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CJs Aquatics

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Everything posted by CJs Aquatics

  1. could be a few things but I would register that as odd… first thought is possibly something leaching from decor or equipment, perhaps a paint or sealer or decoration itself? Could be something leaching from substrate if there is any, generally I associate blue water with medications, so if something was used in quarantine or meds were used in the room recently they could have gotten into the tank and stained the water, also I suppose it could be something in your water your using itself causing the blue color, if it’s tap oftentimes the facilities add diff chemicals at different times of year changing our water chemistry without much info. Could be something creating a blue look based on the lighting used or blue lighting… I’m sure it could be more things but this is what came to mind off the top of my head, hope this helps, perhaps a bit more info and we can dial in the exact cause…
  2. Hello, welcome to the hobby, can’t wait to hear how things progress, best advice I can give that I didn’t take initially is “patience”… good luck on the journey this forum is awesome for everything fish related
  3. tackle box em my friend, then emmersed grow plants out of the old containers and give them out to fish friends as gifts, kills a few birds with one stone lol ♻️
  4. @AllFishNoBrakes some have mts, others like myself have what I like to call etfrs (everything that’s fish related syndrome) lol gradually trying to organize this mess of a fish room but it’s a never ending battle bc things often come in, things rarely go out
  5. Hey all, saw this online figured I would share it’s working well for me in regards to rotating foods and keeping things organized…the waterproof container (tackle box) also seems to help keep things fresh longer… not an original idea of mine but I like the way it works and functions, this shows some of the fish food mess I’ve accumulated followed by an easy way to clean it up…
  6. Yes typically they eat big fella pellets as they are rather large, sometimes some krill flake or spirulina flake from extreme, however recently cleaning out some fish foods I gave them the rest of the vibra bites I had. Woke up this morning, 2 were floating belly up, not dead or anything but having a terrible time swimming. Immediately I tested water and although parameters were ok it was time for a change so I tested after as well and things there were back to normal. I suspect the vibra bites since they weren’t pre soaked expanded in there stomachs and are creating the buoyancy issues they are experiencing. Overall it appears they are just struggling as you said to pass the food or the air whichever is creating the problem, I did see one managed to pass it as I watched the “pink cloud” so perhaps they need a bit more time to let things pass I just thought an expert opinion on the matter might help. I’m not home so I can’t attach pics but I can when I get to the house. Basically how do you expedite the digestive process I suppose would be a better question bc I’m almost positive it’s bc the food expanded in there abdomen or is there anything else I can do to ease things for them?
  7. Hey all, was servicing an aquarium that uses an undergravel filter, and had some extra materials present. I cut a strip of poly filter to place in one of the uptake tubes. I figure this might give me an idea of what’s going on in the aquarium at an easy glance. Perhaps the water quality immediately upon being filtered through the substrate. I just thought I would share but would love to hear your thoughts…
  8. Hello all, I have some adult dojo loaches and last night I varied there diet and fed some vibra bites which isn’t there normal. Woke up this morning and the food must have expanded in there stomachs causing them to have buoyancy issues. This has happened before and the fix was to pick them up out of the water and kinda gently rub the air out of them but it seems to be more difficult this time. Just wondering if anyone has any other solutions?
  9. Hey all, odd question, but I have a bunch of east planters not being used that are disgusting. They were removed and placed in a water bucket where they resided for a while. How can I go about properly sterilizing them for reuse, can they be boiled? Or should they be soaked in a solution of some kind perhaps scrubbed. All answers appreciated but the easiest one will honestly probably be appreciated most 😅
  10. also at war with duckweed I feel your pain and look forward to your triumph
  11. Shrimp have been my Eleanor, I’m no expert at all, but salt dips helped me with an ellobiopsidae issue with them before so I can attest that it does work to some degree…
  12. No expert but appears to be a legion of some sort most likely as you suggested an abrasion due to sparring or running into something. Probably caused a secondary infection and caused it’s demise, parameters look alright. I wouldn’t make any drastic changes perhaps just monitor things and be prepared with medication on hand on the off chance it was parasitic fungal or bacterial.
  13. When I think of nano fish I tend to also think of there size not exceeding that of what would be comfortably housed in a 20gallon or under at full maturity personally
  14. Personally went through the same line of research regarding treating dropsy in guppies. I ended up trying aquarium salt which I will say did not do well in treatment and in my opinion or particular case may have expedited the condition. I learned of the epsom salt recently. The aquarium salt treatment on my end was not a controlled experiment more of a panicked trying to help so it is entirely possible I did it incorrectly concentration wise. I’ve never tried the epsom salt treatment but would be interested to if I ran into a similar situation in the future (hopefully not of course). Worth mentioning I decided personally for dropsy after the first trial salt was not the way to go for me. I had limited success with medicated food, as well as some real success with medications themselves. Although vague, I hope sharing this experience helps in any way
  15. Happy to report I have a red lizard whiptail sitting on and fanning eggs 🙃 hopefully everything goes smoothly
  16. Hey all, how do I get rid of the duckweed but keep the red root floaters, manual removal would probably take a decade?
  17. Hey all, can anyone briefly discuss how decaying organic matter from dying/ melting plants impacts water quality negatively if that is in fact the case? I set up “swamp tank” basically put a bunch of plants I was holding and weren’t being cared for properly into a tank. Most were in very bad shape, some have died, some are dying, some are melting, some covered in BBA, some seem to have bounced back and started thriving. With that being said the tank is cycled but I’ve never put a fish in it yet bc I’m not completely sure of the impact of the organic matter on the water quality. Was hoping for some clarification… thanks -CJ
  18. I’ll preface by saying I really know very very little about turtles, just love them and the occasional research. I’ve heard (idk if it’s true or not) the actual basking area has something to do with turtles needing to absorb a vitamin the sun or light simulating it provides for healthy bodily processes. If this is determined to actually be the case perhaps it would be possible to achieve the same effect within a regular aquarium setting without the basking area itself with a little diy. What I can speak relatively comfortably on is that I wouldn’t worry about the fish bothering the turtle, more then likely it will be the other way around 🙃. Maybe if it’s a concern introduce them at or around the same exact time before any territorial behavior can be established and he will most likely be in charge of the tank (and it’s numbers). I am interested to see what other people think as well as some updates if you choose to do this project, I think more people would want something similar, I would for sure…
  19. I’ve seen and done many ugf experiments myself and my take has always remained the same. There’s nothing wrong with trying it but it already functions as it’s supposed to for most tanks. I’ve recently learned many people even feel it more effective to lessen the flow rather then speed it up, so honestly, currently I run 4 with a plan for 3 more shortly and I run them as is. Depending on what your goal is would determine the effectiveness I suppose, more mechanical? More biological? Polishing? Removing impurities from water column? Increasing flow? Regardless I say, if it’s going to make your hobby more fun try it out and see if it works for you, just my take on it, I’m summary I don’t see it as being necessary, but sometimes it’s just fun to try new things…
  20. @AllFishNoBrakes @Schuyler @TOtrees You guys have some cool stuff going on, and good ideas, feel free to tag someone who hasn’t been tagged, or your interested in knowing what they are up too with there hobby, or someone who helped or inspired you, or if they haven’t shared something already or perhaps things have changed since they shared and there is new news, it keeps the thread going and in my opinion it’s a very fun interactive thread I love getting the notifications 🙃
  21. i wish all fishkeepers treated every fish as proactively as you are. I think the biggest key will be monitoring how he reacts to certain things and trusting your own judgement. If you feel it may be a parasite, perhaps start with that medication, if it clears it up that gives you a focal point. Regardless of the outcome I truly feel you are doing everything in your power to provide the best life for disco so there is no wrong answer in this situation, and furthermore I truly hope disco makes a full recovery and your able to enjoy him for a long time to come…
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