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Today has been such an exciting day! The tank housekeeping and decorating complete, I was ready to receive my snail mail!

5 magenta cuties arrived securely packaged by the one, the only, snail lover extraordinaire  @Guppysnail. 👏 🎉

Now this one has been interesting because I had to do adulting (work) and hubby was voluntold for acclimation! So he floated their container and then added tank water after 30 minutes. I was lucky enough to get a long lunch break, so I came home to check on everyone. I found only 4/5 in their container because this brave one initiated a perimeter sweep!


I finished the acclimation during lunch break and left everyone at the lunch counter (except our explorer).


After returning home, I found 2 explorers and 3 nappers. 2 of the nappers traversed the length of the tank and found a “house” to reside in and the other moved a little bit and just parked it on the sand for a snooze right then and there. They’ve had a long TWO days - yep, we had to go 2 day shipping because rates were high. But all is well here despite that.





And one even delighted me with an adorable parasnail. ORD! 😍

Also Snoopy saw the camera and immediately wanted to be the center of attention (typical) so here you go. 🙄


And York is tidying up for the company. 


Let me tell you, pics don’t do these beauties justice. Their color is so rich and pretty. Thank you so much @Guppysnail!

P.S. Did you see Snoopy video bomb too? Psh..!

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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Wow! Those are really pretty. They're mystery snail? That is one surprise I wasn't expecting from setting up tank, was really enjoying my snail. I wanted shrimp, but decided to get a mystery snail after all the ghost shrimp died. I may have to get a hold of @Guppysnail to see about getting one of those! 


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On 10/5/2022 at 5:34 PM, A3M0N said:

Wow! Those are really pretty. They're mystery snail? That is one surprise I wasn't expecting from setting up tank, was really enjoying my snail. I wanted shrimp, but decided to get a mystery snail after all the ghost shrimp died. I may have to get a hold of @Guppysnail to see about getting one of those! 


Yep! They are magenta mystery snails. Aren’t they fun to watch?

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On 10/5/2022 at 5:34 PM, A3M0N said:

Wow! Those are really pretty. They're mystery snail? That is one surprise I wasn't expecting from setting up tank, was really enjoying my snail. I wanted shrimp, but decided to get a mystery snail after all the ghost shrimp died. I may have to get a hold of @Guppysnail to see about getting one of those! 


Those were the last. TJ and some other forum folks took the rest. I’m breeding other types of snails now so keep an eye on their journals for magenta babies. 🤗

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The runt of the new gang has been tucked in. I haven’t seen his little face yet. But I’m not overly worried about him because I keep finding him in different positions. 

On left:








My filter has a baffle so I know it’s not current moving him.

For some reason he LOVES the Wondershell. It’s like his security blanket. So I will call him Linus. 

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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The growth spurt makes a lot of sense. So does the excess napping  The larger ones went through a major growth spurt I mean big growth spurt you can see the size disparity just before I sent them to you. So the little ones are due to have a growth spurt. I guess growing that much shell takes a lot of energy so mine always nap just before and during a growth spurt. These guys were the smaller ones after I sent most of them out so they were the ones getting most out competed for food.   I’m glad they love your snello 🥰

I still have my fingers crossed the two pipsqueaks that I kept with me are going to have a growth spurt.

Edited by Guppysnail
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On 10/6/2022 at 8:31 AM, Guppysnail said:

The larger ones went through a major growth spurt I mean big growth spurt

I’m certain they are bigger than York! Here’s one pic of York’s slumber party.

Eh. I guess due to the angle you can’t really size compare. Ah well. Maybe I can get a side by side later.


Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 10/6/2022 at 10:35 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Are these all from your newest clutch? Can’t be. They grew too much.

They are. I have not hatched a clutch in over a year other than these. I have 3 girls 3 boys from the ones I bought and still have them. These were raised since hatch in 2 tanks that have never had mystery snails. So yes they are from this clutch. Yours were the smaller ones from this clutch…unless aliens beamed magenta snail extras in 🤣

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On 10/6/2022 at 9:26 AM, Guppysnail said:

I have a theory on size. I think how big they can grow depends a lot on how much of the right things they get to eat in the early life stage. Those are only 1/3 the size of my girls that I got very young. 

 Boy my babies must be feed well then they are chubby little boogers  and growing fast lol! 😂  their color and shells are beautiful with the veggies and calcium from the egg shells  and the new ones are mating and laying eggs i pulled 2 clutches out today 

@Chick-In-Of-TheSea your new snail babies are  beautiful   have fun watching them grew 


Edited by Bev C
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Thanks @Bev C

More movement from Linus but I still have not witnessed the traveling, the sneaky little bugger.


And here are Goliath and Button. I suspect Bon Bon and Woodstock ate the Repashy so I dropped in some Crab Cuisine for these two.



Also my anubias has some kind of weird growth under the leaves. 2 leaves are affected so far. If anyone can identify what is going on with this plant, let me know!


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Our very first magenta clutch, folks!  How do I know this? This is not York’s style. I’ve handled 22 of York’s football clutches (so far). 🙂  Anyway, this is nice. It means somebody is happy in there. Happy enough to lay eggs. Also this is why I keep a dropped waterline as well and have a baffle. The baffle reduces current and noise.



Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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