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Need Centerpiece Fish Ideas for this 20 Gal

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So, I've got this 20 gal planted that's coming along nicely. I've got 9 cherry barb and some ghost shrimp. Probably gonna put a hand full of pygmy corys in there once the tiny crypt in the front is rooted better. But I'm trying to decide on a  centerpiece fish.

I thought about a Blue Ram, but I really prefer easy fish and I don't want to have a special, warmer tank. I really like Dwarf Gouramies, but I've had some issues with mean gouramies. I've seen that the female Power Blue Gouramies are pretty chill.

Maybe a nice, blue Betta? What would you guys suggest for something that'd be awesome in there.

20 gal, Finnex Stingray 2, Nice HOB (can't remember brand), 7.5ph, 78deg,


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I've got a male thick-lipped gourami (was sold as a honey) in our 37 gallon.  In any event, he is pretty interactive and fun to watch.  There's not a cubic inch of tank volume that he doesn't frequent.  Literally everywhere all the time... patrolling?  Not mean to anyone... gets along great with what has probably grown to about 50 cherry shrimp, 15 tetras of a couple different types, and some sterbai corys.  Everyone seems to get along well.


He particularly loves floating vegetation, will come peck at your finger, and eat flake out of your hand as well.

Edited by jwcarlson
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I think that if you are ok with losing the shrimp a betta, gourami, or Ram could work.

Bolivian rams tend to be super chill, they shoal together, and are like little mini-geophagus I've never seen them go after amanos but never tried with neos or ghosts.

A single nannacara or dwarf acaras (I have Krobia xinguensis) or a single or pair of an apistogramma like cacatoides they may or may not go after the shrimp. Once again shrimp are on the menu.

Kribensis you could do a pair.

A group of Pseudomeugil rainbows could be great, lots of choices, don't get too big but man they have big personalities and loads of color. Their courting is a sight to behold. 

What about livebearers? Lots of choices traditionally an all male guppy tank could be done like 5 males, go moscow/big tail and they won't be able to catch each other. Tiger limia are rarer and really fun. Platys loads of different ones, I am partial to the teacup platys. 

None of them would really go after the barbs or the future pygmy corys well maybe the kribs. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I went with a Female Powder Blue Gourami. I was at ACO and they had some real pretty ones.

I almost bought this incredible, mostly red Koi Half Moon they had there. It was on their expensive wall, so I was thinking it over while I was looking around the store for other stuff. And then saw this family who's little girl had picked that one out. It really was a looker.

So I thanked them for saving me the $40. They were adorable.

Edited by Corbidorbidoodle
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On 3/15/2022 at 1:01 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

Bolivian rams tend to be super chill, they shoal together, and are like little mini-geophagus I've never seen them go after amanos but never tried with neos or ghosts.

this is the first thing that came to mind.

Amanos are almost always "too big" for the rams and the rams will stick to their area and the shrimp will learn that.

The only issue is going to be temps and keeping the bolivian ram happy but beyond that it is my favorite centerpiece fish that has such amazing coloration. I cannot wait to have one again.


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