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Random photo dump from diving, taken over the years (except the manatee, which was from snorkeling. By law you can’t dive with them. The sound of the bubbles disrupts their ability to rest in the springs).





Gray Angelfish


Why are the photos so blue? The deeper you go, the more color is lost as sunlight dissipates. The colorful photos you see from National Geographic are taken with expensive cameras. 

Alligator gar




Crow’s nest. Might be the Duane or the Spiegel Grove? (Wrecks in the FL keys)


Descending to a wreck


Long time friend (Peter, he owns several dive shops) peeking out of a wreck, and me. I love this photo because it looks like we’re neighbors having a chat.


Descent for a drift dive


Snorkeling with manatees (they come into the springs in winter.. brrr. Air temp maybe 35 degrees. Water temp 70ish. Stay in the water as long as possible! ❄️) I take a thermos of hot chocolate and a fleece lined dive jacket to put on over my wetsuit.


How I carve my Jack-o-lanterns. The fish eat the shavings. (We scoop the pumpkin guts out on land and carry the hollow pumpkin to the water)


I believe this is a robinfish. They walk on their little claw-fin-thingies.


Goliath grouper. This shot is pretty comical. Everyone survived LOL. They thump underwater .. from their throat - very loud!


Taking a rest in rainbow river.


Dive charter in the FL keys



Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 6/2/2023 at 6:35 AM, Guppysnail said:

Thank you friend for sharing!  I would have panicked seeing that grouper. Would/could they actually eat a person by mistake?


They are known to be peaceful. They thump to say, leave me alone! Sharks on the other hand.. jk. Most sharks are peaceful too. But not all kinds of sharks (ie: great white which we don’t have around here). The sharks I usually see are nurse sharks (giant catfish bottom feeder shark) and black tip reef shark. Never had a problem with any except one time a diver speared a lion fish (invasive, kills lots of pretty fish) and the shark came to get the dead lion fish because he smelled the fish blood. Then within just a few minutes several other sharks were doing a wide circle around us. I ditched that guy and ascended a little. 😂😐 (I didn’t know him and he was being careless with his speargun anyway). “I’m out!”

We have a rule in diving. If you see a shark, you don’t have to outswim it. You just have to outswim your dive buddy.👍

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On 6/2/2023 at 6:58 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

he was being careless with his speargun anyway).

Humans are the most dangerous species. I watch nature shows on tv mostly. Often I see top 10 most dangerous xyz critter. Then they tell you how many humans die each year from them. The number pales in comparison to human to human death tolls. 


On 6/2/2023 at 6:58 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

We have a rule in diving. If you see a shark, you don’t have to outswim it. You just have to outswim your dive buddy.

Good advice if you are not the slower dive buddy 🤣🤣🤣

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Here's another cool dive site that I have been to several times. It is called Devil's Den (not my photos). As the water moves, the light reflects all kinds of patterns on the walls of the cavern. What's a cavern, @Chick-In-Of-TheSea?  It's the part of the cave that sunlight reaches.  Cavern certification (I have) and cave certification (no thank you) are 2 different things with different skillsets.  Fun fact: a cavern at night is considered a cave, and requires cave certification to enter.

This sign appear where the cavern stops and the cave begins.

Stop. Prevent Your Death' Said Sign At Florida Underwater ...

I usually pair up my Devil's Den dive with Blue Grotto because the sites are so close to each other.




Blue Grotto is a fancy name for "sinkhole".  🤣  The site is unique in that it has an air bell 30 feet down. You can surface into the air bell and take out your reg and breathe fresh air. They pump fresh, clean air into the air bell just for that purpose. (Again, not my photos)





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On 6/2/2023 at 9:12 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Blue Grotto is a fancy name for "sinkhole". 

In Mexico, they are cenotés, and my favorite place to swim.

Sadly, over development of Cancun and Tulum ruined over 20 cenotés that shared the same subterranean river, and a lot of fish species endemic to those cenotés may have been lost forever....

Really awesome pics! My bestie from middle school and her husband own a boat in Morehead/Beaufort, NC that people charter for deep sea fishing and dives.

There are great whites off the coast of NC, and generally they leave folx alone. Even watched drone footage of a tagged great white swimming under a paddle board for a handful of minutes, and then moseying on...

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On 6/2/2023 at 11:33 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

This one is a pretty one. ❤️

We were talking about these on Bentley's last stream. 🙂

Chat got to vote on fish for the new tank and there was a few variations on the theme.  The one in the sticker is the Boesemani Rainbow


I'm going to need a few of these guys one day.
Spotted or gertrude blue eye

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On 6/2/2023 at 11:14 PM, Torrey said:

Sadly, over development

😔 ugh. I hate that.

On 6/2/2023 at 11:14 PM, Torrey said:

Really awesome pics! My bestie from middle school and her husband own a boat in Morehead/Beaufort, NC that people charter for deep sea fishing and dives

Thank you!  & sounds like you have free dive trips for life?  

On 6/2/2023 at 11:14 PM, Torrey said:

There are great whites off the coast of NC, and generally they leave folx alone. Even watched drone footage of a tagged great white swimming under a paddle board for a handful of minutes, and then moseying on.

That’s great to hear. The dive instructors tell us that the majority of shark attacks happen at the beach. Because 1) there is a lot of flailing which attracts the shark (it thinks a fish is in distress, and 2) the waves are constantly churning everything up, so the shark can’t see what it actually is and has to taste the person  to know. 

I forgot about bull sharks. Now those we do have around here. Divers I know have reported they are very bold. I have never seen one. I have about 110 or 115 dives so far. Not all saltwater, but a lot are. I’m going to add 2 to my count next weekend!

On 6/3/2023 at 2:18 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

I'm going to need a few of these guys one day.

Those are so cool. And #1 on the list, furcatus, I love them so much. My LFS has them. They should really have at least a 20g, as they will traverse the whole space.  Watch their fins 😍

The thread fins are amazing too. You should watch vids of both to see the unique fin action. When I was in LFS one threadfin was flaring to put on a show for another. Two males, but it was just a sort of I’m better than you thing they had going on.


Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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@Lennie @Guppysnail get ready for this one.

Woke up, yawn, get coffee.. it’s brewing. Go on a hunt for a burrowing nerite. Nope. Not today. Clatter clatter! (??). From Walstad jar / QT tote area.. tank stands ok? Tanks ok? (Mind goes to the worst scenario). All is well. Cats are in kitchen eating. I imagined it? 

No more noise.

Start watching community tank. Feed Geppetto, have a conversation with him. Clatter, click… sounds.. glassy? Clinking glasses noise. Again, Walstad jar area.


Ok ok, grab flashlight..


Do you see? 👆


Ok. This is the frog that lives in the wreath on my door. I know this because my door has an oval window and I see him from inside.

Ok so now I….. STOP!  BUT FIRST! COFFEE!

Sip sip.. ok. Let’s see what we can do. I grab 2 of my frog catchers. I finagle them around the frog. Whoa!  The jumpers work really well! 😂 WHY IN THE GLASSWARE!?


We are over here now.


After 2 more jumps to the other side, and me removing glass by glass.. I caught him in one of my frog catchers. (Side note: he survived 2 cats, unnoticed, unscathed. Props to him!)


Omg he is looking at me, HOW CUTE IS HE?!?!?!


At this point I’m telling him like a hundred times how adorable he is, whilst looking for something to slide under my frog catcher. I came up with a piece of cabinet liner which I have on the Walstad surface so I can put wet tools there. So that worked. And he was safely returned to the garden. 🌱

And my frog catcher is now in a sanitizing bath. Lastly, I will add washing glassware to today’s to do list. 😂

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 6/3/2023 at 1:35 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

@Lennie @Guppysnail get ready for this one.

Woke up, yawn, get coffee.. it’s brewing. Go on a hunt for a burrowing nerite. Nope. Not today. Clatter clatter! (??). From Walstad jar / QT tote area.. tank stands ok? Tanks ok? (Mind goes to the worst scenario). All is well. Cats are in kitchen eating. I imagined it? 

No more noise.

Start watching community tank. Feed Geppetto, have a conversation with him. Clatter, click… sounds.. glassy? Clinking glasses noise. Again, Walstad jar area.


Ok ok, grab flashlight..


Do you see? 👆


Ok. This is the frog that lives in the wreath on my door. I know this because my door has an oval window and I see him from inside.

Ok so now I….. STOP!  BUT FIRST! COFFEE!

Sip sip.. ok. Let’s see what we can do. I grab 2 of my frog catchers. I finagle them around the frog. Whoa!  The jumpers work really well! 😂 WHY IN THE GLASSWARE!?


We are over here now.


After 2 more jumps to the other side, and me removing glass by glass.. I caught him in one of my frog catchers. (Side note: he survived 2 cats, unnoticed, unscathed. Props to him!)


Omg he is looking at me, HOW CUTE IS HE?!?!?!


At this point I’m telling him like a hundred times how adorable he is, whilst looking for something to slide under my frog catcher. I came up with a piece of cabinet liner which I have on the Walstad surface so I can put wet tools there. So that worked. And he was safely returned to the garden. 🌱

And my frog catcher is now in a sanitizing bath. Lastly, I will add washing glassware to today’s to do list. 😂

Aw 😄 He just wanted some friyay night drinkies


All week long he works in the pond swimming back and forth taking care of his family. He deserved some drinkies!


@Guppysnail Froggins future boyfriend? 😝 That's a handsome boy! 


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On 6/3/2023 at 3:35 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Omg he is looking at me, HOW CUTE IS HE?!?!?!


That's my second favorite animal apart from sharks. 😂

It is very cool that you have a little buddy.

On 6/3/2023 at 2:31 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:
On 6/2/2023 at 8:14 PM, Torrey said:

There are great whites off the coast of NC, and generally they leave folx alone. Even watched drone footage of a tagged great white swimming under a paddle board for a handful of minutes, and then moseying on.

That’s great to hear. The dive instructors tell us that the majority of shark attacks happen at the beach. Because 1) there is a lot of flailing which attracts the shark (it thinks a fish is in distress, and 2) the waves are constantly churning everything up, so the shark can’t see what it actually is and has to taste the person  to know. 

I forgot about bull sharks. Now those we do have around here. Divers I know have reported they are very bold. I have never seen one. I have about 110 or 115 dives so far. Not all saltwater, but a lot are. I’m going to add 2 to my count next weekend!

It might be.... Let me check something.

(Sidenote, you really should check out "playing with sharks" on Disney+)

Alright there likely was some off the Carolinas that I'm getting mixed up with. The ones from jaws were based off of some attacks in 1916 in the NY area.


On 6/2/2023 at 8:12 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

It's the part of the cave that sunlight reaches.  Cavern certification (I have) and cave certification (no thank you) are 2 different things with different skillsets.  Fun fact: a cavern at night is considered a cave, and requires cave certification to enter.

That's cool! I imagine that gives you a lot of unique areas to be able to explore.

On 6/2/2023 at 3:58 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

The sharks I usually see are nurse sharks

Aren't they the best!


On 6/2/2023 at 3:58 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Never had a problem with any except one time a diver speared a lion fish (invasive, kills lots of pretty fish) and the shark came to get the dead lion fish because he smelled the fish blood. Then within just a few minutes several other sharks were doing a wide circle around us. I ditched that guy and ascended a little. 😂😐 (I didn’t know him and he was being careless with his speargun anyway). “I’m out!”

The main advice they give people in some intense situations like that is to head to the boat or down. That way you can actually see what's coming. You'll never see a shark that wants to sneak up on you.... They are just too intelligently designed for that.


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On 6/3/2023 at 12:05 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

That's my second favorite animal apart from sharks


On 6/3/2023 at 12:05 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

based off of some attacks in 1916 in the NY area

!!! Oh great. The bull shark. The one we have here. 🥲 Still gonna dive. #yolo 

On 6/3/2023 at 12:05 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Aren't they the best!

One of the night dives I did, a big nurse shark was the first thing I saw on my descent. Super cool. Night dives are awesome because you see the TRUE colors of the fish in your light. Day dives we have light dissipation to deal with. Also bioluminescent things, plankton etc chill in the light beam. Sidenote- divers see other divers because we attach glow sticks to our tanks. Also some glow stick-type-devices that are battery operated remain off until their sensors get wet. I had one that flashes. I think I loaned it out to a newer diver and just used a regular glow stick and didn’t get it back. So I use this one. I just twist it to turn it on.




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On 6/3/2023 at 10:59 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

!!! Oh great. The bull shark. The one we have here. 🥲 Still gonna dive. #yolo 

They are legitimately the most dangerous shark to humans for a variety of reasons.  From the shows and things I've seen they can be basically what amounts to a gymrat on steroids of the shark world. Aggressive when they want to be and they have too much testosterone for their own good sometimes. Can live in fresh and saltwater.... Oh such a fun shark. (No sarcasm).

I would expect that migratory routes would determine what you see locally. There's probably a lot of species as long as fishing or nets aren't a major issue. East coast sharks can be weird sometimes with where they are. Pacific is a bit cooler I believe and so there's bigger sharks here. I'm no expert, but I believe that's how it works.


On 6/3/2023 at 10:59 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Also bioluminescent things, plankton etc chill in the light beam. Sidenote- divers see other divers because we attach glow sticks to our tanks. Also some glow stick-type-devices that are battery operated remain off until their sensors get wet. I had one that flashes. I think I loaned it out to a newer diver and just used a regular glow stick and didn’t get it back. So I use this one. I just twist it to turn it on.

That's wonderful. The northern lights of sorts that few people get to see. 🙂

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