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CJs Aquatics

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Everything posted by CJs Aquatics

  1. I’m by no means an expert but I was very concerned when my male and female BN exhibited the same symptoms quite some time ago. It appeared in there case to be almost a stress induced camouflage behavior. I monitored it for quite some time and researched it thoroughly, and am by no means making any guarantees, but it never turned out to be anything to worry about in my case, the male still does it from time to time when he’s I guess what the equivalent of aggravated would be for a fish… proper water parameters, limited overcrowding, and plenty of hiding spots I think your BN will be fine… in summary… I don’t think it’s anything to worry about…
  2. Hello all, has anyone had success breeding loaches specifically dojo’s or zebras? also it’s a long shot but I picked up what was labeled as “inle lake hovering loaches” at my LFS and have had them for a while, turned out to be 4 males and 1 female. There is little info that I can find on breeding loaches in general outside of happy accidents, I would love to be able to breed any of them to help showcase how amazing they are to hobbyists in my area however have had no success. Info I’ve read says hormones or a trigger are required for most species I own to spawn, can anyone chime in and possibly offer some insight? Thanks in advanced…
  3. Ok thank you so much for your time and advice I appreciate it
  4. That would also make sense, should I do anything special for the pleco with the spot I noticed or just maintenance the tank and see if it resolves itself?
  5. I will do small water changes daily and add prime and hope it helps the little guy, I’ll start now, thanks for input
  6. Yes I use prime every water change to dechlorinate water the only other chemical that goes into the tank is easy green
  7. I change water weekly, the tank has been set up and inhabited for months, the nitrates shocked me when I read the test strip bc it’s a pretty heavily planted tank that hasn’t had many issues except occasional ones in the past which were from over feeding I corrected, nothing really has changed, the pleco in question is the newest fish in the tank and kinda small, but has been chowing down today, idk what caused the parameters to swing like this but to answer your question and hopefully lead me to an answer the ph from my tap is 6.8 ish 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 75 hardness it looks like and 0.8 chlorine
  8. Sorry, I’m new to this forum, and forums in general… I attempted to upload a thumbnail it’s possible it didn’t upload… parameters are as follows: 200 nitrate 0 nitrite 150 GH 0 buffer 6.4 ph 0 chlorine
  9. Can anyone help me identify this dark pigmentation near the left gills of my juvenile blue eyed lemon pleco? He seems to be doing ok eating an algae wafer in the picture I’m just unaware as to what that may be disease or genetics or other, any help would be appreciated thanks…
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