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  1. Hello, our betta developed popeye after moving into a new aquarium with 1 inch of organic potting soil covered with 2 inches of aquarium sand. This is the only fish in the aquarium. Previously, we treated a fungal infection with Sulfaplex and moved to Kanaplex, but had no luck curing a white ridge along his tail line that was a result of Ich that we treated with Ich-X last year. The white ridge along the tail line is still visible today though not as white. The tail has never grown back. Last week, We were advised to treat with Maracyn 2 for the recent popeye, as directed on the packaging and also add aquarium salt. We do not see any results with Maracyn 2 after 5 days, and the popeye in one eye is still there. Our betta is eating and staying afloat in a floating log. Swimming is an effort. He is eating and his fins are not clamped. We are not sure if he is now blind because he bumps into the side of the tank often. We have a sponge filter - no carbon. We continued to use this filter and added an air stone during the Maracyn 2 treatment. The water we are using is Fritz Betta Water with almond leaf extract. The temp is 82 degrees. We noticed bubbles coming up through the substrate and they are producing a foul stench. We are wondering what to do next. Remove him in this condition and put him into another tank without this substrate, administer another round of Maracyn 2 or change medications. All advice on this is appreciated. Thank you.
  2. What’s the difference in the two? And will both help with blue green algae
  3. I am wondering which is better? Maracyn treats gram positive, but Maracyn 2 is good for both positive and negative. Wouldn't it be better to treat for both types of bacteria? I am going to set up a quarantine tank so there is not active infection but as a precaution wouldn't Maracyn 2 treat what Maracyn does anyway plus the gram negative as well?
  4. Kanaplex or marycin 2 they seem to treat the same things but which do you guys think is more reliable?
  5. I have some neon tetras with some bacterial looking infections and the trio, and salt has not done anything. I want to try maracyn 2. But I have plants and shrimp, will they be okay? Thanks
  6. One of my tetras abdomen is swollen. Dropsy I suspect. I pulled her out and set her up in a hospital tank, using 1 gallon of water from the show tank. I looked at my fish medicine inventory. The one product that is recommended to treat dropsy Maracyn 2 I don't have! So I treated with one teaspoon of aquarium salt/gallon. My first instinct is to go to Aquarium Co-op to order it. Hmmmmm. The Co-op does not carry it to order. Why? I have the other trio.... Can't decide what to do. Is treating with salt the only thing I can do??? When should I change her water???? Looking forward to your response.
  7. Does anyone have experience using maracyn 2? If so, did it work? I’ve heard it kills off beneficial bacteria, but that shouldn’t be an issue if used in a large quarantine tank. Im considering it to see if it works on bettas with dropsy.
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