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Sponge Filter Air Collar? Air Ring?

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So, once, in some video, I saw Cory messing with these 3D printed collars for aerating sponge filters. It looked like they hooked on between the housing and the up-tube. Then you'd run the air line to it and it'd diffuse the bubbles evenly into the tube. Is there something like that currently on the market?

I've been trying to google it, but maybe I'm not using the right words. Or maybe it doesn't exist... Seems like it'd be a great piece of kit.

Have any of you seen anything like that?

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It doesn't exist yet outside of what we are testing currently. Currently it's in testing to see if calcium or debris buildup becomes a problem. If it passes these tests we'll take it to a manufacturer and see how we can have it produced.

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On 5/10/2022 at 6:37 PM, Cory said:

It doesn't exist yet outside of what we are testing currently. Currently it's in testing to see if calcium or debris buildup becomes a problem. If it passes these tests we'll take it to a manufacturer and see how we can have it produced.

It's not like a jetlifter?

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I suppose it is like a jetlifter, but those are made for specifically those mattenfilter/their sponge blocks? There wasn't anything on the market that adapts to normal sponge filters that I'm aware of.

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On 5/10/2022 at 3:37 PM, Cory said:

It doesn't exist yet outside of what we are testing currently. Currently it's in testing to see if calcium or debris buildup becomes a problem. If it passes these tests we'll take it to a manufacturer and see how we can have it produced.

I imagine there is someone on staff that does 3d modeling for you, especially for prototyping purposes.  If this product "works" would you ever consider modifying the top attachment of a sponge filter?  (essentially, the piece you have on the current design where you attach the small piece of tube and airstone to produce finer bubbles)

You could sell something as a "mod kit" and then update the products in manufacturing if that's something you want to carry long term as a design improvement for your filters.

Edit:  For context..... This is what we are talking about:


Style 1 - External connection


Style 2: Internal connection

As a sidenote. If you look at the photos here, this is another similar "option" for something that I keep getting ads for from the amazon robots.

Edited by nabokovfan87
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On 5/10/2022 at 12:37 PM, Cory said:

It doesn't exist yet outside of what we are testing currently. Currently it's in testing to see if calcium or debris buildup becomes a problem. If it passes these tests we'll take it to a manufacturer and see how we can have it produced.

I just want them because they look fun. I can clean calcium off with vinegar. What are you thinking of the final product being made of? If I may inquire. If it's stainless, I'll buy it. I can use stainless in my home brewing stuff. To airate wort, must, etc and to diffuse CO2 in the final product. Along with in my pool in the winter, ponds, water storage tanks and aquariums. Let. Me. Give. You. My. Money! 

I could mill my own... But I have no time. And I won't make the time.

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The intended goal with this would be to sell this as an accessory. I believe it would be made out of plastic to keep the cost down.

We have a few things to think about. I think we've sold like 30k+ sponge filters so far, how many of those would potentially want this "improvement" so we'd need to sell it as a separate unit. After say a year or 2 of selling these, if everyone simply wants this as a included thing, we could change or add in this to all the sponge filters we sell.

However we have started with 3d printing, having it mocked up and printed by a forum member here from my idea. We actually have 3 different designs to test. I have bought a 3d printer myself, I just need to set it up and start playing with it. Then I can make some more. Currently Dean and I are testing them in our fish room in limited quantities.

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When you hard hard water with high kh, calcium deposits will happen no matter what. Its the main reason I stopped using rimmless tanks. But if the plastic piece can be usable again after soaking in vinegar, that's a win. 

I've tried to get the felt pads that come with air stones usable again with vinegar. It doesn't work.

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On 5/12/2022 at 7:53 AM, sairving said:

When you hard hard water with high kh, calcium deposits will happen no matter what. Its the main reason I stopped using rimmless tanks. But if the plastic piece can be usable again after soaking in vinegar, that's a win. 

I've tried to get the felt pads that come with air stones usable again with vinegar. It doesn't work.

I have very hard water where I live as well. I’ve found that if I take the felt out completely maybe every few tank cleanings and use a brush for cleaning reusable straws on it I can get the deposits off and they last longer. 

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On 5/11/2022 at 12:35 PM, Cory said:

The intended goal with this would be to sell this as an accessory. I believe it would be made out of plastic to keep the cost down.

We have a few things to think about. I think we've sold like 30k+ sponge filters so far, how many of those would potentially want this "improvement" so we'd need to sell it as a separate unit. After say a year or 2 of selling these, if everyone simply wants this as a included thing, we could change or add in this to all the sponge filters we sell.

However we have started with 3d printing, having it mocked up and printed by a forum member here from my idea. We actually have 3 different designs to test. I have bought a 3d printer myself, I just need to set it up and start playing with it. Then I can make some more. Currently Dean and I are testing them in our fish room in limited quantities.

That remind me of the one swiss tropicals use on their. It move alot of water but can get clog up easily.

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