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CJs Aquatics

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Everything posted by CJs Aquatics

  1. I’m sooo excited I’m about to change water in everything 🤣🤣🤣
  2. It’s together 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 @nabokovfan87 thank you sooo much!!!!! And everyone else who helped I appreciate it
  3. I will try, but they seem to be one piece It’s one piece but I think I can order one Correction, it did come off
  4. Thank you so much, I think I’m missing that piece which would explain why things aren’t coming together 3-4 days later 🤦🏽‍♂️
  5. Which piece is the one circled based on what I have left I’m really feeling like something is missing
  6. Med trio is 1. Fritz Maracyn, 2. Fritz Paracleanse, 3. Aquarium solutions ick x, the coop has many posts and videos about this method of quarantine and it’s results to answer your second question the food I used worked for parasites pretty fast, not in a betta but in guppies and the 3rd question, if she’s by herself you could quarantine just the tank she’s in but will have to water change out or remove the meds somehow when the medicating is over, in my experience all meds listed have been bacterial colony, plant, snail, invert and overall tank safe. Remember if you have multiple tanks to try not to use the same equipment used in the sick tank unless thoroughly sanitized so the “sick” doesn’t have a chance to transfer, it is often advisable to treat and medicate in separate tanks or containers I will add…
  7. Hard to diagnose, I would assume based on everything listed parasite of some kind. If I read this correctly you noticed the paraguard had an adverse effect on the fishes condition? What has worked for me dealing with illness is a few things, perhaps worth looking into: 1. Water changes even when parameters are stable just to make sure your water is extra clean, plus if it’s parasites some need to be vacuumed up after they are passed 2. Make sure the dosing on the meds is correct, too much or too little has effected my fish in the past 3. sometimes different meds work better, I swear by the trio but have had 2 instances where the illness proved quite resistant and I ended up clearing it with a different med from a different brand 4. reduce stressors like lighting and temp fluctuations 5. this is my favorite, but it’s highly debated, medicated food, for me it was specifically (Dr. Bassleers) brand that cleared illness and at least appeared way easier on the fish. There’s many brands of it though, even some natural options perhaps worth some research what I would do in this same situation, I would quarantine the fish in the appropriate dosage of the med trio, feed live baby brine shrimp if at all or other live food, and change water after 7-14 days, perhaps it would work for you or something else might this is just what I would do personally, I’m sorry your fish is sick and I do hope he gets better and that something works
  8. Great looking fish, love puffers, im not familiar with this kind but he/ she is very cool looking @mountaintoppufferkeeper
  9. Thank you I’ll try it when I get home from work I appreciate everyone in here working with me I know it shouldn’t be this complicated I’m probably over thinking it
  10. @Aiden CarterWhich piece screws into the larger side of it to connect the 2 pieces together?
  11. Basically any way I try it I don’t see where the green and white piece with the lever that controls flow fits into this build, I could be doing something wrong but nothing seems to connect to it or it to the other pieces
  12. @nabokovfan87 ok, I’m kinda of understanding based on your awesome description how things work, but I’m wondering if I’m missing a piece somewhere. I have one end of hose attached to a pump, that’s done, other end of hose has one of the purple things on it, that’s done I have the other purple thing attached to a gravel vac with the piece with the white valve on it to adjust suction, but how do I link the 2 together which piece is that? I can’t see anything that the piece with the white valve attaches too?
  13. Thanks everyone I’m determined to get this thing put back together tomorrow I would now if it weren’t for work lol
  14. So I watched this and am embarrassed to say I still don’t quite understand… am I missing something here? I have one tube attached to a pump and I want the other let’s say attached to the vac in the pic or the hook not in the pic, what goes where?
  15. Hey all, not my most proud question to ask, but will someone please take a picture of how their Python water change system connects to a hook and perhaps another one of how it connects to a gravel vac, mine seems to have came apart and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to put it back together, it’s like rocket science to me, bunch of “black screwy things” “green cuppy things” and black funnels of different sizes that I don’t know how to attach what to what… (in all honesty the funny names was just to laugh at but the question is real… please help) 🙃
  16. Welcome back that fishes transition is insane, beautiful set ups
  17. @Kurt Brutting it was one of my top choices thanks for input +1 vote Val 🙃
  18. What’s up everybody, so fun quick question at least I hope people will see it that way. I have some Weather loaches that I love and have been redoing tanks recently as I’m sure most of you are aware. In lies the problem. My dojos are similar to cichlids. Over the years they have managed to destroy many types of plants. Fast forward to today there is sinking hand made spawning mops and hornwort in the tank along with duckweed I’m working on eliminating. It’s not pleasing to look at. This being said I think I now have the knowledge to keep plants with them again and am planning an order (probably from the coop) tomorrow. I thought I might let the community help me decide what to buy. I’m thinking single species tank (1 type of plant), not a full on aquascaped tank, or perhaps single plant type tank like swords or anubias or stems etc. it runs 3-4 in of nutrient rich substrate/ sand and a UGF, black background what do you guys think I should pick, preferrably something hardy and more root feeding then column feeding… all ideas welcome thanks 🙃
  19. @Pepere, thanks gonna try to get this under control so I can replant this tank over time, I appreciate the feedback
  20. They literally killed every plant in this tank sitting beneath them but I will admit I love red root floaters, do you just throw it out when you essentially cull the plants?
  21. @Pepere how much of it should I keep vs remove would you say?
  22. Hey all, things have gotten a bit out of control in a tank that I have I honestly don’t know what to do about it so I’m hoping if I post a pic or 2 someone more knowledgeable then me can kinda give me some step by step instructions on the direction I can take to clean it up, started as a planted tank, now it’s planted just not in the substrate, the floaters, stems, duckweed and everything else have completely blacked the tank out, help lol
  23. My first thought is what kind of tank are you planning on creating. My reason for thinking this is if it’s not for some elaborate aquascape you may be able to reap the benefits of the stratum without it being the substrate but rather bagging it or using it as a layer of a substrate, even potting it, many reasons to at least keep it around few to throw it out. As far as sanitizing it goes I’ve never personally done this with substrate. I’ve rinsed it before, but typically now I dry it out before use in the sun depending on the type. I wouldn’t worry too much about it perhaps just allow it to thoroughly dry out for a while in some fashion before use and it should be good to go. I always keep meds and things on hand to battle issues that arise or parameter changes that occur etc. but I typically just use natural things like that, if you bought botanicals I don’t think it would be much different, you don’t know where they have been but most people just use them without issue, substrate in my experience is quite similar, some people use dirt from the yard, mud from the pond, I think the trick is to monitor the tank as it balances and adjust as needed. Sorry for the long response I guess in summary my answer would be you can rinse it or don’t, you can dry it or not, nature will be nature it’s our job to make the adjustments when necessary, just my opinion
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