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Getting a pea puffer tomorrow


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That's a great video @Fish Folk! Some of the best footage I've seen of their behavior too. Your kid did awesome. Thanks!

Hmm, well I am using gravel as a substrate but it's the smoothest and smallest stuff I've found. If there are problems I'll reconfigure, as I can see how sand would help if they do decide to nosedive into it 🙂 

Great tips @Jennifer V, much appreciated!

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On 2/9/2022 at 12:57 PM, Chad said:

That's a great video @Fish Folk! Some of the best footage I've seen of their behavior too. Your kid did awesome. Thanks!

Hmm, well I am using gravel as a substrate but it's the smoothest and smallest stuff I've found. If there are problems I'll reconfigure, as I can see how sand would help if they do decide to nosedive into it 🙂 

Great tips @Jennifer V, much appreciated!

If you have fine, smooth gravel you’re probably OK. 

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On 2/9/2022 at 11:57 AM, Chad said:

That's a great video @Fish Folk

Hmm, well I am using gravel as a substrate but it's the smoothest and smallest stuff I've found. If there are problems I'll reconfigure, as I can see how sand would help if they do decide to nosedive into it 🙂 

Great tips @Jennifer V, much appreciated!

I actually have smooth gravel in mine because I didn't know any better at the time, but I haven't seen mine doing any nosedives. Mine more than likely try to escape out the top when they are worked up, so you'll probably be fine with the smooth gravel and a tight lid. 

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On 2/9/2022 at 11:17 AM, Jennifer V said:

I actually have smooth gravel in mine because I didn't know any better at the time, but I haven't seen mine doing any nosedives. Mine more than likely try to escape out the top when they are worked up, so you'll probably be fine with the smooth gravel and a tight lid. 

I made the same mistake with Nicodemus, and so far he has not hurt himself. 😳 

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On 2/9/2022 at 11:57 AM, Chad said:

Tight lid, check. And when I went to a lfs to personally inquire about pest snails I was told, "Oh yeah! $1.25 a dozen." Bought two dozen right out and I know where to go and get more if needed. 

Put them in a jar, with some greens, and feed a lot. You'll have your colony in no time!

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On 2/9/2022 at 12:57 PM, Chad said:

Tight lid, check. And when I went to a lfs to personally inquire about pest snails I was told, "Oh yeah! $1.25 a dozen." Bought two dozen right out and I know where to go and get more if needed. 

Yay! That's great news! If you have another tank you can throw them in, you'll have tons in no time. 

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On 2/9/2022 at 1:12 PM, Chad said:

Here's where I've currently got the snails. How aggressive do I need to be regarding a lid? Do they leave the water a lot?


Mine crawl up and out of my tank occasionally so maybe put something on top of it. They eat decayed plant matter, veggies and leftover food so you'll have no problem feeding the snails. I just throw algae wafers and shrimp food in for mine and they're doing great. They can also even live in sewage water, so they're hardy to say the least. 

As far the the decor, @Odd Duckmight know better about that. The edges don't look too sharp to me but you'll need a large amount of plant cover as well. I think you may have said you already have that, so perfect. 

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Thanks @Jennifer V, I do have plants. Lots of betta safe fake plants to use a filler too. Appreciate any and all tips on keeping pest snails. You have no idea how careful I've been to keep them out of my house... until now 🙂

I asked my daughter if she wanted to try something like that @Mydonkeyfish. She's creeped out by my cherry shrimp so that was a fast pass. It came down to a puffer or an african dwarf frog. I'm liking her choice but I'm sure the frog would've been great too.

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On 2/9/2022 at 3:50 PM, Chad said:

Thanks @Jennifer V, I do have plants. Lots of betta safe fake plants to use a filler too. Appreciate any and all tips on keeping pest snails. You have no idea how careful I've been to keep them out of my house... until now 🙂

I asked my daughter if she wanted to try something like that @Mydonkeyfish. She's creeped out by my cherry shrimp so that was a fast pass. It came down to a puffer or an african dwarf frog. I'm liking her choice but I'm sure the frog would've been great too.

Inverts are my favorite!

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Maybe you're a better dad than me, but I wouldn't let my kid put that in a tank. 😄  Well maybe if it was "their" tank, I guess.  I'm getting discus next week Tuesday and my wife wanted to put some Star Wars imperial fighter thing (the long legged robot) in the tank.  I cannot express to you how disappointed I was at her suggestion and wouldn't even acknowledge the idea.

All the way on the east tip of Iowa here, wonder how many of us are in here... scary to think about maybe.  I went to the LFS asking to buy bladder snails and he told me that he'd been actively getting rid of them and there weren't any left.  Much to my disappointment.  One of my Co-op plants seemed to have had a hitch hiker as there was one in the tank at some point.  But unfortunately disappeared and did so without laying eggs, it seems. 😞  

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Very funny stuff @jwcarlson. So here's the whole story: my kids first tank was this one but had a betta in it. It didn't end well. Learned a lot, yada yada. But I was such a control freak I'd secretly remove decorations she put in it and set it up the "right" way. So this is me trying to atone for past sins and I'm trying... REALLY trying to keep my opinion out of it. Wish me luck 😉 

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All depends on how old they are.  Mine are old enough to be reasoned with (9, almost 7, and almost 4).  And young enough to accept that we're doing it dad's way.  haha

I do let them pick out rocks to add to the rock pile that they like and stuff like that.  Or driftwood.  Just have to keep them within the parameters of reasonably natural looking.  

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For your bladder snails use nano banquet blocks from coop or Amazon with spirulina is best or a chip of wondershell or cuttlebone (bird section of pet store) The babies are soft and immediately search a calcium source to harden their shell. I raised  a bladder snail colony for awhile to seed my tanks with my gold albino ones and now have a new one. Sit your container in a window or leave a light on 24/7 until algae and diatom grows. Use easy green (they infest sewers so are not as susceptible to water quality) the babies need food near hatch food being biofilm and algae. Good luck. Congratulations on the pea.  I have never kept them but that string spells disaster for fish in general. Unfortunately not all tank decor being sold is safe. Perhaps you could talk her into a waterwheel like yours  😁 

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On 2/9/2022 at 12:57 PM, Chad said:

Tight lid, check. And when I went to a lfs to personally inquire about pest snails I was told, "Oh yeah! $1.25 a dozen." Bought two dozen right out and I know where to go and get more if needed. 

If you want a never ending supply


Throw in greens daily, and bloodworms or blackworms once a week if you add amphopods to the culture. The snails and amphopods are easy to culture together and keep pea puffers hunting skills pretty sharp.

If you don't want amphopods, use a regular mason jar to grow snails in. They keep reproducing in direct proportion to the food supply.😅

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On 2/9/2022 at 11:38 PM, Torrey said:

Throw in greens daily, and bloodworms or blackworms once a week if you add amphopods to the culture. The snails and amphopods are easy to culture together and keep pea puffers hunting skills pretty sharp.

If you don't want amphopods, use a regular mason jar to grow snails in. They keep reproducing in direct proportion to the food supply.😅

This is great @Torrey, thank you! You got me thinking of trying to add scuds to the mix, how might I go about getting a starter colony? Do fish stores have this sort of thing?

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On 2/10/2022 at 10:23 AM, Guppysnail said:

Goliad farms and Carolina biologic are two I know of. In Carolina they are listed as amphipods section. 

I don't believe I asked for your help @Guppysnail! 😉 Kidding, oh my lord am I just kidding.

Thanks so much, I'll check em out right now. One other thing, how extensive do I need to get in keeping them alive? I did research some things online and all are saying you need an airstone and whatnot. Is this true? I was really hoping to just go stagnant with the setup.

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On 2/10/2022 at 11:29 AM, Chad said:

I don't believe I asked for your help @Guppysnail! 😉 Kidding, oh my lord am I just kidding.

Thanks so much, I'll check em out right now. One other thing, how extensive do I need to get in keeping them alive? I did research some things online and all are saying you need an airstone and whatnot. Is this true? I was really hoping to just go stagnant with the setup.

🥳😝😝😝 to bad you got it anyway why….BECAUSE I AM NOSEY 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I have never kept them in a colony only thrown them in as food if they survive they survive.  That is so @Torrey’s wheelhouse. 

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