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  1. Ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 20ppm ph 7.4 gh 3dH kh 8dH I read that goldfish healthy in hard water so I thinking to increase my water hardness to 15dGH and 10dKH. So I have seachem equilibrium in hand but not sure if I understand it correctly. My questions are: Is the 15dGH too high or too low for the fishes and plants in the tank? Is it safe for the fishes if pH wings to 8? Thank you everyone!
  2. I have a nice bucket load of used crush coral & I hate to buy more to replace what I have to put in my 75 gal so I was wondering IF I could use it for the extra layer of substrate to feed the plant's. I could put it in B-tween layers of gravel or over the roots of the plant's being it holds the muck from the feed & waste that builds up over time, I'm fixing to start working on the tank this wk-end. Here is a article I found about the subject what's your thoughts ? Crushed Coral < article Thank you for your response ❤
  3. I've always had trouble growing plants even the super easy ones. Recently I had my love of fishkeeping rejuvenated and I want to finally make my display aquarium an actual nice aquarium to look at! My GH is 10 drops and KH is 6 drops of the API test. Is this too hard for aquarium plants?
  4. I have two 20 gal planted tanks with Platies, Corys and Ember Tetras. We have well water that is very hard and we have a water softener system to reduce the hardness for household use. The GH in the house tap water is 0-25 ppm. I am fairly new to aquariums (about 6 months) and my tanks seem healthy. I use Easy Green fert for the plants. I have thought that a higher GH was better for livebearers so I have been getting water from a faucet outside the house that does not go through the softener system. I have also been using Wonder Shells. The GH in my tanks is 300 ppm. Ph from the tap is about 7.0. Ph in the tanks is 7.2 to 7.4. I would like to use tap water from inside the house for my water changes as opposed to hauling heavy water jugs. Can I use the tap water with the lower GH? Do I need to add anything to the tap water to increase the hardness. I asked at my local fish store and was told that it would be better to use the house tap water than the harder water. Is this correct? Advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
  5. Anyone have any parameters for Whitecloud minnow water hardness? I am currently running 15-18 GH and 15-18KH. Should I dilute with distilled water or is this range acceptable?
  6. Alright y'all, education time: how can I stabily lower ph and hardness? I'm rocking 8ph and 130 ppm of "hardness" from the tap (I know I need to invest in a real h/kh test kit) and am playing with the idea of a soft-water dark-water tank. I know I can use botanicals and mosses for slowly lowering those parameters, but what are the more stable solutions. The plan is chocolate gouramis, so I'm talking 6.0PH on the high end. It would be a 2 fish tank (if I can find a pair) and a 20L, so I will be trying to keep water changes to a minimum (for the stability) Thanks in advance, keddre
  7. I guess this sort-of follows Cory's video from 3 years ago comparing API Freshwater Master Test Kit and Tetra 7-in-1 strips. I bought the API GH & KH tests, too. My tank has been set up for almost a month. I'm a scientist, so I test anything and everything (my spreadsheet has 58 lines of test results over a 26-day period). I have consistently found that the API and Tetra tests of water hardness are inconsistent. API: GH = 0-1 degree (0-17 ppm), KH = 2 degrees (17-36 ppm) Tetra: GH = 50 ppm, KH = 0 ppm. Does anyone know why they are so inconsistent? They're basically opposite (I have triple-checked that I'm looking at them correctly). I'm not seeing crazy pH swings in my tank. It's a 17-gallon, running pressurized CO2 at 1-3bps, with ADA Amazonia aquasoil. pH runs 6.2-6.4 consistently. The lowest I've ever measured it is 6.0, and the highest is 6.6. Most of the plants are still adjusting, but the most interesting case is my Pogostemon helferi. I bought a tissue culture and a potted version and both arrived in awesome condition; the former has completely melted over 3 weeks and the latter is slowly petering out since it arrived about 2 weeks ago. I let it acclimate in its pot, and just planted it in the substrate today. I suspect it will die. Cory mentioned once that P. helferi needs hard water. (Darn. I really love that stupid plant.) Other plants seem ok so far: Eleocharis vivipara, Eleocharis 'Belem' (dwarf hair grass), Ludwigia arcuata, buce and anubias, H. pinnatifida, A. reineckii 'Mini', dwarf baby tears (tissue culture version had no roots, Cory's potted version seems ok though). I dose Easy Green (2 pumps once a week), but I am considering adding Seachem Equilibrium (might buy potassium & calcium test kits first, if I can find them). So I guess it is safe to say my water is "very soft" and I don't need to know the exact level...but I just wonder why the two different tests are so different and whether anyone has experienced a similar observation.
  8. Is it normal for GH to drop by 1 degree each day in a relatively heavily planted tank...? I have Fluval Stratum Shrimp substrate but I thought it only would affect KH. Current stock is only one nerite snail but I’m hoping to get blue velvet shrimp and sparkling gourami (and potentially some pygmy corydoras depending on how stocking the former goes). I did one dose of Salty Shrimp GH/KH+ the day before yesterday and it boosted GH from 2 to 5 (KH dropped by 1). But today my GH is back down to 2... I’m more concerned about my GH since 2 is pretty low for snails/neos... My KH tends to drop slowly but I can keep it at around 6 or 7 with crushed coral. The crushed coral seems to only affect my pH and KH, unfortunately... I just ordered NilocG GH booster but wasn’t sure if needing to add that or Salty Shrimp on such a regular basis would create too much salt build up. My tap water GH is 4 and KH is 2. My tank has been running for a week and a half. It’s 10 gallons. Water parameters other than GH and KH have been stable: ph 7.4, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5 (I reached 0 ammonia a couple days ago). I add two pinches of ground up fish food twice a day for ammonia. Thanks!
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