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CJs Aquatics

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Everything posted by CJs Aquatics

  1. interested in hearing what people have to say
  2. I’ve done spirulina flakes, and algae wafers with spirulina as well as the sera tabs and they like all 3
  3. I’m no expert on this topic but I would assume most species would work. I would double check with others on the forum but I think most would be safe as long as parameters are monitored and enough food is prevalent.
  4. Thank you @Cory and @Colu I’ll let them sit in the meds overnight then tomorrow start taking the advice listed, I love this pet puffer so I’m hoping for the best, I appreciate you both
  5. I’m lost @Colu I’ve been through so much in my fish keeping journey but I was not prepared for tonight’s adventure. I left for the day for a family gathering, before I left a tank was fine, when I got home, a pet fish has one of his eyes completely clouded over. Tested the water and checked the equipment everything seemed normal. No signs of fighting with the other inhabitants, literally nothing has changed except foods. I gravel vac’d up debris, added in the dechlorinated water to fill it back up, then hit the tank with the med trio bc I don’t know what else to do. Over the course of 6-8 hrs a fish went from completely 100% healthy to one eye looking blind and some apparent cloudiness starting in the other one. I had some kana on the way for another issue and to just restock I just don’t know what direction to take I guess bc I don’t know the cause. Best honest guess, another fish had a mark from sparing, perhaps sent out an infection to this one? I added vitachem in case it was a deficiency and the med trio, is there anything else i can do?
  6. CJs Aquatics

    Med Trio

    Hey all, with the med trio, is it less effective letting them soak in it rather then doing the recommended water change daily and reading of full dosage of meds or the same? Second question can kanaplex be used with it safely or is it not recommended? Thanks in advanced Redosing not reading***
  7. Wonderful chatting with you earlier, love the topic and love the species and look forward to what everyone has to say, I’ll try to keep things brief… I tried a few types of caves as I heard they are a cave spawner and they seemed to like right fitting, open ended pvc the best cut to approx 6 in, although this one is checking out a larger longer piece. (Sorry for the algae) offered them many size caves both open and closed, this one was in the uplift tube of a coop sponge filter, never showed breeding activity in it but loved to hang out there it’s a relatively heavily planted 10 gallon running an undergravel filter with a deep layered substrate however I have had them in different set ups, it wasn’t until this one I saw eggs but it may have been bc they were finally mature enough. This pic is to show a potted anubias I have in the tank that I had to bring over from there last tank bc they loved laying in it so much, when I can’t find them I look here first you can vaguely see 2 of them in there currently.as far as feeding goes, I feed a varied diet, many many options. Mine don’t seem to care for blanched vegetables, there favorite foods are protein rich, carnivore pellets and they do well with larger sizes as shown in this picture. They graze on the algae all day or at least appear too but really get active when new foods are introduced, sometimes I feed flakes or nano pellets or wafers also but it’s important it gets to the bottom bc they don’t seem to travel up for the food they wait for it to hit the substrate. typical breeding behavior looks like this, very similar to plecos they breed in caves and are egg layers, then the female is kicked out and the male fans the eggs to keep them from growing fungus. I’ve seen eggs twice, relatively small clutches and haven’t for quite a while and neighter time saw any fry so this is as far as I’ve gotten. I’m hopeful I will be able to breed and successfully raise this peaceful fish, they are super fun to watch.
  8. Hey all, I have a few questions: I’m terrible with dosing so I’m hoping someone can make this simple for me… 1. How much salt do I need to add to a 10 gallon tank for the optimal raising of baby brine shrimp to adulthood? (Preferably in Tablespoons) 2. How much salt do I need to add when changing water? (Preferably in Tablespoons) 3. How much and how often do I feed spirulina powder? anything else I should know or any other tips gladly appreciated thanks…
  9. If that’s a worm of some sort inhabiting the tank I’ve never seen one like it, interested to see what someone more well versed has to say. Side note, in my experience loaches and puffers handle any snail problems I run into, the problem ends up being not enough snails lol
  10. Interested in peoples answer to this question as I’ve just recently started with repashy foods
  11. Im sorry to hear about your loss. Let me start off by saying your being proactive about this rough situation and I’m sure many myself included can empathize from experience. It is almost impossible to 100% determine even with symptoms livebearer illnesses as there could be so many causes, even experienced keepers struggle from time to time. With that being said I would start off by taking an inventory of the tank. List everything, for example: glass tank, rock substrate (inert) potted anubias, SpongeBob pineapple decor, sponge filter, fluval 3.0 light, heater etc….after you have your list I would go through it and list anything dosed or fed as well. Has anything changed recently since you’ve seen the issues? Next step would be test the water and check parameters to see if anything is off. Is it a new tank or has it been set up? From there I would make sure my equipment is functioning properly example: heater didn’t malfunction, filter is working. Is the food your feeding different, new or expired? There’s so many variables within our control but even more outside of it. If everything is checking out it’s possible that they carried the illness since you’ve had them, or were just old or something stressed them, or other, and perhaps it’s just an isolated set of incidences. Salt is a good treatment for a wide range of things , so is the med trio (that’s what I use). How are the other inhabitants, it’s important to monitor. I use a system of checks and balances or rather process of elimination to make sure I didn’t do something first then I move on to the next step which is meds. I’m sorry this is long your situation just really hits home for me, I hope something in here might help. As far as specific meds if you’ve chosen salt, the coop website has dosing instructions which may help as well as some info on meds that treat a wide range of things that could be physically effecting the inhabitants of the tank.
  12. It would depend on the amount your feeding. How many tanks and how heavily stocked as well as how many times, and how much your time is worth. There’s a lot of factors involved although I think it’s a cool experiment. I think it would be dependent upon the person and what they feed. May be possible to generalize though I’m curious to peoples answers as well, I can say in my case the brine doesn’t go as far as the dry goods foods based on the price however I do feed it and rotate it in often.
  13. I wouldn’t worry too much about it unless it’s altering your parameters drastically or you absolutely hate looking at it, it actually has been said to carry some beneficial properties as well. Water changes help a lot, I’ve also heard of people using carbon to remove tannins, I would assume it’s short term shrimp safe although I would fact check that just to be sure as I’ve never done it personally.
  14. Jabba puffed up, not the best picture quality but it was cool to see
  15. Hard to tell from pic, 1st picture looks like uneaten food that is rotting to me, it could be algae as well though, second pic looks like the start of a form of hair or BBA those are my best guesses
  16. Stare down Jabba Other Dragon Puffer in photo (still unnamed) -3rd is hiding and noticeably more timid -they are eating snails and this one is starting to show interest in food other then live the other needs more time -2 platies left of 8 so I’m assuming the puffers got them they were very interested in them - interaction has been minimal they are aware of each other and some very very mild sparing over cave but other then that they stay in there sections of the tank when not hunting snails or exploring
  17. I kind of want a breeding pair of something small for my empty 10 like bettas or hillstream loaches, but have also considered doing a little diy and setting up a live food culture of some sort (probably adult brine shrimp) and getting it to auto feed some of my other tanks. No idea what direction I’m going basically every tank I see right now I daydream about bc I have an empty one 😅
  18. I’ll preface by saying this is not based on scientific evidence but only years of experience growing plants in my own hard water. My educated guess would say they probably have a harder time with it, however I would follow that up by saying it’s been negligible for me. They grow like crazy when there specific needs are catered too regardless of the water. Root feeders need a ton of nutrients at the roots, column feeders benefit from nutrients dosed in the water, and there’s “almost” no such thing as enough light for most of the plants you listed. I would focus on dialing in the nutrients and lighting rather then remanufacturing the water itself. There’s always going to be plants we struggle with but lastly bc you mentioned it, my swords were days away from death, I all but gave up, then I pulled them, planted them in pots with dirt and clay based substrate capped with sand, and now they easily fill up a 40 gallon they are so big, so small adjustments can yield large results, I hope this helps.
  19. Update: I could not find the meds listed so I ran a 5 day treatment of Maracyn and ick x together. I medicated daily after approx a 30% water change. 5 days of this seemed to really clear everything up, the effected female is back to 100% however there is one in there that still has a patch of whatever it is behind the head. My question is, is it safe to continue the daily treatments, the bottle says 5 days so I figured I would ask the professionals… should I continue the treatment?
  20. “Jabba” Unnamed Dragon Puffer 1 Unnamed Dragon Puffer 2
  21. Yes I had one “Jabba” he’s very large and I acquired 2 more. They are currently all hidden in there, my plan is to journal using pictures and try to document things as they progress, I’ll try to get a good picture of them tomorrow if they will let me
  22. Best guess, young hovering loach, I suppose it could be a type of SAE as well, hard to tell what they are but definately cool
  23. I like the bio ring idea I don’t see why it wouldn’t help/ work, I’ve seen guppy fry literally hide in large gravel substrate. I think they are very adaptable and it’s a great experiment
  24. Thank you I have some kana on hand, never heard of the other medicine but I’ll start with the Kana and see if it buys me some time
  25. The best happy accident I ever had which also turned into the 2nd best fry hide I ever made was I used matala mat I had lying around the house to wall off 3 sides of the tank for better viewing. The original goal was to let moss attach to it and have a 3 sided moss wall but that never panned out. What happened by complete accident was when fry were born, they swam through it and congregated together on the other side of the mat in a small space where it was randomly sitting off the glass. The parents could have never got to them. Shrimp got smart and did the same. Leads me to believe if your looking for non traditional, maybe something as simple as a very course mat or sponge, or craft mesh divider, or yarn anything along those lines. Sorry for the long story it brought me back I couldn’t resist telling it. -photo was years ago, what it doesn’t show is fish in it, but there was a slight gap between the mat on the sides and the glass about 1/2 in and that’s where the fry all went
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