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CJs Aquatics

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Everything posted by CJs Aquatics

  1. Hey all, sorry if this is an odd question. I’m not a part of any fish clubs besides this one but if I’m not mistaken a lot of the clubs have a breeding program that assigns points and ranks for its members upon successfully breeding and proof of success of certain fish. Is there anything like that in this club? I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this question I just figured since it was breeding related it would be appropriate…
  2. This is good advice, I’ve been meaning to play around with box filters anyway. For this experiment I ended up attaching 2 coop sponge filters to the top of each uptake tube. Idk if it benefitted anything or hampered anything to be honest I just hated the way the water was coming out of the ugf and against a black background you can’t even see the filters which is cool. Plus I had 2 lying around
  3. I love posts like this awesome job, it’s inspiring
  4. This is good advice, I guess my problem is i like them all, currently I’m considering creating trios, letting them breed hopefully, then taking the adults to the LFS to attempt to develop a relationship with them and keeping the fry however this is a risky move bc fry are more susceptible to parameter fluctuations. In theory this would mostly constantly increase genetics and reduce numbers it would just take some creative for lack of a better word “architecture.”
  5. What’s up again everybody quick question: I have a 29 gallon mutt guppy colony tank that I love. It’s got a ton of guppies in it. My question is, if you were preparing to decrease the numbers via selling or trading or gifting or whatever the case is, how do you go about doing that while still enhancing genetics? Is it a practice to keep eighter males or females or it really doesn’t matter? Do you remove the fry or the parents to establish a stronger new colony? Things of that nature is the question
  6. What’s up everybody, Anyone ever put filter floss in the uptake tubes of an undergravel filter and would it serve any purpose such as enhancing mechanical filtration?
  7. CJs Aquatics


    Hey all, just got done rearranging some tanks and consolidated some mutt guppies to allow for new genetics. The guppies have been healthy and doing well for a long time now, however it’s day 2-3 of moving them and I see some flashing going on. They were quarantined when I got them and have been thriving since which is probably over a year now but the tank I set them in is a new tank and I’m wondering if somehow they have something going on which came from the change? I have a few meds on hand if necessary, the only thing in the tank currently are guppies and plecos. It appears to be mostly if not all females I see flashing. Any advice appreciated. Thanks in advanced
  8. Hey everybody, so quick question, I have a ton of hornwort and am redoing tanks. How do I instead of it being a floating jumbled mess get it to stand up in the background in bunches without planting it? Do you use rubber bands or plant weights what do I weigh it down in bunches with? Thanks
  9. perhaps use a divider or set the caves up on seperate sides of the aquarium as they are both cave spawners…depending on the size of the tank this could make one aquarium almost like 2 instead…
  10. @PineSong im half Italian and love the cuisine lol
  11. Thank you @mountaintoppufferkeeper Gonna see if I can get some of the bamboo shoots at that size and try my luck at this
  12. I vote angels, it kinda gives you more options bc of goldfish typically being cold water, plus there’s always an ROI if you choose to breed them and they are beautiful and fun to watch…
  13. Hey all, gonna try my hand at breeding the red lizard whiptails. Any friendly tips or advice appreciated, specifically where can I buy the correct size bamboo tubes to use as caves or something cheap and already made that’s similar? Thanks in advanced
  14. 10. Enjoy Nature Daily lol 11. pancakes 12. she used to love me a lot (Johnny cash), Dirty Diana (Michael Jackson) Fallen (Kevin gates) odd 3 way tie in 3 completely different genres 13. bettas that live in cups bc I feel like they deserve a little better, or glofish bc I feel like it’s not an appropriate practice, or some of the laws they have been trying to push to in my opinion harm the hobby (without getting into politics) 14. The Blacklist 15. fish related (power outages or heater malfunctions) non fish related (drowning) 16. Science, I love ecology, biology, and just anything to do with researching plants animals or ecosystems but I never figured out what to do with that to get paid for it so I keep fish and do my own experiments 17. Yes many types way too many to name 18. Love 19. love gardening 20. I love that everyday is a completely unique and personal experience it’s unpredictable and exciting 21. I crashed a tank bc I didn’t know anything about cycling it, taught me all about the nitrogen cycle, acclimation mistakes made also, plus I still can’t seem to keep shrimp 22. Pizza 23. Sea turtle or jellyfish 24. low boy for Shellie’s, I would like to breed puffers that would be an accomplishment 25. reeses peanut butter cups 26. I’ll have to get back to you on that Idr the name off the top of my head 27.what’s fun outside of the hobby, lol I read, play games, hang with friends sometimes, I love food and trying new things and I love to fish
  15. Hey all, in the process of moving around some fish and redoing some tanks and under a mess or hornwort I saw this…
  16. Thank you @Bev C I appreciate it and @TeeJayas well
  17. Hello, your tanks are amazing I’m jealous, I’ve been in the hobby a while and mine don’t come close to looking like that, can’t wait to see what the future holds for your hobby
  18. @gjcarewim actually not familiar with this I’ll have to look It up, thank you
  19. 1. Favorite fish I own is “Jabba” my dragon puffer, in general I would say guppies 2. least favorite fish is probably glofish 3. favorite fish YouTuber is @Cory 4. favorite non fish YouTuber is 🤔 I’ll have to get back to you on that 🤣 5. favorite food is home made old fashioned spaghetti and meatballs 6. if I could be a fish I would probably like to be a stingray or perhaps a jellyfish 7. scariest moment in fishkeeping we will say when the power went out and I lost about 86 livebearers, In life it probably has something to do with being in water because I’m not the best swimmer (can’t swim lol) 8. if I could visit a different country I would probably say Italy 9. dogs but I love pretty much all animals
  20. This is way outside my comfort zone but I’m willing to give it a try
  21. Not sure how to diagnose could be a number of things but it seems your stock level isn’t that much in this tank. That being said if I were you I would treat the tank with the med trio in this case per the instructions to get some water changes and some meds in. If I had to guess I would guess it’s internal parasite related. I have seen this same thing with my guppies in the past, water changes and meds go a long long way. Medicated food isn’t always talked about but I’ve had great success with Dr. Bassleers as a treatment also. The garlic would be the first one I would try, for 10 days if you want to go that route. I hope this helps
  22. @The Killer of Fish @AquaHobbyist123 Tag 😉
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