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  1. I had two hitchhikers on my plants that I bought a year and a half ago when I established my 55 gallon tank. Now, the tank is filled with them, and I'd really rather have some nerites in there instead. How can I get rid of them humanely and be sure they are gone for good (I don't want to kill them). I know two places they lay eggs and have been brushing those off each week with my water change. Will this tank ever be safe to add nerites to, or will it always be infested with assassin snails?
  2. I got some assassin snails a few months ago, 3 to be precise. I have seen one of them climbing on the other. I don't know if this is breeding or not. It's not the first time I see this behaviour. I haven't seen any babies. Here is a pic from this morning
  3. Would hate to do this but what do you guys think. Either 1 or 2 assassin snails or a couple of yoyo loaches for a healthy balance of snails in a 29gal tank. I have right now over 50 snails of all sizes. I feel bad wanting to kill them but the bladder and ram horns are multiplying pretty fast. Only one I wanted were my trumpet snails lol. I am feeding a little more than usual but that's because of the new fries in the tank. All I want is a balance not completely eliminate them since they do have a purpose.
  4. just bought some assasin snails and was wondering what would be the best way about going about and breeding them
  5. I saw some little eggs at the base of a plant in my tank with square shaped casings. From what I could research based on my tank occupants it seems they could be assassin snail eggs. I can't get a great pic, but does anyone have any thoughts?
  6. I have a 10 gallon aquarium with mostly shrimp, some nerite snails, and A LOT of pest snails. If I add an assassin snail in the tank will they eat my shrimp?
  7. I have a trumpet snail infestation so I just bought an assassin snail from the LFS. It looks nothing like the pictures on google. No black and yellow stripes. I’m not sure if it’s an assassin snail or if the worker accidentally gave me the wrong snail. Please let me know your thoughts. I attached an image of the snail they gave me.
  8. I have a planted 60 gallon tank with about 20 fish in it. about a year ago i only had 1 rams-horn snail. Now i have around 35 to 40. A month ago i bought 2 assassin snails and one was DOA but the current one seems to be eating a few a week. Does anyone have any idea how many assassin snails i would need to maintain a pop of rams horn snails around 5 to 10? I know the assassins eat about 3 a week but i have no clue of the breeding rate of the rams horns.
  9. Here's a cool video of an assassin snail hunting its prey if you're interested 🤷‍♂️ (Not my video)
  10. I got this assassin snail to deal with a pest snail outbreak. Its not really working but today I saw him ignoring perfectly good tiny food right there on the leaf he’s on!
  11. I guess I never really looked that closely in one of my tanks, but I have some assassin snails that are white/cream colored. The tank they are in is also over run with Malaysian trumpet snails that are a similar color, I guess thats why I haven't noticed them before. Is this common? I don't think it's a calcium deficiency. I mean they do have some pitting at the point of their shells, but all of my snails do.
  12. What’s a safe amount to lower snail population in a tank that you can’t add predators cause you have shrimp in the tank ? What’s a safe amount that will help but not harm ur plants ?
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