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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. I would keep a tight eye on my water parameters the cleaner that water the easier it is for the fish to heal. Like any wound it's easier to heal if it's kept clean.
  2. NoI had a cupboard built for my 60 but it's fitted into a fireplace so I needed very specific measurements. I think this from IKEA is almost perfect but you should probably reinforce it. But I second the bargains you can find in the second hand market old TV stands from the big CRT days are normally very sturdy and solid wood sideboards and tallboys can be perfect.
  3. That's nice, interactive fish are so much fun, which is why I miss my goldfish so much.
  4. @PineSong thanks for sharing I live the crackle of pine branches. Bonfires are a great way to bring family gatherings together. We sometimes have them in the summer but nope not this year it was far too dry to risk
  5. Garra rufa would be happy at that temp if you want an algae eater and they happily eat dry food so less finicky than hill stream loaches .
  6. Well that's me tickled more than a little pink, thanks @Zenzo et al.
  7. pI can't speak for that treatment as it's not available to me. However antibiotics are going to to damage your cycle so yes you'll need to up your testing to daily and water change accordingly. Good luck. I would say that liquid tests are probably the best value for frequent use. I've got fish through fin rot by just keeping the water super clean but it's a long process and if you can get there antibiotics that's probably better all round. You can catch you cycle back up later. With the fin rot coming back there is an underlying issue in there, for me it was ammonia burn anyway (long story long hard lesson) but it maybe worth testing for ammonia before you start the treatment to make sure the water is good to begin with.
  8. I have a Betta and Cardinal tetras together. My Betta just eats the community food I make some of the food floats so she finds its. Your tetras will be more mid water feeders so they will eat as the food sinks. Some people train their bettas to feed at a floating hoop which can be fun.
  9. @Tankedthat's fabulous making an event out of a job. More stuff like that should happen builds community and that strange moment when you realise that not everywhere does this is a very curious feeling.
  10. I agree with that certainly my corys favourite. Not that I've tried repashy never see the fish one for sale at the lfs
  11. Goldfish just seen to get the odd lump on their tails now and then, keep an eye on things but they are generally nothing to worry about. My old fish certainly had them and they never led to anything
  12. Two pictures from last year's organised display at Clitheroe castle for illustrative purposes
  13. So tonight is Bonfire Night when the people of the UK celebrate the thwarting of a plot to blow up the houses of parliament in 1605 and the brutal execution of conspirators. So to commemorate this we build bonfires (optional burning of a Guy) and set off fireworks. This goes from massive organised displays to utterly terrifying back yard explosive chaos. We also eat treacle toffee and in my part of country parched pea and parkin (cake). Alcohol is generally involved as well. Some of my best childhood memories are of our bonfires and that strange feeling of your face burning but your bum freezing that you can only get stood in front of bonfire at night in November. So it occurs to me that this is UK specific so people of far away lands what messed up things do you celebrate (with or without fire).
  14. No not me it's based on helpful content and greater sages exist.
  15. From watching the unpacking they seem to be useful staples that would help us all out. They do vary though.
  16. The price is right. Get some people to give you the total value of the items in a set up show a picture and prize for the person who get the price the nearest.
  17. I have heaters set at 22C in my tanks and they don't come on that much, but they do protect against temp drops as night as I prefer to sleep with the heating off. And I know if I'm away a free days the temps will be stable even if the house gets cold.
  18. Beetle drive. It was church fundraiser when I was kid. But the basics are you roll a dice to draw body parts of a beetle (as determined by the number rolled). You have to draw the body first so getting the 1 quickly is key. Then it just the first too complete their beetle and shout out "beetle" In a drive when beetle is shouted the winner then changes table (with the people who are the most complete) the winner is who has the most beetles when someone has completed a lap (I think) short form might work for you though. Or if we can come up with 99 amusing fish based number puns (two fat puffers 88) play bingo.
  19. Dry food I've never had an issue with its pretty much all gone within an hour of feeding. Veggies I've tried them a few times with limited success but left them in at least 12 hrs without problems.
  20. I've played this at work functions it was used to break down barriers with senior managers. You worked as a table to find the answers the fun facts were only about the senior managers but (as there were a lot of people in the room). Strategic trading of info broke out as be well. Oh and the managers would only answer one question so you had to be clever. But this stopped it turning into an inquisition. Other game ideas, Pin the gonopodium on the guppy. Fact or fiction quiz Get some photos of strange variants or super close ups of fish and get people to guess them. Correctly place these fish in the country of origin. Guess the number of guppies in the tank. Design a fish, then cut out your picture to enter the flappy fish race. A fish version of a beatle drive. I admit some of my ideas may suit a younger audience.
  21. Ahhh that's good news, I wasn't sure (not really been keeping up with that thread) if it was safe for marimo with them being a algae .
  22. Snag with using fish to clean them is that they might pull apart the moss balls to get to larvae. My goldfish ripped them to shreds looking for cory eggs. I would get the moss balls into a jar of tap water filled to the lid place it somewhere warm and let larvae mature if there is no air gap the flies will drown without being able to breed again. Keeping it in a warm window sill should speed up the life cycle.
  23. Who's your water authority? Mine UU doesn't use Choramine according to the reports and I didn't think it was common practice in the UK. Still I would rather add a bit of prime than having buckets of water gassing off all he time. I'm not organised enough either water changes are rarely planned more than an hour ahead let alone a day.
  24. I would wait until the fin rot had healed significantly, in-between medication cycles you might want to do extra water changes to help promote healing (cleaner the water the better) and to make sure that your bio filtration hasn't declined. A fish with fin rot are vulnerable so can also be easily stressed or picked on by other fish so newcomers might make things harder for you.
  25. Obviously what you feed the food can improve the food. But as I understand it we feed BBS close to hatching point so they haven't absorbed their egg sac fully and they can't/won't eat until that stage has passed. Then you can start feeding them but it obviously requires moving them out of the hatchery and feeding them up. Or hatching them in something big enough that the water won't foul so fast. I have heard of people using spirulina powder but it's more effort and tank space than I want to mess with. It's basically keeping sea monkeys bonus they will breed.
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