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On 11/29/2023 at 7:25 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

So see if he will eat after the 5 week course has been completed? Seems like a long time without food, but maybe that’s ok for a fish. 

Spike was out front & center today. I offered levamisole-garlic food. He didn’t eat it in front of me but may have eaten some while I was getting ready for work. Then again it could have been eaten by the tetras. Left fresh Repashy in there during the day. Removed remainder at night. 

I had my black corydoras for about 1.5 years before I reliably saw them eat.  It's so tough to feel that way and I seriously feel the stress and concern.  I hope he's getting something in his stomach when you're not looking.  I did the Odd_Duck dewormer method and they were seriously like a whole new herd and very active and eating like crazy.  Hoping for the best and you see some improvement.  You can do it Spike!

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Fed some foods this morning. Spike was energetically wall surfing; lots of butt wiggles.  He saw his own reflection and was just so enthusiastic about it, utilizing all levels of the tank.  While I hate wall surfing and usually try to cover the wall (one side is already covered due to same issue) I just let him be.  He was hiding in the log the last day or two, and I was just glad to see him having a good time with "the other fish" he thought he was socializing with. LOL

Unfortunately too busy socializing with said fish to notice any of the food.  Dropped Repashy in again before leaving so he has things to graze on. I hope he does. The fluctuations of the natural light coming into the room should reduce glare intermittently throughout the day.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 11/29/2023 at 9:25 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

So see if he will eat after the 5 week course has been completed? Seems like a long time without food, but maybe that’s ok for a fish. 

Spike was out front & center today. I offered levamisole-garlic food. He didn’t eat it in front of me but may have eaten some while I was getting ready for work. Then again it could have been eaten by the tetras. Left fresh Repashy in there during the day. Removed remainder at night. 

No, definitely don’t wait that long.  If he isn’t starting to improve and eat within a week I would start Maracyn-2 or kanamycin in the water.  If he improves but isn’t quite there after, say, 3 weeks (2 deworming with Praziquantal and 3 with levamisole (of fenbendazole or flubendazole), then time to do antibiotics.  I truly hope he’s eating well before 5 weeks.

I should have been more clear.  That’s what I get for posting late, late after a long shift.

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On 11/30/2023 at 11:11 PM, Odd Duck said:

No, definitely don’t wait that long.  If he isn’t starting to improve and eat within a week I would start Maracyn-2 or kanamycin in the water.  If he improves but isn’t quite there after, say, 3 weeks (2 deworming with Praziquantal and 3 with levamisole (of fenbendazole or flubendazole), then time to do antibiotics.  I truly hope he’s eating well before 5 weeks.

I should have been more clear.  That’s what I get for posting late, late after a long shift.

Thanks @Odd Duck, I know you’re busy. His energy level has been good. Wall surfing, but good. Still hasn’t eaten since I started the deworming treatment. Actually, not true. When I did the 50% water change, then he did eat. Then I put the prazi in, and he stopped again. That was 11/27. So I guess we head toward kanamycin; that’s the one I have in the fish med cabinet. How long of a rest between Prazi & kana?

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On 11/26/2023 at 2:01 PM, Colu said:

I would consider doing@Odd Ducktreatment protocol for parasitic infections that will treat most commonly encountered parasites 




Since Spike is eating for 3 days consistently (had white worms again this morning) we are still continuing on with Plan A, the @Odd Duck Deworming Treatment.  I did the 50% water change this morning with a thorough vac. I like to do the water change in the morning and let them relax during the day, then do the next dose at night. The next dose will be levamisole (Expel-P).

Question - why are we blacking out the tank?  Is it to keep the meds from degrading or is it for fish comfort and stress reduction?

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On 12/4/2023 at 11:02 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Question - why are we blacking out the tank?  Is it to keep the meds from degrading or is it for fish comfort and stress reduction?

Yes, the levamisole degrades with light. And you don’t need a wait time to treat with kanamycin since it is not absorbed into the tissues and acts more like a topical. It’s great for surface stuff and fin rot as long as it isn’t going too deep.

As much as I like kanamycin for its antimicrobial spectrum it has somewhat limited use for fish if it isn’t injected.  🤷🏻‍♀️ 

I’ve begun to much more toward Maracyn 2 for anything that I think might be a systemic, internal, or deep tissue infection. 

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On 12/5/2023 at 7:59 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Looks like a feisty boy! Is that redness on the cheek/gill plate any sort of thing or just normal?

I am not sure but I did notice it. Maybe caused by his flashing against the sand? Perhaps I will get a catappa leaf back in there for healing benefits, just in case.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 12/5/2023 at 5:03 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Maybe caused by his flashing against the sand? Perhaps I will get a catappa leaf back in there for healing benefits, just in case.

Maybe. It's something you tend to see with water parameter things going on, maybe just verify ammonia / nitrite didn't spike on you.

On 12/5/2023 at 5:03 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Perhaps I will get a catappa leaf back in there for healing benefits, just in case.

Always good!

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I spiked the Repashy with garlic guard today and it doesn’t seem like anybody wanted it!  I left it in there and will check on it later. Spike ate worms directly from the tongs!  I really wish Spike would start eating some more commercial foods. I think he did take a bite of the Repashy though right as I was leaving. The Repashy was right next to where he ate the worms. 

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On 12/7/2023 at 8:45 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I really wish Spike would start eating some more commercial foods.

If someone offered me a choice of steak or spam I’m headed for the steak. 
I tried garlic a few years back in repashy. None of my fish would eat it after the first bite or two.  

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On 12/7/2023 at 9:08 AM, Guppysnail said:

If someone offered me a choice of steak or spam I’m headed for the steak

Right, this is why I’m not feeding the worms every day. Also trying to let the worm population grow.  Spike may have a hard time when he goes in the main tank if he only wants worms because there’s 18 tetras in there.

We have to get this sorted out before he moves.

For now, I’m just glad he’s accepting some kind of food.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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Spike is having some kind of color explosion; I began to notice it yesterday.

Day 1 Spike:


Today, in natural light and LED:



I’m in love with those reds poppin, but the stripes.. I raise an eyebrow. Time to do some water tests. First up, ammonia liquid test.


[insert several EXPLETIVES here]

Now, was I doing my due diligence along the way? Indeed. But you see, 


Things were looking great. (This test taken immediately after liquid test above). Upon receiving said strips and first use, I had reported them as possibly faulty. Said I’ve used these before but this time the strips looked more yellow than previous orders. I mentioned that possibly moisture affected the contents of the container? Even though sealed with silica gel. Was reassured the coloration of strips is fine/normal. Accepted this response at face value and have been using them for 1+ month, but today was the true test/proof; no longer a hunch.

Anyway, after the expletives kerfuffle, I did a 50% water change with a few extra dashes of Prime, and the new tank dosage amount of Fritz Zyme 7 (Dear past self, thank you for helping present self by thinking ahead and replacing the near empty container of Fritz Zyme 7, despite not having a specific purpose for it at the time.) 

Everything else is cool (normal readings) and these kids are ok too, but they grouped up because they didn’t like the siphon in their vicinity, plus the additional light.





Spike did eat some worms for me today. When I get home again I will be moving some seeded filter media to this tank).

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 12/7/2023 at 8:45 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I spiked the Repashy with garlic guard today and it doesn’t seem like anybody wanted it!

Well, Snoopy loves garlic Repashy and the snails are practically fighting over it. Even the nerites are there!





.5 ammonia today still in Spike’s tank. Another 50% water change with Prime and added some seeded floss from another tank. Put that near the air in 2 sections of tank. Everyone in the tank enjoyed grindal worms today. Spike popped his dorsal fin up and went into hunting mode, swimming toward the prey in quick spurts.

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