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Everything posted by FishPlanet

  1. Yes, I usually hide under the covers when I watch Spiderman then someone else turn into venom. LOL
  2. We have watched Amazing Spiderman and Spiderman. Looks similar. Really scary for me IMO
  3. So, I'll get straight to the questions. My scarlet temple's leaves look a bit curled. Is that ok? And, my Cryptocoryne Tropica looks a bit rough. What can I do for it?
  4. Finally! Tanks were cleaned this morning, plants are coming tomorrow, and Christmas decorating is mostly done!
  5. They are gold mystery snails. Can I see a pic of your snails?
  6. Yep. Hoping to clean the tanks tomorrow, and hoping to get the plants from the co-op tomorrow, and then Christmas decorate.
  7. Watched Little House on the Prairie this morning.
  8. I am relatively new to plants. I have always had fake plants but I have been adding java fern, moss balls, and java moss into my tanks. Now I have decided to have mostly planted tanks! And I have done my research.
  9. Thanksgiving week is here and I thought it would be fun to tell everyone what they are thankful for! I am thankful for my fish and birds, food and water, family and friends, nature, air, and so much more!
  10. After looking longingly at the plants at Aquarium Co-op for a couple weeks, I finally did it! I ordered 7 different kinds of plants, fertilizer, and tweezers! I am so excited to get them! I will post pics when they arrive!
  11. So sorry. That must be so frustrating.
  12. Well, hunting all day on Friday, cutting up deer today, and plus a lot of schoolwork, I did not have time to do water changes. *sigh*
  13. My dad and I each got a nubbin buck last night. Done with deer hunting!
  14. Cool! I speak a little bit of swiss German and high German. I am going to learn more of it this winter. Also, I am learning ASL (American sign language). This is one phrase: Hallo. Sprechen sie deutsch?
  15. So, nothing much has been going on. Blush passed away the night before (SIP Blush). I am gonna try to fit in water changes today in my busy schedule. I am going to trade some fake aquarium plants with my friend that also has fish for red rotella so I am super excited. I am also probably going to take the dead leaves of off the java fern today also. Tomorrow is Christmas shopping (I know, it's totally off-topic, lol). My 2 remaining female bettas have been separated into their own tanks. Platy fry got fed BBS last night and they were super excited. The bigger fish will probably get frozen bloodworms today. I am probably going to go through the fish stuff today. So, that's about it. Nothing exciting going on. But, there are more updates to come! Stay safe fish friends!
  16. Thank you. She was very special. We still have 2 female bettas and friends male betta that we are watching. SIP, Blush. 😥
  17. I can't believe it. She just passed. 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭😭
  18. We use traps everywhere hidden outside with peanut butter in it. It kills them fast.
  19. I just cooked IAL's and let it cool down then I put it in her quarantine tank. It's a nice brown color now.
  20. Congrats! You stuck to your dream and made it come true! Keep up the good work!
  21. Thank you, @xXInkedPhoenixX, I have IAL's boiling right now.
  22. She is not really using her right fin. And someone else said she has ammonia burns?! But there is no ammonia in the tank. I double checked. And the rip in her fin is new.
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