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Minanoras adventures in fishkeeping


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On 12/16/2022 at 3:14 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

It’s amazing how much clutter you can find…although some can be used for  aquarium purposes 😏

The problem is that it's mostly stuff we use by season or supplies for home maintenance. So I can't get rid of a lot of it.... I have gotten rid of some but not a lot. We don't waste things, especially with how expensive things are these days. It's the challenge of "how much is it worth to you to use this storage space for something else and get rid of this?" Frugality and practicality vs every day life and actuality... Some of the stuff, sure, there's a 5% chance we'll need to use it in the next 3 years.... But if I get rid of it, we'll need it tomorrow. Then we also store my father in laws tools and supplies in our garage... And we hunt, fish, and process a lot of our own food so there's 2 freezers and 2 fridges in the garage, plus brew beer so there's a space for all of that in the garage, including one more chest freezer. Landry machines are in the garage... Pressure washer, air compressor, generator, wood splitter.... All of which get used. The food freezers have more then just our food, it's a central place for all of the families meat, fish and vacuume sealed fruit for the year. I am getting rid of the oldest fridge and one freezer soon though. It's time for people to store their own stuff. 😂 Having the "hey, I'm stopping by to pick up some salmon, see you in 10" had gotten old over the last few years.

Some of that wood in the shed is going to get used for shelving in the fish room.

Meanwhile here are two of the cute otos in the Plaza. They are spawning again. So are the cories.


All of the harlequins in the 75 all together for once. Avoiding my son and his flashlight looking for Cory eggs. 🤣


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  • 5 weeks later...

I know I've been gone for a minute. These storms have created a lot of chaos for us. It's been one thing after another. I could have left the 10,000+ gallons of water under the house and had some epic pond action I guess. Yeah... no.

I got more yellow shrimps on Thursday, this time, all but one survived acclimation! Huzzah! I put them in the tank.... I haven't seen more than 12 at a time, but I'm sure most of the 30 new shrimps are in there somewhere!

I trimmed plants in all of the tanks, cleaned up duckweed. Mr. Swimmy has been terrorizing everyone in the 75.... so he's in a mesh breeder as of today. 😞 I need to work on my fish-she shed. The storms have slowed progress, we're 3 weeks behind, but that's okay. The storms were a blessing for that project. Now I see where the roof needs to be redone, and where water was flowing through gopher holes to the door and flooding the space. SO, I can take care of those problems now, instead of having much larger issues in the future.


Anyway, I'm still hanging in there. I miss you guys! Normal activities should resume soon, I hope! I got more otos, we have 7 in my sons tank now, they're all very fat and happy! I got black saddle guppies.... they're happy! I re-acquired some of my black swordtails, two girls... so now I have babies in a tank that shouldn't exist... 😄 *shrug* All the more reason to get my fish-she space done. We have to put a new roof on the house though... and solar... and redo all of our hvac under the house.... yeah, going to be a minute for my fish-she shed. Lets be real. T^T Adult me and carefree me.... they're sitting in a room talking about how they want to go on vacation. hahahaha.

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On 1/14/2023 at 8:40 PM, Odd Duck said:

Ugh. Adulting. 

Yeah then my dad showed up at my door after I told him not to come around, almost 5 years ago now. So the last 24 hours have been an emotional mess for me. Luckily my husband was home to take my son away so he didn't come to the door with me. However I shouldn't have been the one to answer the door. God had another plan though. Still, the inner battle is real. I just want to be in a safe place.

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On 1/15/2023 at 2:35 AM, Minanora said:

Yeah then my dad showed up at my door after I told him not to come around, almost 5 years ago now. So the last 24 hours have been an emotional mess for me. Luckily my husband was home to take my son away so he didn't come to the door with me. However I shouldn't have been the one to answer the door. God had another plan though. Still, the inner battle is real. I just want to be in a safe place.

Hang in there!  Just remember what ever is plaguing you can only last for just so long.  It will get better.

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On 1/14/2023 at 10:26 PM, Minanora said:

I know I've been gone for a minute. These storms have created a lot of chaos for us. It's been one thing after another. I could have left the 10,000+ gallons of water under the house and had some epic pond action I guess. Yeah... no.


You mean you didn't want to go scuba diving in your basement?  Party pooper! 😆

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 1/15/2023 at 3:35 AM, Minanora said:

the inner battle is real

I'm just catching up w/ the journal.  I'm sorry you had to deal with that.  I'm hoping he got the point based on your body language & conversation and will leave you and your family alone.

The storms sound horrible.  Are they gone now? What state do you live in?  How are you moving water around?  Are you shop-vac'ing it, or did you have to buy pumps and stuff?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi friends. I'm still at it! All the fish and shrimp kids are happy, I just have been super busy with the small human, trees, gardening, all the rain we had did a number... we had some huge land slides on our other property.... Oh, and we're getting solar on our roof.... so I've been dealing with contracting that. Finally got a company. Oh then all the other things that life throws at us. Eventually we'll work on the fish-she shed. Just working on all the other stuff. Solar, the property, work (I strive to keep my clients happy), camping!, LAKE FULLLLLLLL, I can't even... just... LAKE..... I keep going to the lake.... Regardless of how expensive gas is.... skipping rocks, taking a hike, jogging, tracking the deer, pigs, eagles, mountain lions, bobcats, fox.... I've loved it so much. What a season! Plus I have had to take down a ton of wood. Lots of trees had to come down, and well I need to do it while it's cool.... getting up on the cliffs with the chainsaw by myself is a pain... especially when it warms up. the winter game trails really help, and it's keeping us in check for fire season next season... and fueling our fireplace for next winter. ^_^ Stuff.... Yeah, but all of my fish are happy and I've had time to sit and enjoy all of the tanks! I love it!

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On 1/16/2023 at 9:36 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

You mean you didn't want to go scuba diving in your basement?  Party pooper! 😆

The funny part is... we don't have a basement.... our crawlspace is about 2.5' deep.... so..... yeah you couldn't get under our house.... all of my HVAC flooded... And yeah, insurance doesn't cover it. 😄 Hooray........ So.... I need to redo all of the ducting and insulation. At least all of my bottom plates are dry.... ish. The water soaked into the brick foundation, so the bottom plates got wet, but only a bit. However.... it will invite termites next season so we have to be very careful and check for tubes for the next three years, every 2 months.... adulting. OH and we had to BLEACH BOMB under the house. Guess what that did to our galvanized pipes.. 😄 >.> It's not bad, but not good. the strapping is most damaged, so we're fixing those, but ugh. there's been flooding under the house 20+ years ago where they didn't take care of stuff like we have. So we're dealing with it now. It's fine though, I wanted to do work under the house anyway, but now I have to wait until it's dry. Eh.

On 2/3/2023 at 10:53 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Glad to hear you’ve had such a nice time! Anything big happening fishwise? 

Um... I have baby swordtails I didn't ask for.... and AWESOME black saddle guppy babies that are turning out to be so lovely. OMG and I have SOOOO much duckweed. it's amazing. 😛 jk... I can't get rid of it, help, I need napalm.

I am making the best of it all. It's been crazy. 2023... the year of... well... "Oh my"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello fam!

The chaos continues! I'm keeping busy busy. Fish are happy, plants are surviving, shrimp are booming. I've been in a pretty good place and it's been, well, good. It's been a whirlwind but I'm fine, just not getting what I WANT to get done finished. There has been 0 activity in the fish-she shed. But all of my fruit trees are pruned, there's a healthy bounty of food in the garden and we have clean laundry and dishes! Lol


ANYWAY, Onto the good stuff!

I have baby pandas! I saw one today for the first time! I got some of those shrimp tubes from my LFS, the ones from seachem that are only to be sold in retail stores. Expensive, not as cool as the co-op shrimp domes but I got them so my yellow shrimp would have more hiding places around the food dish but not get in the way too much. Totally worth it since it's where I saw the CUTEST THING EVER!!!! Tiny panda! Wooooo!

There's also black saddle guppy fry and lots of goldenback yellow shrimplettes hiding in my mess of floating stargrass in the plaza.


I have a ton of swordtail babies as well, raising them out in the "that shouldn't exist" tank in the office. Ehehm, I really need that fishroom.


The 75 is doing what it does, looking good, happy shrimps and fish.

Chili ruins is running okay; the dwarf water lettuce is taking over as usual so the roots are hiding everything.

Shrimp Sanctuary is booming, water needs to be changed but the shrimp are happy so that's all good with me.


I think I've decided on my rack setup for the fishroom. I'm thinking three rows of tanks on a rack; One row having 2 20G longs and one 10G between them. Second row will have 7 10G tanks, and the bottom row will have a 75G and 2 20G high tanks.



My otos are very, very, gravid. the three girls in the plaza are HUGE. Boys are adorable, I don't think they know what to think of the ladies. They're twice their size and ravenous.


Twin oto boys; nose to nose.

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On 2/18/2023 at 10:18 PM, Minanora said:

Twin oto boys; nose to nose.

That's too adorable. Otos are the best.

That is a huge female! Alright, now I know what an oto with eggs looks like.

Can confirm, those pandas will breed. Happy to hear the fry have arrived and everything is going well. I enjoy watching them so much at that stage. They remind me of a little army of bandits or zorro or something. 😂

Edited by nabokovfan87
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I see the baby panda out more every day! The pandas are trying to lay eggs inside the shrimp tubes. They're laying eggs everywhere!!! The tiny panda is still too hard to get photos of.

Eventually he'll join the Cory feeding frenzy!





Also, my lfs got my light ordered for me! The plaza now has the easy plant LED light!

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On 2/20/2023 at 10:40 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

I spy the little bandit!


Whaaa!!!! There he is!!!! Awesome. 😂


Thank you friend.

Little curious bean. He's so cute!

Actually.... That's a different one. The other baby is about half that size.

So now there's at least 11 pandas! 💚

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