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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. I found this as a possible explanation. I also believe it was mentioned earlier in a different thread (someone having issues with their outdoor pond). Heres the thread in question: Referencing this link with similar information: https://thefishsite.com/articles/managing-high-ph-in-freshwater-ponds
  2. Trying to pull before and after and see what I see. Got the computer out. (where's my color adjusted monitor!) 😂 Before: After: It definitely looks like PH went from 6.5 to 6.0 to me. I don't know if you have the sample handy, but maybe the API Liquid PH can verify the 6.0 vs. other 6.X results? Either way, the result I am seeing makes sense for PH dropping after water is aerated. That being said..... now we have to look at the big swings and 8.X results. Strip on the first run *definitely* looks like 6.5 to me. Waste in the tank = higher PH swings compared to "true PH" (this would be the aerated result after 24 hours as your "normal" PH from the tap. When you do the water changes, that is basically the PH you're working with.
  3. One of my favorites I've taken. Thank you! Looks like the world's happiest pup! Awesome photo as well.
  4. Gonna say yes. Especially under the big broad leaves and glass right there.
  5. Depending how the person runs their shop there's a few things that could be in play. Sometimes people separate out fish and do the WYSIWYG auctions. Others won't. If this is the first situation, then it makes sense that you actually had an issue with the fish you purchased and not the entire stock in question. I would keep an eye on the seller, take your notes, and try to find the correct contact someone from the website support team in the case you do have an issue. You have X amount of weeks and honestly a lot of sellers care more about the review than the price they got when it's "above reserve". There is a variety of ways to analyze this, but I would hold on and just watch, wait, and see what happens. A simple, "Please let me know what happens with the fish I purchased or how we can resolve this situation moving forward." This isn't just an issue for them as well as it is an issue for you. You had plans based on those fish arriving and now those plans have to change. Just part of the process with some specialty type items. The seller is going to want to make it right if they are a good seller. If not, I'm sure the review will explain as such when you do get some fish. may or may not be able to actually stop the auction depending on the website. If it's a major website, probably can. If it's something smaller and "less advanced" it might not actually let them. I would ask if you can have those fish or what the situation is with the stock in house. (you need that information to even know if you bid on the next auction anyways and health of the stock / facilities)
  6. Looks good. Definitely will be interesting to see what else you do with the setups. As for me.... I had a big long spiel last time, I'll try to be "brief". Got the lid in today, it "fits" but it's not an amazing fit. I might have to get some better tape for the handle, we'll see how the heat and the lid being flat changes things over time. New light comes tomorrow, so I'm pretty frickin excited to have a "whole new sun" for the ecosystem and to figure out how things change as a result of the boost. I cleaned out the tank tonight, Tested the water probably 2-3 times today. I am waiting to dose here shortly. I have the most wonderful thing to say about the tank so far.... (you can see why if you hit up the struggle I've been going through in the journal). I see growth! I am very excited by this and it's so nice to see 0 Nitrates and new growth. This tells me I am balancing things the way I need to, I can dump in food if I really wanted to. But, what this really means is I am going to be keeping a very close eye on this staghorn algae and hoping to see it retreat back. I need to get a pump, entirely slipped my mind going into the store this week. The new 29G is on the stand in the dining area/living room and I have my old lid, old light ready to go for that tank. I have some dragon stone, wood, and a lot of things I want to get going with that setup. I do have some shims on hand now, but I don't know if they will slip on the floor. Both of the tanks are slowly progressing with crushed coral. I may end up having a different filter out here in the family area just to avoid all the bypass issues. I am probably going to hook up the CO2 diffuser tonight. Potentially run things into the tank and get it going for the morning. I don't really want to turn it on until I give the tank time to adjust to the new light. Not sure how I feel about it. I'll end up grabbing photos and stuff and posting a more detailed breakdown of everything that happened. Found the leak, the issue with the CO2, parts are here, the NFL schedule is out, let's go! 😂
  7. Cleaned the filter because I was "annoyed" at how it looked on the video. I looked at the sponge and was just... dumbfounded at how not dirty at all the filter was. I think I am going to end up getting some snips and cutting out a portion of the base. If it works, I'll end up making a guide for "how to fix it". That being said, I think the baking soda actually will work. They gave a specific value for how much to use, test it in a 5G bucket, and then use THAT data to determine how to dose your tank. That's what I'd suggest. (maybe it was a thread someone pointed to?) It's been a blur today. you can also use scissors and cut it in half to have two tests 😉
  8. I will start with my favorite way to say IDK. "Ich habe keine ahnung!" But, I did see some stuff that is definitely interesting to try to piece together the puzzle. Let's see what we can piece together: The pond didn't have any water movement before this point? How long was this? With the exception of the PH, this is basically my water from the tap. I have a *ridiculously* high GH but very low in comparison KH. It's something where I'm going to end up dosing stuff or something whenever the treatment plants drop the KH on me again. My PH in that tank is 6.5ish (just mentioning it as a talking point, but obviously PH is going to vary from location to location and tank to tank. Definitely could be an issue.... Later information points to no, but I was going to ask whether this was more of a light grey / white stone or if this was a dark slate or pond style stone. Totally makes sense, especially if you didn't have flow for a certain period of time. Your KH is "borderline" but it should be high enough to give you a stable PH. I don't know if you normally buffer your tanks. The Coral in the pond might make it easier to see things, give you a bit of extra stability if you do big water changes. If you're not planning on massive % changes and letting it just sit a bit, then I would test every few days, weekly, etc. until you're satisfied with stability. Sweet! Super interesting stuff. I am glad you got things sorted and hopefully with future tests things look to stay stable for you.
  9. It was a tough morning for them. Unfortunately they were upset before even knowing they were off to the groomers. Rushed out the door didn't help 😕 They did good once they got there and it's really good that they are enjoying it. Definitely been tough to get the pups sociable given not being able to leave the house, construction, etc. They (almost) have a backyard now and they love to look out the window. I can't wait for the day when they can be lazy and stare out the screen door and play around the house.
  10. About 3/4 of a lb. So I had two sponges I now have one sponge. In my 35 I have two of the bumpy sponge, they are slightly less thickness comparatively to the tidal stock stuff. My 55, let me record a video and talk through what's going on. I started by showing the very annoying bypass. It was a lot worse when I had two sponges in. It's just a frustrating issue. After that, the top bag is just a media bag and thanks to seachem being weird it's over a foot long. No idea why. But that's the crushed coral. Below that I have the media. Below that I have the sponge. I kind of use the coral bag to keep the media bag clean. Bypass just means there's a lot of water flowing into the media, usually.
  11. Youtube basically updated the format where that data is integrated into the timeline / timecode now.
  12. Definitely not causing issues. The wood isn't going to swing PH that far. The issue is the PH swing from low to high to low you're experiencing In that video of Cory and Lamont discussing crushed coral he talks about KH and bacteria cycle and how it's all related. It gives you a good idea of what's going on. The phrase he used is.... (searching) KH is "the measurement of the amount of free ions there are to bond with the byproduct of breaking down waste" Queued up to that statement:
  13. I'd move the water sprite the the back left corner. Trim it so the other plants don't get shaded out too bad. Right now they look fine, but it's one of those things where it could just easily engulf and take over. To your question though, not at all! Tank looks great and not overgrown at all.
  14. You can probably just siphon it off one time really well, add amanos, and it'll never return. They do amazing work.
  15. The post / concept just illustrates for me the difference between the US and EU hobby and the video Cory and Chris did on the topic. This is SUCH a breathtaking setup before you've even added a fish or plant. I look forward to seeing where you take it. I really enjoy the layering and shelves on the left half with different tiers of grass. The way you're adding height to the design is really well done. I highlighted the above text because I wanted to ask about the substrate you've chosen. As far as what is "regularly available" and you mentioned the red sand. Is there a lot of choice in this medium available regularly for you? A lot of colors or just 2-3 choices for the "dennerle sand"? Something I tend to see and always have an itchy finger over is some of the ADA substrates (the natural ones, not just the aquasoil. I wish they were a bit easier to get for me. What was the process like for you to get such big rocks into the tank and support them? The gobies, barbs, danios, and (non-sterbai) corys would be pretty similar in terms of temp and requirement, typically. Those will work well. The ram is sort of a different animal depending on which of those you choose (if any). The rams, for me, tend to do a lot better warmer while the others are "river species" or cooler water species in the 70-74 range. Cherry barbs would do well with the danios and corys, but the rummynose might need to be in with the rams depending on what temp you decide on. I think this tank would do really well with a blue phantom and/or a nice clown pleco. They would have very different places in the tank and would be in different surfaces as well. I vote blue phantom simply because a red or orange bristlenose might clash a bit harshly against what you have for the mood of the tank. I would simply suggest to check with the source of where you're buying the fish with regards to what temp each one is kept in. For example, some species I keep cooler (west coast, US) and talking with others on the east coast of the US have no issue keeping them warmer because that is traditionally what temp they are raised and adapted to. It's hard to know which temp is "perfect" given the variety. Tetras, rams, etc. should do well together with some corys. Danios, barbs, gobys, etc. should do well with other cooler water corys. Rasboras might thread the needle and work with both.
  16. They got their grooming done today. Only 1/4 as adorable in the photo as they are in person.
  17. Didn't realize I could scroll through more choices. (was on mobile) I couldn't add the last 6.
  18. Definitely a specialty shop only I would think! Let's just say I wont find them around here any time soon. I also saw a "dark night" version. It might be a stressed out version of a green / moss tiger, or a new variant. Undetermined at this point. Edit: Might be a cross breed with a black ruby barb?
  19. because you're going to be dosing buffers (baking soda, crushed coral, equilibrium, or others) you're going to want to do about 15-25% water changes as your limit. I personally prefer the 50% WC, but keep in mind the idea is stability. So if you have say buffered water with a KH of 80 and then you replace it with your existing water in large volume (0-20 KH), you could crash the tank every WC. It's something where you might dose a light amount of something (equilibrium) every WC and that helps to reduce the drop, but that is something to specifically research on the best method for your situation.
  20. I can't post a poll, but I was sitting here watching one of the old podcast videos and something that was said really gave me an idea of a series or video I would think a lot of people would enjoy. The phrase used was Cory talking to Lamont and he said, "This is how I try to explain it to customers in the store..." My experience personally is that I go to the big box store, don't have a local shop. I don't get to have conversations about topics that generally get asked in a store setting. I could only imagine if Cory or anyone who was passionate spent a day at the shop talking with customers and answering their questions with care. I know it's a business and some people just don't want to be on camera. For me personally it would be a great video or series of videos. Maybe that is why I have always enjoyed his fishroom vlog series videos! I want to ask everyone, what video concept do you have that you think would be interesting? Something that generally hasn't been done preferred. Second, vote on what you prefer as a viewer! 1. Sit down conversation (podcast style) 2. Live stream, Q&A 3. Location Tours of setups, manufacturing, stores, etc. 4. Travel and Events coverage (vlog style longer content without any specific goal, but it does take you along for the journey) 5. Fish room work and talking 6. Shorter style informative content
  21. At the old house I had a PH of 7.2 on some days, other days it was 6.8. It eventually settled out at 6.8. I added rock and wood, eventually changed out the rock to stop some issues with parameters jumping. First time using rock and it really just messed with my head even though everything would literally be perfectly fine. That being said, wood changed it in my tank from about 6.8 to around 6.5 or so. Not too much of a shift and especially if you're changing water, not going for the hard blackwater tank, you shouldn't see a massive swing like what you're seeing.
  22. Absolutely beautiful fish. I LOVE barbs. So hard to find sometimes for me, but I've always enjoyed them when I have had them. My favorite: Edit: Very cool article https://smartaquariumguide.com/barb-fish-types/
  23. I just found this, but I have to watch it myself. On the co-op website it says (for substrate use) you would do 1 lb per 10g. It also says later on in the page that if you plan to use it in a HoB, run less, it will dissolve much quicker and need to be replenished more often. I have to get the pups from the groomer, but I'll dig into my HoB and show you what I have going on with the tidal and trying to jam it in there to fit. I ended up with about 1/2-3/4 of a lb in my 29G tank. It isn't jumping the KH up as much as I'd like, but I do see it slowly climbing and PH stabilizing. It's the first time I've had to use it personally, so hopefully someone else can chime in and offer some advice for this specific instance.
  24. No not at all! I had a mass of 25+ tiger barbs and watched the filter slowly pick them off. I don't wish that on anyone. I had a WCMM that did really well. Some fish just sleep and have no control over it.
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