didn't really hatch. I'm pretty sure I didn't get my salt mixed properly. I thought I had some pre mixed in a gallon jug from the last batch. So instead they got to have grindal worms for the first time this evening. My culture has grown enough to start a new culture and feed. They didn't go for it as well as I expected but when there not used to it that can happen. At least what they didn't get the corys cleaned up for them lol. 

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On 10/5/2022 at 5:17 PM, TeeJay said:

Are you running an independent air stone from your filter(s)?


Before all the changes:
-Tidal Filter (55, 75, 35, testing with a few)
-Ziss bubble bio
-New Sponge Filter

I moved the sponge to the other tank once it was seeded and at one point I was running the Tidal 55 and the 35 to seed the 35.

I took out everything slowly, waiting inbetween changes for things to settle and ended up with just the airstone and just the tidal.  That's when I got the worms and had removed the airstone prior to seeing them.  All of that change in flow led to some issues.

-CO2 Diffuser
-Tidal 55
-"nano" circulation pump for CO2 with spraybar output
-Airstone (used to go on / off with CO2, it's constant now)
-Hang-on breeder box for plants salvage (Fluval / Marina one)

Literally, if I was able to run the tidal across the length of the tank, long ways, I think I can get away with removing half of the equipment, no need for spraybar and what not.  I do like having the airstone for Corydoras, almost always.  On the 29G I was using a tetra whisper 20-30G pump and the ziss airstone.


Of note, in the first version of this setup, the black corydoras have always been pretty calm and sat there during lighting.  I am seeing them be a lot more active now and attacking the food.   This is all after treating for internal issues and stuff, and the reason why I did all of that!

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On 10/5/2022 at 9:09 PM, AquaHobbyist123 said:

Those are nice looking cherry shrimp! I personally have not kept shrimp before, but I hope to soon.

This tank is my first time with them myself. If you go back to the start of this journal you can see what I did to start and materials. If you have any questions feel free. 🤗

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I like the ziss ones and then the neo ones (it's the same company that does the CO2 diffuser that ACO sells but it's just an air version with a white colored stone.  There is also ones sold under the term sterilizers. I forget the website but it's supposed to be a product to help fight algae.

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Good morning fellow nerms. Welcome to coffee with TeeJay. This morning the shrimp friends in the sanctuary are very active. I made a short video of them. And as I'm typing this I found a new shrimpletts!. So much smaller than all the rest. So I'm pretty sure a mommy somewhere had babies. He looks to beek a week or two old. Of course I can't get a dang pic of the little bigger but I know he is not part of what we added to the tank yesterday. Maybe when I get home from work I can catch him for a pic. And as I'm sitting here I'm seeing more than one of that size so I am confirming we have new shrimp babies! Your heard it here first on coffee with TeeJay 🎉


Edited by TeeJay
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