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CJs Aquatics

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Everything posted by CJs Aquatics

  1. I went through something similar, I can tell you it will most likely slosh everywhere, at least it did for me, I would bag them if I had to do it again I took some to a friend a few hours away and started with them in a small nano tank half drained, ended up turning around to rethink things, put them in a deeper 5 gallon bucket with a screen top and an air pump, it was still awful, they sloshed everywhere, none sloshed out but it was stressful, I would if I were you or if I go through it again prep them like you are preparing to ship them to someone and take them for the trip like that or something similar, bags, styrofoam, boxes, newspaper or something to keep them from moving around to much/ stay insulated etc.
  2. Pothos, I like the variegated varieties
  3. @The Arthritic Aquarist I was having some success with the crushed eggshells I made into powder and put in a mason jar but they got a rotten smell to them, wondering if I didn’t let them dry enough possibly so I ended up throwing the jar of it out
  4. Hey all, so I watch a lot of fish room tours among other things and tend to notice everyone has something that makes there fish room special or unique. Sometimes it’s a piece of equipment, an idea, an innovation, sometimes it’s something much more subtle. Regardless that’s part of the fun of watching, I’ve picked up a few ideas I incorporated from them myself. It’s kind of like passing down the family recipe in a sense, everyone does something cool/ different/ efficient/ special etc. I thought it might be fun to share some of these with each other, what makes your fish room unique?
  5. Val does better for me with the tabs or in my case (nutrient rich substrate) then it does with the liquid ferts. Tips would be they can’t get too much light in my opinion unless you notice them burning from it, and time. It takes a second for them to get started but once they do they are off to the races. There are experiments that can be done to see which grows it most effective for you however personally if you are root feeding, and water column feeding and have adequate light I honestly think they will flourish given enough time to set.
  6. never tried frozen cubes bc they are hard to acquire here tried vibra bites they won’t eat them I’ve been putting new things in each day to see if they will eat it but each day they haven’t so I guess they have been holding off on feeding on there own
  7. @Flumpweesel tried soaking them today and used garlic guard… long story short, gotta do a water change lol guess it’s just not meant to be with bloodworms and this fish
  8. @lefty o so I’ve never done it, and oftentimes can’t be positive, but for more info, sometimes I have guppies die, nothing crazy like one a week or every 2 weeks out of hundreds in a healthy community tank. So I saw a dead fish which I would usually remove fast, and thought, I wonder if my picky eater puffers would dispose of this for me and figured I would ask the forum. They seem to only eat live foods which is a pain…I’ve seen plecos eat dead fish I didn’t get to fast enough and they have remained healthy and breeding but I figured some opinions would be a good idea first
  9. Hey all, would it be a poor practice to remove a dead fish and allow another fish to eat it? I’m assuming so bc of issues such as cross contamination etc. however I thought I would ask the forum… example: guppy dies, feed it to something that will eat it immediately, would it be more of a risk then a reward?
  10. Hey all, 2 questions: 1. Is freeze dried food meant to be kept in the freezer? 2. Can I pour regular freeze dried bloodworms into an ice cube tray, add water and freeze it to make my own cubes as the sheets are hard to find in my area? I think my puffers might be more appt to take it that way they don’t like them when they just float on the surface is why I’m asking, anyone got a recipe? Like add garlic guard or crushed pellet or vitachem or something like that or just bloodworms and water? I guess that’s more then 2 questions sorry for the clickbait
  11. Hello all, so I’ve been visiting quite a few forums this week and have noticed a significant amount of fishkeepers (myself included) seem to be struggling with issues pertaining to fins and tails. Rather then reading through countless forums in search of an answer, I’m hoping by posting this In the general discussion tab it is viewed by the right audience. Basically for me, I’ve dealt with fin “rot” issues in the past, and the solution personally has been meds, however what I haven’t dealt with is fin and tail issues from aggression. I have a pufferfish that’s been in quarantine, super active, healthy eater, always hunting etc, however it’s belly seems to be sunken and it’s tail is all but missing (probably from fighting other puffers) and seems to be a bit fuzzy like it’s eighter trying to heal or getting worse…Past experience and research has led me to believe most fish are capable of regrowing fins and tails. My question is very vaguely, when you notice fins or tail issues, what steps to you take to accelerate that regrowth and help get your fish back to healthy? Thanks in advanced
  12. Interested in this thread as I also have a fish with some tail damage so the info provided might help in a similar situation
  13. I like it, not an aquascaper by any stretch of the imagination but it’s pleasing to the eye which I feel is half the battle
  14. Welcome back can’t wait to follow your progress
  15. @TeeJay thank you I’m going to check it out
  16. @TeeJay that’s a great idea I think that’s a winner
  17. Hey all, question for someone better at math then I, if a standard 10 gallon tanks dimensions are 20x10x12, and the coop sells moss mats that are 2.75x2.75 how many would I have to purchase to carpet the 10 gallon?
  18. Can’t help much with the identification that’s not my species of expertise, however as far as aggression, you can do a few things, craft mesh divider or something similar is an option but what I typically do is remove the fish from the tank, then re introduce them at the same time, or perhaps move things in the tank around so there are less disputes, if that doesn’t work after a time putting the aggressor in time out generally does
  19. looks like general wear and tear from aging/ decor to me, could be some early stages of fin rot and you could treat him with the med trio, however, if it were me I could continue to monitor and make sure the parameters are dialed in, I try not to play doctor personally unless it’s absolutely necessary but that’s just me, what a beautiful fish also!
  20. Can I put them in my red lizard whiptail breeding tank that only has those, snails, and about 6-8 guppies, or should I dedicate a tank to them and them alone? Only reason I’m asking is bc the whiptail tank is suffering an algae issue so it’s got nothing but grazing area where as the other tank will be new and not seasoned… pros and cons to each I suppose but which would be the best?
  21. Pet fish are the best fish 🙃
  22. Hey all, gonna be trying shrimp again, (in the past they have always died on me). Eighter 2.5 gallon no filter or a 10 with UGF is what I’m thinking. Taking all tips as I’ve struggled with them before, shrimp happens… comment what color neo you think I should try with an emoji for the fun of it I was thinking 🔴 or 🟡 or ⚫️ thanks in advanced -CJ
  23. This is quite odd and unfortunate. I’m not the most well versed with disease but I’m almost wondering if it’s more one of the foods rather then a spreading illness of some kind. I’ve seen dry foods cause similar symptoms in guppies where they bloat, swim funny, then pass away shortly after. It expanded in there stomachs. If it were me, through process of elimination I would try to narrow it down. Perhaps quarantine and medicate a single fish you notice the onset of the symptoms in in a separate tank with separate equipment. If the meds help you will know it’s illness related. Try feeding the same diet but perhaps allowing dry foods to soak in the tank water outside of the tank shortly first so they expand before they are eaten. You could take it a step further and through process of elimination see if one of these foods is what’s the culprit as well. These are just thoughts, parameters look fine, and honestly these foods are high quality as well so it is a bit of a mystery to me as well…
  24. If it were me I would probably look into one linear piston air pump or something similar. I’m actually looking into one for my fish room myself. Reason being, the filters don’t seem to require a ton or air but as things progress you may decide you need more air lines for different things like breeder boxes or air stones or additional filters or tanks etc. seems to be the way things progress. I suppose battery back ups are nice but that would be pricey, would imagine you could run 2-3 tanks off one, honestly off of most pumps. The usb nanos are nice as well but probably would need more of them. There’s a million options, I think it’s kinda all about how you want to lay it out. Sorry for no specific pumps or brands really, I think it’s all a matter of how you want to lay it out, 1 pump, 15 pumps, 8 pumps, just depends on how your set up is and how you want it to be I suppose
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