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CJs Aquatics

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Everything posted by CJs Aquatics

  1. i know that feeling, I just can’t ever seem to decide bc I want it all
  2. 🤣🤣 I don’t think that hack is a thing, currently have been online plant browsing for a long time now lol
  3. Greenhouse paneling from the hardware store cut to whatever size you want would be one suggestion, never tried on a 29 but some of my smaller tanks use craft mesh lol it’s not glass but it’s cheap, works and allows light in, doesn’t really help with evaporation though, perhaps floating plants and no top is an option depending on the species you keep, I’ve seen some pretty creative tank tops done nicely as well as affordable
  4. I have never heard that one, hmm im actually actively trying to cultivate some green water for some fry tank top offs
  5. I love this tank and the awesome fish, may I ask where you procured those smooth rocks from?
  6. I second that, I guess some of the things people make tanks out of cheaper then traditional glass ones could be considered a hack, like some of the pond builds etc. regardless I will say I’m always searching as well lol
  7. What’s up fish peeps, just wondering what’s your favorite aquarium related hack? I think mine is probably pvc related, everything from cheap decor to water change systems to caves for breeding to siphons etc. it’s not a specific “hack” but in general some of the ways I’ve seen it used in the hobby never cease to amaze me, what’s yours?
  8. Of course no problem, it very well could be something simple like a fin nip or an abrasion of some sort, I would just monitor it as you have, as long as the fish are healthy, have healthy appetites and seem to be in good spirits it’s probably not too concerning. If you notice it get worse or something change it might be a good time to alter the course of action in my opinion
  9. Literally doing the same thing over the next few days, redoing a 29 completely. I’m a terrible aquascaper, I have one tank that I’m completely happy with then aspects of others I like. My current course of action rather then picking from things I have like you have was to find an inspiring nature picture I really enjoy or “theme” of some sort I loved looking at then put it together in my own interpretation like a puzzle in my tank using things I already have. With this being said I thought it might be worth mentioning bc you have a lot at your disposal it sounds like so perhaps a little googling images and something will inspire you as well. You could always go jungle themed when in doubt and plant the heck out of it and let it take its own course as well.
  10. Hey fish friends, quick question: Anyone have any clever systems they came up with outside of dividers making it capable for them to controlled line breed specifically livebearers like guppies or bristlenose plecos without multiple tanks? Just a random early morning thought… Also: when you guys are breeding, what’s the best way to continually improve the genetics of your fish? Like Male and female fish make baby fish, then from there what’s your process? do you introduce new lines after each batch or do you inbreed? Do you remove the males or the females or the fry, just curious as to what people have came up with and been successful at, those willing to share there secrets at least lol
  11. If you want them to grow fast it’s my understanding people generally recommend small portioned meals multiple times throughout the day, but keep in mind if you do this maintenance will be more intensive and even more so important bc anything not consumed can be very harmful and have an impact on fry fast
  12. it’s hard to tell from the picture but it is possible, you could use a medicated flake food to see if it helps or medicate them for fin rot, however I wouldn’t personally unless I just purchased them (they would be quarantined and medicated in that case) or if I were 100% able to identify illness. If I had to make an uneducated guess, if your water parameters are ok and your keeping up on your maintenance it’s most likely a battle scar from being nipped but this is just a guess as I’m not well versed enough to diagnose from the picture, perhaps someone one here is and can weigh in…
  13. Could be a number of factors: what I would do is as follows: 1. Check all water parameters in the tank to make sure they are stable and one of them isn’t off if it is correct that first 2. monitor the amount of water being changed, perhaps start smaller and more frequently and work your way up 3. invest in a dechlorinator such as prime for the other benefits of detoxifying ammonia quick 4. temp is important but I’ve found most species can tolerate slight differences if acclimated in a moderate manner and not shocked 5. check for equipment failure example make sure filter and heater aren’t failing 6. remove all uneaten food from tank daily so it doesn’t foul water and make sure it’s up to date as well, everything has an expiration date. 7. seperate tank for the fry so it’s easier to monitor everything, even if it’s a plastic tote or a small tank of some sort 8. make sure the parent fish are healthy and didn’t give birth to unhealthy fry to start with 9. defrost the cubes before you feed them and make sure your using aquarium water or dechlorinated water to make them in the first place 10. last resort would be med trio to see if something was causing the death whether in the host or the tank itself. I really hope something in this helps your situation this would be what I would do if it were me personally added thought: depending upon how small the fry are they may need to be started off on something even smaller then pellets or bbs cubes
  14. 29s and 10s, everything is very well maintained and filtered, and monitored and moved to larger if and when appropriate
  15. What’s the water quality issue you have been running into? I am by no means an expert but it is my understanding that with regards to bb, more surface area is amazing but the bacteria itself only colonize based on how much they need to manage the bio load within the tank. I could be completely off on this but it has been my understanding, or at least an easy way to gauge filtration for me. If I were in this situation and I have been, I would start by taking a look at the canister I have set up currently and play around with some different medias first. Next I would assess whether or not it were biological filtration that was lacking or if I needed mechanical or chemical applications as well. I stay away from chemical in most cases. I guess depending on what the specific parameter you’ve been noticing issues with would essentially change the course of action I would take, could be a simpler fix then requiring expensive extra filtration however: out of the options you listed I would get a HOB rather then another canister personally, I love the tidals as a means for resolving issues. They can function as main filtration but in this application adding one and dialing in what you need to fill it with to correct the specific issues your having would be how I would use it.
  16. Good afternoon my fish friends, todays question: looking at a wall of tanks (7) which of the following fish can/ would/ or should you place together for the best viewing interactions and commonalities and overall healthy communities in general? Out of the species listed, what would you put together if you were setting up 7 tanks with these species available? the choices: 1. Mutt guppies 2. Dojo loaches 3. Angel Fish 4. Strain 1 of a guppy (a handful of red dragons) 5. Strain 2 of a different guppy (a handful of midnight galaxy) 3. Plecos (bristlenose) - regular males and females, super red male, lemon blue eyes male, albinos, and calicos 6. group of different female agassizzi strains 7. mystery snails 8. red lizard whiptail catfish 9. different group of mutt guppies
  17. It’s hard to tell with the picture, I would say it could be a number of things ranging from actual live organisms to different forms of algae attempting to start, personally if your fish are happy and healthy, and parameters are good, i might try to document this week to week when I do maintenance and see what it turns out to be to decide the best course of action but I wouldn’t worry too much about it unless I saw firsthand the start of any adverse effect. If it’s a concern and not a display tank or heavily stocked, you could medicate the tank or do a more thorough cleaning, but I honestly wouldn’t recommend it unless after monitoring I noticed it to be harmful
  18. Welcome, I’m sure I speak for many more then just myself when I say we look forward to your journey in the hobby. Tank looks good, plants can be a lot of fun, and it’s amazing no matter what you read, or hear about, or watch, in my opinion, can be a whole new experience when it’s yours… welcome again
  19. Ok, maybe it’s my random sense of humor but for some reason when u said display tank I thought everybody does beautiful planted aquascapes for displays but I feel like I’m personally at a place in my fishkeeping where if I got an awesome huge tank like that I would break the norm… 3 words….blind cave tetra lol or something odd or an odd community in general, and weird things to make it a theme, maybe a ton of those back breeding frogs Cory talks about lol something to get people talking but also something different
  20. I’m so happy to hear it’s not just me lol the chopsticks idea is one I would have never thought of, I have them raked into a pile right now, next maintenance I’m gonna take some of the advice from here and try raking them into a container of some sort and see how that works for extraction
  21. Thank you all for the input, going to try some of the suggestions and hope one of them work, I appreciate it
  22. Definitely is worth playing around with, or some sort of alternative plating ideas or feeding trays at this point, that’s what I’m leaning towards I think you guys may be on to something
  23. the issue is: I have had tanks for a while and tried many different things, the one I set up for this dragon puffer was supposed to be special because he was my bucket list fish. I pretty much did everything from scratch, built a filter, a stand etc. I’m no aquascaper by any stretch of the imagination but I’ve been real pleased with the way I set it up and the puffer has been super happy. That being said, sometimes he doesn’t finish whole snails he just takes pleasure out of destroying them so my masterpiece of a tank just has uneaten piles of shells in places lol I’m trying not to disturb the substrate too much but something’s gotta give lol i carefully raked them into a pile with a fork and am now contemplating the best way to extract them. I suppose I should add, he has quite the appetite so hands in the tank, or tongs, or turkey baster, or gravel vac or literally anything he isn’t too fond of and has no problem expressing it lol
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