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  1. Hi, with a lot of my plants growing quite quickly I was wondering how to dispose of plants that I can't place back in the substrate (such as dwarf aquarium lily leaves). I've read about freezing as an option, but I'm not sure that it would also deal with the bladder and ramshorn snails/eggs in my aquarium. Thanks!
  2. What's the proper way to trim them? Mine is out of control and is even bending so I wonder if that's from the current or it being too long?
  3. So I have a 29 gal biocube that I've been growing some anubias in. When I first put it in there it was pretty small. Now it's grown so big that it's touching the cover. I know I need to cut it back, but I'm a little hesitant. Should I treat it like any other plant? Cut then let it callus before planting it? The tank lives in the garage and I only really see it on the weekends. Also, I removed the divider in the tank that separates the refugium from the main tank. So there is no partition.
  4. What’s the proper way to trim crinum thainum? Between it and my lillies my tank is growing dark and whenever you just cut it back like grass, that leaf stops growing completely. included are pictures are no longer growing leaves that I cut and old leaves that span the whole 55
  5. I was on the ole YouTube the other day and saw this video, but I was less interested in the highlighted arowana and more interested in one of those plants in the center: I can see what appears to be either a dwarf aquarium lilly or a tiger lotus. Mine always have runners going to the top, but this aquarist appears to have pruned it in a manner that allowed the plant to have a lower profile. Does anyone know how to do this? Or is this some other plant that does this naturally? I am dubious about pruning all the leaves that have reached the top because that's pretty much all of the leaves (like, 3) and I think that would kill the plant. I love 'em but I am careful to trim leaves here and there since they can block a lot of light to other plants in the aquarium. Thoughts? Btw I personally think that rank is a little small for the arowana, but what do I know...
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