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CJs Aquatics

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Everything posted by CJs Aquatics

  1. I’m in Toledo I think it’s about 2hrs and 15 away
  2. This is good advice and probably easier then a back burner diy project right now. How cold should the water difference be? How long does it take for the air stones to provide enough oxygen? Should it be a different ph or same water the tank gets just plus added oxygen and a lower temp? Sorry about all the questions I’m about to dial in some breeding soon
  3. Hey all, so I have ran across some hard to breed fish that some people have suggested potentially rain triggers them. I’ve seen spray bars I’m not well versed in them bc if I’m not mistaken they typically run on canister filters which I don’t run in my fish room currently. My thought was has anyone ever attached a rain shower head to a fish tank? My thoughts are and I’m also not aware of how that works that theoretically mounting it over an open top tank would not only be aesthetically pleasing but if it’s possible to plumb you would be able to essentially make it rain on command. I apologize if this sounds stupid it was just a random though I had that I wondered if anyone had also thought about or ran something similar. I figured shower head, 5 gallon bucket, pond pump attached to shower head in 5 gallon bucket, when you turn it on it empties the bucket as rain into your tank until bucket is empty. This is just a rough thought obviously but you could even use rain water for this application to have the ph shift I would think so it’s just like rain. Idk don’t drag me too bad lol I guess what have you guys done to simulate rain?
  4. what’s up everyone, so I’m running probably 8-12 air pumps (and planning on a few more) in my tiny tiny little fish room. Almost all of them are small battery back up pumps which has came in handy quite a few times. (Upgraded after losing power and losing fish years ago). With that being said I’m trying to streamline what I have to make things easier. Is it time to start saving for a linear piston air pump or a pump similar that would cover things? Just a random question I wanted some thoughts on…
  5. Hey everyone, I’ve been having a lot of issues with my dojo loach tank for months so I decided to redo it. So far the redo (I’m not in love with it) is nice but in doing it I used elements I had available when it came to plants which just so happened to be plants covered in BBA. 3 swords and 3 bolbitis. I’ve been treating the tank with some flourish excel but the bolbitis are completely engulfed. Is it time to just throw them out or can they be saved? Funny side note, I potted the swords so the loaches would stop uprooting them. I just 5 min ago watched the loaches digging not the substrate, but literally digging the sand holding the plant in the pot out of the pot lol
  6. Hard to tell for sure from the photo. I had an Apisto with a similar situation. It got better feeding him Dr. Bassleer “lapacho”. I usually use med trio when In doubt.
  7. Hey all, CJ here, so obviously this is the best fish club there is I’ll start off with that. It’s also currently the only one I’m a part of. I live in Ohio, anyone know of any active clubs around here? I’m looking to meet some new fish friends and have some things to go to and look forward to regarding fish. If not I thought it was still a good topic, what makes your clubs special?
  8. I’m in love with this thread, I seriously drop everything when I see a notification on it. So many cool things happening, as well as knowledge, it’s inspired me to work more diligently on my fish projects as well as start some new ones. Amazing work all around. I think I’ll be tagging some more people shortly 😉
  9. Cheap stuff I have used in planted tanks: - laterite (fluorite red) - natural clay kitty litter - aquasoil (can be dirt from the backyard or worm castings or organic potting mixes etc) - BDBS as a cap or pool filter sand as a cap never used that specific fluval soil bc honestly any soil will work with proper assistance. i can’t speak on if it’s a good deal or not but i hopped on here to at least give a few cheap planted tank options for some layers I’ve personally used. It sounds like a decent deal to me though. 🙃
  10. I’ve always used ick x in freshwater with no issues. I’ve never owned a salt water tank. I’ve heard kordon is a better solution for dealing with inverts and actually is used to treat some “shrimp” illnesses, but I have never tried or owned it. Perhaps someone else has more experience but in general I think eighter would work and are better then the ick. I hope this helps in some way and everything gets better.
  11. This seems to happen often, getting fish from the LFS that don’t do well when we get them home. Sometimes they carry diseases, sometimes they don’t acclimate well to our water, sometimes it’s old age, sometimes stress, but regardless of the situation it happens in the trade a lot. The practice I use most of the time is pretty simple and as follows. When I’m at the store about to purchase the fish I try to inspect them for a few minutes and choose the liveliest healthiest looking ones. When they are bagging them up at checkout I ask them the ph/ temp of the water in the tank they are kept. I also ask them what food or foods they feed them. When I get them home I have a separate tank with nothing in it completely empty except a sponge filter. You can use anything that’s big enough though if a tank isn’t in the budget, including a mop bucket or a 5 gallon bucket, or a Tupperware container etc. as long as it has been sanitized and is chemical free and holds water. I take an unconventional approach from this point. It has worked for me but is not necessarily advised. If there is enough water in the bag they are in, I skip the temp acclimation and pour the fish into there “quarantine tank.” I temperate match my water to theirs and make sure it is dechlorinated. I then drip that water into the water they are in in the tank until it is full. I have found this to reduce there overall stress from the bagging process and being introduced to a new environment, as well as helps them to slowly acclimate to the parameters they will be kept in. I say it isn’t advised bc it is never advised to introduce LFS water to yours in any way. Once the tank fills up, I dose it with the med trio based on its volume. This tank uses separate equipment from the others like nets siphons etc. Usually around 7-14 days of meds and monitoring then you can plop and drop them to the tank they are going to go in in my opinion the healthiest form they will come in. When you water change them use your dechlorinated water. In your situation, you did the right thing in pulling them out into a separate tank. Next step I would take is to start the kanaplex. There really isn’t a right or wrong answer in this situation whether or not to wait a day, it’s whatever you feel is best for your fish, they most likely already came sick or stress made them sick. Best advice from me personally is monitor them and get some meds through there system and see if things improve. Yes it could make things worse of course but you don’t want any illness to transfer to your other fish. I feel if something negative happens when you were taking a proactive approach in there health, there probably wasn’t anything else you could do, and it could have been worse so you did the best you can. Honorable mention would be reduce the lights during this process to help with stress. I truly hope something in this post helps, I’m sorry it was so long and I hope your fish recover.
  12. @WhitecloudDynasty thank you sooo much for this it’s exactly what I needed I truly appreciate it
  13. @BrettD @xXInkedPhoenixX @Odd Duck @drewzero1 @FLFishChik Tag 🙃
  14. Yes, I had those same thoughts, similar to cuttlebone introducing a minor calcium source I figured perhaps a dog bone would as well. I also thought the huge ones would probably leach food into the water column or provide a very fast place for biofilm to form and be a constant grazing source for fish and shrimp, almost like a pleco on driftwood. Obviously if this were the case there would be an ammonia issue to balance perhaps but I don’t think that would be too much trouble. I was thinking shrimp tank or fry tank, many people introduce leaves or things to grow biofilm so the shrimp/ fry can graze nonstop. Also the more often you feed them the faster they seem to grow, so my thought was, perhaps in a shrimp tank, not only would the bone help add trace minerals to the water but it would be a constant source of food at a very easy price point. Just one of those random weird thoughts that come up lol
  15. Hard to say, it could be the start of black beard algae, or something else entirely. As far as dealing with it, aside from what your doing regarding (light, nutrients, and co2) perhaps something like manual removal, or I’ve heard peroxide does wonders on it when used properly. Also a niche group of fish eat it if the fit into the theme of that tank but my go to is flourish excel personally.
  16. Hey everyone, so I was at the store today picking up some sand for some fishy projects I have coming up and I happened to cross the pets aisle. Does anyone have any idea what would happen if a bone that was meant for a dog was placed in a fish tank, or shrimp tank? Idk where my weird mind comes up with this kinda stuff but it seems like although there are cons it could be a viable idea, just wanted to hear peoples thoughts don’t tear me up too bad lol
  17. my personal opinion on this: your dedication to maintenance/ tank set up/ type of main filtration drastically changes the amount of guppies which you can put in various size tanks. What type of filtration will you use/ what’s your maintenance routine look like?
  18. Looks like staghorn algae, I could be wrong, perhaps someone else will know for sure
  19. Typically in this situation I take an unconventional approach… anytime I have a plant that’s not doing well, I pull it and pot it. This allows you to be able to basically spot treat whatever is going on, in this case, I’m guessing it’s having trouble acclimating to your tank. I would ask your LFS what he doses with/ ask what kind of substrate they came from as well as water temp/ parameters just to give you an idea of what’s causing it to melt. You can root tab it, you can provide nutrients via fertilizer, and dial in the light, and it might bounce back once it gets stronger, but me personally with crypts and obviously floaters being the exception. I clay pot them in sand capped soil and give them light in a small nano tank. I use water from the tank they are going in for top offs, essentially I get them used to the tank, outside of the tank. It allows me to in most cases figure out exactly what it’s missing without disturbing the main tanks parameters so once they are reintroduced I will have an idea of how things will adjust and what adjustments I need to make etc. if you have multiple stems it might not hurt to experiment like this with one, if it thrives it will give u a back up which is always good in fishkeeping/ plant keeping. I hope something in this helps this is just my unconventional approach. I’m no expert but I have bounced back quite a few plants this way, I’m working on 3 swords that were in bad shape as we speak
  20. This is amazing and welcome to the hobby. One of the most fascinating things about this post is watching the progression you went through from tank to tank. You can visually see things you clearly learned, and tried and it’s refreshing and brings back memories of my own. My only advice would be continue to enjoy things your doing, never stop trying new things. I guess if I were to offer any constructive criticism at all, it would be to almost specialize in what you like most. I did what it appears you did, (nothing wrong with it) I got some of everything bc I want it all. Looking back I wish I would have placed more focus on working with a few things, almost mastering them. I feel like it adds to the excitement and value within the hobby, but again nothing but praise coming from me, I’m impressed
  21. I’ve used them, no noticeable differences to me, now I use crushed up eggshells mostly in my shrimp tanks/ snail tanks they seem to love that as well
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