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  1. My first post! I love aquarium Co-op I found this channel when after 20 years out of the hobby I was setting up our 20 gallon high and had a nightmarish time getting fish to live, an issue which I had never experienced in the past. I have learned so much over the last year or so from Cory and the team, and have been successfully keeping fish since I figured out my mistakes. I was so discouraged that I almost gave up prior to finding the channel. My current tank is Guppies, 1 male bristlenose catfish, and 1 female molly. I have java moss and anubius (on wood) substrate is gravel. The guppies are breeding and I am trying to find a way to get some re-homed I am talking to my local fish store to see if that is an option. Anyhow we are having lots of fun with the tank and my kids love watching the fish.
  2. Hello from Maryland ......I always sucked at owning aquariums,,,,,but trying to learn right; (now) ,,,,,,sorta inherited a 30 gal tank,,,fresh water and plants (no fish),,,,Thanks
  3. Hello from Southern Maryland. My name is Jesse I recently decided to get back into the hobby when a friend of mine was offloading his 55 gallon aquarium. So I setup that aquarium in my basement with the fish he had, since then I have made a new home for a pleco that was outgrowing a 20 gallon tank from someone I know. The pleco can be seen in the 55 gal aquarium in his jacuzzi. Now i have taken control over 2 other aquariums a 5 gal that my wife had, which houses a platinum beta. A 20 gallon aquarium that I have started that is a planted tank (I have a plant in the front of that tank that was a bulb that i cannot identify. Hopefully someone can identify for me.) The 20 gal has a few fish in it mainly a powder blue dwarf gourami. Looking forward to learning and sharing with everyone here. I have included a few tank pictures.
  4. hi! I'm Maria, I'm currently living in Maryland. my husband's Navy so we've moved around a bit, I got out of the hobby for a long time after a disastrous cross country move where all my fish... and my dog... died. that'll put a bitter taste in your mouth 😄 after it looked like we'd be sticking around Maryland for awhile, I was finally ready to do fish again... and you guys know that's a slippery slope. just one betta... two betta... and then you've got 7 tanks set up with all sorts of fish trying to convince your husband they just spontaneously generate themselves! I like to do different things, so currently I've got a regular betta, a glo betta, a pea puffer, a tropical community with lots going on, a rude blood parrot named Maurice that I adore, a new world tank, and another cichlidy-ish tropical tank I'm still noodling with. super happy to be able to meet everybody this way, looking forward to it! here are a few [very] quick pics of some what I've got going, and one of Cory and me from earlier this year... one of my local clubs was lucky enough to have him speak before the whole world melted down!
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