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CJs Aquatics

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Everything posted by CJs Aquatics

  1. @DiscusLover thank you for the input, I have my fingers crossed, however worst case, now that things seem to be going well, if I have too I will purchase more from the original source and hope for a pair that way
  2. @DiscusLoveroh wow those are gorgeous, so I love angels but this was my first attempt at keeping them. I started with 9, long story short only 2 are left but the 2 have been healthy and happy for a long time now they are probably a little bigger then a quarter sized. I love them. I don’t have the best luck but I was hoping I got lucky enough to have a pair/ pair that likes each other enough to spawn but idk. They stay around each other most of the time, sometimes the get side tracked and don’t, but they don’t really interact. They don’t fight, and they don’t “swim together” more of just a one follows the other or is like “hey where did they go” kind of behavior, they seem relatively independent.
  3. Hey all, can anyone identify the genders of these 2 angelfish or is it too soon to tell? Also how will I know if they or any have “paired” with each other?
  4. @TheSwissAquarist @Colu @K McZongo thank you, I appreciate the feedback, I think I’m going to give it a try, I haven’t gotten my whiptails to spawn yet and have been actively trying but I also have 2 angelfish which I believe have or are opposite gender that I have wanted to move somewhere else to conserve tank space.
  5. @AnimalNerd98 thank you for this feedback I’ve been searching for days
  6. @Flumpweeselthank you for that fast response, I’m going to try that tomorrow, idek who made my sieve I only have the one and it’s just a cheap square one but it’s worked
  7. What’s up everybody, just a quick question, can angelfish live with red lizard whiptails and would they both be able to breed effectively in the same tank, or would one predate on the fry or eggs etc?
  8. Hello everyone, does anyone have any info that could lead me towards cheaply making my own decent looking and functioning spawning brush, or something I could purchase that serves the same purpose? I posted this question in breeding bc the brush will hopefully serve to help some pesky egg layers get in the mood to mate…
  9. Hey all, this is a 2 fold question: 1. Is it possible to clean a brine shrimp sieve and if so how? Mine has been rinsed but I have noticed it’s not draining properly due to I suppose not properly cleaning it, almost like it’s clogged up. 2. Best sieve you’ve used or made/ purchased and why it’s the best? thanks in advanced
  10. gonna have to create a Facebook again I guess I’ve been off it for years I’m old school, but I guess it’s time to adapt with the times
  11. @PineSong I think I’m gonna be making a purchase 🙃 thank you this is a great idea
  12. @mountaintoppufferkeeper I’m gonna have to join a club I’m making it a goal this week, tried to join one here before and received no correspondence whatsoever, I get notifications from there forum but literally that’s it idk if I’m in or not lol so I put that project on the low end of the priority list but I think it’s time to bump it up
  13. @venzi yes that’s correct the only current reasons for the sponge filters is to stop the bubbles spray and to blend things in…at least that’s my thoughts
  14. @venzi when I set this ugf up there is a slight void under the plates which I was hoping would create an anoxic filtration system so I could experiment with that. I have used many forms of filtration in my hobby so this one was to try out this form. Unfortunately the pump I had available was very strong so I doubted the flow would be slow enough to allow the system to be come anoxic and thus decided it would be fine as a regular ugf as I have had success with those as well. Upon watching I’ve noticed it seriously lacks mechanical filtration there is debris in the water column everywhere so I posed this question about the floss. When looking through some things I saw 2 sponge filters I wasn’t using and decided since the tank has a black background and the flow causes splashes and significant surface agitation, that I would attempt to adjust using the sponges. I took the tops off the uptake tubes and replaced them with sponge filters. It was more of a use what I have available cosmetically experiment. So far you are correct the flow has been decreased, but also they blend in and the surface agitation is much better. Now I’m wondering if it will create the anoxic filtration I originally intended anyway. I guess time will tell… @gardenmanthis is also insightful, and something I think I’m going to look more into as well thank you
  15. Thank you both for the information I truly appreciate it
  16. I’m no expert and haven’t done much research but it sounds like a great substrate for plant growth, and shouldn’t leach anything that harm fish. Potentially I suppose it could affect your tds/ ph a bit. If it were me, since it’s readily available to you, I would if allowed gather some and test it in a seperate tank or tub or bucket for a while then if no issues add it to the display tank.
  17. That sounds like a great plan as well they could turn out completely different, you just never know
  18. I’m thinking of diy dividers made from black landscape cloth and craft mesh to seperate tanks into 3-5 gallon sections, this is just a random first thought I have no idea how it will work out but for trios I figure 1 large mutt guppy tank that I have, then a 10 gallon underneath divided into 2-3 sections each section containing a trio, when the trio breeds I’ll remove my adults (take to LFS) is my first thought just to build a relationship, and transfer fry to a 10 gallon to grow out then rinse and repeat with a different trio… again I’m just spitballing I agree it’s gonna take some serious tinkering
  19. @redfishthey are such a fascinating strain to work with, we should make a topic for it for people to post some of there mutt guppy adventures
  20. Hey all, sorry if this is an odd question. I’m not a part of any fish clubs besides this one but if I’m not mistaken a lot of the clubs have a breeding program that assigns points and ranks for its members upon successfully breeding and proof of success of certain fish. Is there anything like that in this club? I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this question I just figured since it was breeding related it would be appropriate…
  21. This is good advice, I’ve been meaning to play around with box filters anyway. For this experiment I ended up attaching 2 coop sponge filters to the top of each uptake tube. Idk if it benefitted anything or hampered anything to be honest I just hated the way the water was coming out of the ugf and against a black background you can’t even see the filters which is cool. Plus I had 2 lying around
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