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Rimless/frameless tanks


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The only rimless tank I own is a Marineland 93 cube, the only thing I don't like is being able to see the water line and I get scale build up at the water line because I have hard water. I had to buy some clips to hold the glass top on from someone who 3D prints them as the ones that came from Marineland were too flimsy and broke easily.

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i am a fan of rimless tanks as nanos and for aquascaping, i feel like a black rim really detracts from the look when you are building an aquascape that comes up out of the tank. for nano tanks i prefer long/wide tanks and for larger ones i prefer cubes. 

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4 hours ago, Cory said:

I’m not a fan of rimless really. I do enjoy the marine land 93 cube and their glass top design.


3 hours ago, Chandra said:

Thank you @Cory. Thats what I think finally after my research too.

Curious why not? The cost is generally higher, but these are things that should last and material requirements kinda make that make sense. I think the lack of frame could be interpreted to make them less durable, but they should be built to compensate, right? You can't just rely on the frame to hold it on an economical stand, so I can see that being a reason as well.

I don't have a strong opinion either way, and also currently only have rimmed tanks except for a fluval flex. Did I just list all your reasons? 😄 

Edited by dublicious
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I am not a fan of rimless either. Some people prefer the look of them, but personally if I want a tank to be super neat looking in my house, I prefer a rimmed tank with a canopy anyway. With a rimless tank it's often very difficult to get a lid to work, so you are often limited to fish that wont jump, as well as keeping the water level lower. If you cant get a lid for it you lose all the other benefits of lids as well. And yes you have increased cost too. Rather than getting a rimless 20 gal, I'd rather get a rimmed 55 or maybe even like a 75 gal for the same price. You may be able to find cheaper options of rimless, but keep in mind that the cheaper you go, the more likely it is to not be built sturdy enough to compensate for the lack of a rim.

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I get all the reasons against rimless tanks. Especially since I have one. I tried for a while to get a special lid but was unsuccessful to find something that I thought was aesthetically acceptable for my room.

I have had a few little friends jump out, mostly been saved. I do have to add water to it between weekly water changes. Yet I think I would buy it again if I were starting over. It’s a nice looking waterbox. 

i would just Recommend knowing the cons before you go into it to decide if the aesthetics are worth the negatives. For me it is. 

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I have both rimless and framed tanks. This time around I was originally VERY pro rimless. 

What I really like about the rimless tanks is the ability to plant above the water line and have unbroken visual flow. But the price is a big detractor, and if you need a lid you might as well hide the water line behind a frame anyway.

If I was doing it over, I would actually buy/build rimless in larger sizes to really maximize the paludarium opportunities, and keep the nano tanks cheaper. But I had to try the little ones to see how and when it really mattered to me and when it really does not.

I do have some neat clips that I got on amazon that makes a sheet of glass into a lid. But for my case that defeats the whole point.

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I like both, but my favorite tank right now is a rimless 7.5 gallon cube. Rimless is really nice for emergent plants, rocks, and wood.

I prefer black silicone in all my tanks, because it breaks up the refraction for corner viewing and imaging.


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I like my rimless 6 gallon but can’t swallow the price difference for the larger tanks. I like lidless though - I do a lot of plants that emerge above the rim or float, and the evaporation means less of a water change which means a less heavy bucket. No jumpers so far... 

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I just bought a second Aquatop 14" cube (HCC-14) that was on sale at a local Seattle store ... I had no intention of buying another tank when I saw it but couldn't turn it down.  It will sit next to the same 14" cube I bought two years ago.  I'm a rimless cube fan and this Aquatop 11.33 gallon tank just happens to be the right size and the right price for me.

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