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Doubling up on subtrates? Fluval Stratum + sand?

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I am working on designing a new scape for a 75 gallon and ponderign about apsubstrates much like anynplanted aquarist (much more than normal people think I should🙃). I love the rooted planta like swords, but also prefer sand over gravel (I like the look better and I find its easier to clean).

I was thinking of doubling up on substrate, with something like Fluval Stratum on the bottom (begin enough for roots to grow through) and Carib Sea sand (this the brand I have found to prefer). Would this work int terms of giving my root plants room to grow but also giving the aesthetic I prefer? Would Carib Sea sand just fall between the Stratum and not have a hard division between and just look like a mistake? These are the questions I ponder in all my free time….

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It is possible to layer substrate at first to achieve a desired look “on top.” Typically, you will find that larger substrate stones tend to rise to surface, while finer stones fall through to the bottom. I suspect you might not be happy with the look of this plan long term. But if someone else has done it, I’d love to see.  

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I have used both of these exact substrates and agree with Fish Folk that CaribSea will settle through the Stratum and wind up on the bottom. If I were you, I would use just sand for two reasons. First, you like the look of it and second, the plants grow real good in it.  At least they do for me. Good luck.

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On 12/19/2021 at 4:37 PM, Streetwise said:

If you really want two layers, I have an idea…

I have a tank with three layers (dry cow manure, potting soil, then topped off with pool filter sand), but it's a fairly new tank, so it's too early to recommend it.  So far the plants seem to be doing well.

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