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@nabokovfan87 she couldn't remember what he was and wasn't taking very good care of him. We have a petco here and I tried to ask them but sadly the people there are not well knowledgeable. But she probably got him there. The pictures are close to what he looks like but his markings along his back is different. 

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On 4/11/2022 at 1:14 PM, Danielle77 said:

The pictures are close to what he looks like but his markings along his back is different. 

totally agreed. There are also varieties of these I have seen at the big box stores. Hard to say. I don't see the spots, but everything else looks extremely close.


Spotted sailfin pleco - Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps

Here is an article with a similar coloration "common pleco".  I am going to wager both of these aren't the scientifically "common" variety or a sailfin pleco, but something else entirely. Sailfin's I have seen are grey/black with a very specific fin, and the common plecos I've seen are very specifically black.



Difficult to say which one until it gets a little bit bigger.

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I would love it if there was a reverse photo search here. but this is likely your best bet to narrow down what could or couldn't be.


On 4/11/2022 at 1:24 PM, Danielle77 said:

I was going crazy looking at tons of different pictures of plecos trying to find a match lol. I'm just hoping he doesn't get much bigger. He has grown almost an inch since I got him and has a regular diet. 

I would try to find someone locally if you can who has a big tank? Donate the fish that route if at all possible. If it's a clown pleco they want some wood. If it's a sailfin or other variety it's going to mostly be on the glass.  If it's a common pleco, you'll know.

Do you have any idea how old it is?

It would also help slightly if you can get a photo of the dorsal fin extended out to get an idea of the shape.

Rio Negro (or clown pleco varieties): Small
Sailfin = 20 inches
Common = 24+ inches.

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I'm not sure of age because she didn't really care about the fish she had. She couldn't tell me anything about him. I've tried to get a picture of the dorsal fin but every time I get close to the tank he puts it down lol. I've thought about finding him a different home but locally I don't have very many choices. 

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On 4/11/2022 at 1:52 PM, Danielle77 said:

I'm not sure of age because she didn't really care about the fish she had. She couldn't tell me anything about him. I've tried to get a picture of the dorsal fin but every time I get close to the tank he puts it down lol. I've thought about finding him a different home but locally I don't have very many choices. 

Yeah I definitely understand that. What size tank is he in right now?

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I would keep him there, until you know what it is and have a plan. Definitely sucks that some of these fish are hard to ID (same photos around all over the place with 3-4 different names), but it also is extremely unfortunate it's so easy to get your hands on gigantic fish without really knowing how big they truly get.  Using the idea of "they are hearty" and low return rates as a means to ignore the lifespan / size of a fish..... very unfortunate.

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On 4/11/2022 at 3:52 PM, Danielle77 said:

I'm not sure of age because she didn't really care about the fish she had. She couldn't tell me anything about him. I've tried to get a picture of the dorsal fin but every time I get close to the tank he puts it down lol. I've thought about finding him a different home but locally I don't have very many choices. 

I was given a common pleco in a tank from a friend who was moving away. I had to sit still for an hour to get a picture of him coming out and eating (the pleco, not the friend), and when he saw me move he'd dive for a hiding spot so fast it made the little plastic castle spin.

Edited by drewzero1
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On 4/11/2022 at 3:01 PM, Guppysnail said:

Are his lighter stripes a bit brighter in person?  I’m by no means an expert fish ID type person but he almost looks like a candy stripe L015 Peckoltia vittata

yeah, that's one of the options.  The troubling thing mentioned was growing 1" since under new care.

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On 4/11/2022 at 6:37 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

yeah, that's one of the options.  The troubling thing mentioned was growing 1" since under new care.

My lemons at juvenile ages can jump an inch in a few weeks when I move them from grow out of 80 juveniles to groups of 10 in other tanks. Then the ones I kept when put in tanks alone jumped another inch in a month. 
I would definitely try to get a positive id before I rehomed that adorable little one. Definitely a cutie pie 🥰

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@Guppysnailhe is dark like the picture shows. I also made the mistake of naming him (Rufio) lol. So I'll probably be keeping him until he out grows the tanks I have. 

On 4/11/2022 at 5:37 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

yeah, that's one of the options.  The troubling thing mentioned was growing 1" since under new care.

I'm not surprised that he grew, he was in a tank with a broken heater and the tank was leaking come to find out. All other fish she had died and she wasn't feeding him. Part of the supplies she gave me was a big can of flake food that was expired about a year. Tank was in a basement with no light. I'm shocked he was still alive really. 

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On 4/11/2022 at 4:04 PM, Danielle77 said:

I'm not surprised that he grew, he was in a tank with a broken heater and the tank was leaking come to find out. All other fish she had died and she wasn't feeding him. Part of the supplies she gave me was a big can of flake food that was expired about a year. Tank was in a basement with no light. I'm shocked he was still alive really. 

what is the overall size right now?  what was the size of the tank it was in previously?  The broken heater slows the metabolism a bit, but I would think most common plecos handle cooler tanks pretty well (My clowns don't mind the low 70's).  Old food sounds about right, I am sure the little guy (hopefully) really enjoyed having normal food for once.

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On 4/11/2022 at 7:04 PM, Danielle77 said:

@Guppysnailhe is dark like the picture shows. I also made the mistake of naming him (Rufio) lol. So I'll probably be keeping him until he out grows the tanks I have. 

I'm not surprised that he grew, he was in a tank with a broken heater and the tank was leaking come to find out. All other fish she had died and she wasn't feeding him. Part of the supplies she gave me was a big can of flake food that was expired about a year. Tank was in a basement with no light. I'm shocked he was still alive really. 

They are pretty amazing really. I had an H. Plecostomus that jumped the tank one night after I was asleep. Found him on the floor the next morning, horrified. He had been there long enough that there was no water on the floor and he wasn't visibly wet. But on the offchance he was alive, I put him back in the tank. Within a couple of minutes he was back in his usual spot on my driftwood!

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