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Sub-alpine Creek biotope

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It’s been about a month so here is a review!


The nyos Viper is a dream no more sitting there after a water change playing with the ball valve. It’s quiet and best part is the shrimp don’t like the frequency of this pump so they no longer hang out in the pump chamber. And the wiper function on the intake is actually useful it clears duckweed and dead leaves even while it’s on!


I also found this clear eggcrate on amazon that locks into eachother and it is so much better then the netting from BRS and best part is this product is made with aquariums in mind so it fits snuggly 2x wide across my 50g breeder. The netting had no structure so it would get waterlogged and grow algae like crazy


Its sunny this morning so I managed to capture the 6 new WCMM added to the school. We are now at 14 total and I am hoping this will lead to more fry in the spring. Don’t mind the debris in the water this was 10 minutes after a WC.




Also have this wort type thing growing on the log as well as the moss really starting to stretch out 




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On 3/7/2024 at 11:37 AM, Biotope Biologist said:

Also have this wort type thing growing on the log

Have you ever had susswassertang?  Looks like the start of that (that’s kind of what suss is, after all).

All looking good!

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On 3/7/2024 at 1:00 PM, Odd Duck said:

Have you ever had susswassertang?  Looks like the start of that (that’s kind of what suss is, after all).

All looking good!

You might be right it does look like that! I didn’t plant half the plants I have haha so it could really be anything. This duckweed spawned out of nowhere.

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On 3/7/2024 at 3:39 PM, Biotope Biologist said:

You might be right it does look like that! I didn’t plant half the plants I have haha so it could really be anything. This duckweed spawned out of nowhere.

😆 Free plants!

Do you still have that maidenhair fern in there?  They go through a wort stage.  It could be another kind of fern from spores, too.

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On 3/7/2024 at 2:32 PM, Odd Duck said:

😆 Free plants!

Do you still have that maidenhair fern in there?  They go through a wort stage.  It could be another kind of fern from spores, too.

I have the rootball of the fern it did die back after the move. I assumed from shock but it could be the wort stage seeing as the roots are still very much alive and growing 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

It took a while to get pictures of her but here she is in all her gravid glory.


Also with more sun comes my plants out of hibernation. These are plants from Clemson area so I am unsure of the species but we got a fern and maybe some sort of bog violet? 

Had a caterpillar in the tank somehow and it did quite a bit of damage but it was too cute so I let it loose on the neighbors vine maple



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  • 4 weeks later...

I love the look of maidenhair ferns and you’ve got near perfect conditions there.  Slowly rotting wood to root into, easy access to water, and good humidity with the open top.  A light spritz of water on the wood if you have any extra dry spells and you have a self-perpetuating system.  My favorite is Adiantum pedatum but Adiantum aethiopicum is great, too.  So many varieties!  And I’m terrible at growing them all but I have to torture myself with trying every decade or so.  I need to do an open top tank like this and try again.  😆

If I get the perfect piece of wood and set it up with a tiny pump that trickles the water over part of the wood just at the margin of a hollow (have dremel, can carve) that still drains perfectly so I don’t forget to water it but it doesn’t stay sopping.  Have an airstone so bubbles are popping near by but not close enough to actually spatter on the leaves.  Maybe a couple tiny dwarf orchids attached a little higher on the piece nearby with a tiny bit of diverted water flow.  Maybe a Masdevallia orchid nestled in the deepest part of the wood hollow so you get glimpses of it between the maidenhair fronds.  I can dream, right?  🤣

I definitely don’t need another tank.  😝 🤣 🤣 

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