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What meds or chemicals should I keep on hand?


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So I currently have the following chemicals and meds. Is there anything else I should get and if there is what do they do or get used for? I have a 29 gallon freshwater planted tank with a betta, cardinals, harlequins, Pygmy  cories, khulis, and a hillstream  


Seachem prime

Seachem stability

API ph up

API ph down




fritz fishless cycle ammonia

fritz dyne 700



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I would also have on hand seachems kanaplex and focus to use in food focus acts as a binding agent when used with kanaplex to make antibiotic fish food to treat internal bacterial infection and Fritz expel p active ingredient is levamisole for treating internal parasites

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I keep prime, erythromycin (either the API one or maracyn), paraclense or general cure, and api’s ick treatment, plus easy green. I don’t worry so much about running out of the prime and parasite and ick treatments since my local big box pet stores have had it regularly, but the antibiotics haven’t been stocked consistently. I definitely order more if I have to open a box.

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@Colu  @Mmiller2001 @Sunny thank you for the suggestions. My taps pH is 7-7.2 but my tank stays at 6.6 because of the fluval stratum. The ph up did nothing so I’m gonna return both of them. I wanna keep my pH low but raise my KH with coral. Will that also raise my pH? Also do you get your meds from Amazon or somewhere else? My local store and big box don’t carry a lot of the meds. They’re always out. 

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On 10/13/2021 at 9:33 PM, lmhicks101 said:

@Colu  @Mmiller2001 @Sunny thank you for the suggestions. My taps pH is 7-7.2 but my tank stays at 6.6 because of the fluval stratum. The ph up did nothing so I’m gonna return both of them. I wanna keep my pH low but raise my KH with coral. Will that also raise my pH? Also do you get your meds from Amazon or somewhere else? My local store and big box don’t carry a lot of the meds. They’re always out. 

I get my meds from both, but when I can, I buy from Cory. I support local as much as I can.

If you raise KH, pH will go up as well. May I ask why you want to raise the KH? Also, raising KH will deplete your active substrate faster than normal. And keep in mind that using coral to raise KH also raises GH.

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I keep on hand:

Seachem Prime - during water changes
Easy Green - once a week on a few tanks (water column feeders)
Flourish Tabs - every few weeks on a few tanks (root feeders)

API Erythromycin - general anti bacterial
Prazi Pro - general anti parasitic (gill flukes, worms)
Ich X - kills Ich

Crushed coral - add to harden water when needed, mostly just when setting up a tank

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@Mmiller2001 after researched all the water requirements for my fish and all day 4-8 KH. Cardinals, betta, harlequins, Pygmy cories, khulis, and a hillstream. Also plants suggested it as well. My ph - 6.6 steady, GH 6-7, KH - 1-2. I’m using gravel and fluval stratum. 

@Stef how do the peas work? How do I check for constipation? Just bloated for a long period of time? And I thought I couldn’t have aquarium salt because I have so many live plants and if it’s okay I heard 1 tsp per 3 gallons. 

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On 10/14/2021 at 9:46 AM, lmhicks101 said:

@Mmiller2001 after researched all the water requirements for my fish and all day 4-8 KH. Cardinals, betta, harlequins, Pygmy cories, khulis, and a hillstream. Also plants suggested it as well. My ph - 6.6 steady, GH 6-7, KH - 1-2. I’m using gravel and fluval stratum. 

@Stef how do the peas work? How do I check for constipation? Just bloated for a long period of time? And I thought I couldn’t have aquarium salt because I have so many live plants and if it’s okay I heard 1 tsp per 3 gallons. 

@lmhicks101 you can briefly microwave the pea, then remove the outer shell and cut it into tiny pieces.  The pea is high in fiber and can relieve constipation in bettas. If the betta hasn't pooped and has a bloated belly. You may have to hand feed or use tweezer to place the piece of pea near the fish. The fish may not eat it depending on appetite. Aquarium salt can be used in a quarantine tank to treat various illnesses (swim bladder, dropsy, etc.). If your fish is healthy and you have live plants, you don't need to add the salt.  My comment was just to have the items on hand.

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On 10/14/2021 at 11:24 AM, lmhicks101 said:

@Stef get the need for it. I just didn’t get any because it said online that plants could be harmed. What’s the dosing for it? Thanks for the suggestion about the peas. My betta ate everything and looks like a ballon last night. 

Most plants probably won’t like it long term, but I’ve found that the plants I have in my QT tank don’t seem too affected when I dose salt (I’ve gone up to 4 tbsp in 10 gallons). I’ve got some random stem plant from pet smart, water wisteria, and pothos in there, so nothing fragile or that doesn’t recover easily. YMMV

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On 10/14/2021 at 4:33 PM, lmhicks101 said:

@Colucan focus be used with expel p as well to bind it? 

I have never used focus with expel p I don't think it would be a prolem  you could add focus to this levamisole food recipe  


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On 10/14/2021 at 10:45 AM, Sunny said:

Most plants probably won’t like it long term, but I’ve found that the plants I have in my QT tank don’t seem too affected when I dose salt (I’ve gone up to 4 tbsp in 10 gallons). I’ve got some random stem plant from pet smart, water wisteria, and pothos in there, so nothing fragile or that doesn’t recover easily. YMMV

most plants do just fine with salt in moderate doses. high concentrations of salt will harm plants though.

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