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  1. My F1 crenicichla regani dwarf pike (01JAN21) are a huge variation of range and some of my F1 moliwe kribs are also growing quickly. I know we have plenty here with exponentially more breeding knowledge than me. Does anyone have a general timeline for non-annual F1 fry to reach maturity and produce F2 generation fish? Planning on continuing a few projects into additional generations.
  2. Any advice is greatly appreciated. I am curious if it is worth it to try and move some of the fry for the Dwarf pike or just let the parents do their thing for a while. I'm assuming they are similar to other cichlids with parental care and they are pretty attentive so far. This pair formed in summer 2019 and relentlessly attacked the subdominant pair until I removed them. After a month of regular runs of COOP BBS for the fish room this is the first time they have produced. My plan would be to use a few ziss breeder boxes for easier observation and feeding of bbs etc. Seems like a decent size group for a first time pair but I am a pike rookie.
  3. Curious if anyone has any thoughts or experience to share on this. I definitely have noticed the C. Regani fry occasionally giving a nibble the parents side over the first 10 days or so outside of the cave. They also seems to enjoy hydra, green algae, scavenging off the bottom, baby brine shrimp, bloodworms, cyclops, and krill flake. The skin nibbling is not like what I've seen videos of discus doing but it happens enough that it is noticeable. Both parents seem to allow it and not have any problem with it so far. The fry are getting pretty close to moving to a 20 gallon grow out and or possibly the 2 Ziss breeder boxes in the parents tank. I have them for such a surprise fry appearance. We are now 14 days in and about 1/2 inch long x 80 or so fry. Half way to submitting my first ever breeding report to the Colorado Aquarium Society 🙂. Hopefully we get there learning each day either way though.
  4. I started with 2 males and 2 females (2018) and allowed the dominant pair to establish themselves before removing the subdominant pair. Anyone ever bred these guys i lways wanted to try them and hope tonhave success in the next 12 months or so? Set up is a 50 gallon acrylic with drift wood, leaf litter and some tannins. Aquaculture 110 and an in tank circulation pump
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