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Kyle murfitt

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  1. Thanks ! Really trying my hardest to just let this scape go and not mess with stuff lol. And hoping I'm right at sexing the apistos and possibly get some fry
  2. Lol nice. I'm south of town near Galveston and worked over there for a while at the plants. I-10 to 146 suuuucked
  3. In my tank it definitely did. Had cryps in my big tank with a 3.0 led fluval and they did not like it. Moved all to my 30 with a finnex that's more mid or low light and they're growing awesome now. Also hard water here in Houston. Lots of Val, Dwarf saggitaria, cryps, and swords . Wisteria is going ok but took a loooong time to acclimate and start growing submersed style leaves
  4. So the "female", definitely a male lol. He's colored up nicely in the last week and has also spent a few hours in and out of the cave with what I'm hoping is for sure a fire gold female.. she has been sticking to the cave a lot ever since so hoping there's some fertilized eggs in there ! Also the tank has really started growing in and im loving it !
  5. Set up the new 75! Moved all the mbuna, 4 corys , 1 siemese algae eater, and 1 green phantom pleco to the new 75, completely cleaned and reset the 20 gallon screened in patio tank ( new qt and plants tank ) , and 1 month in on the 29 gallon apisto tank update.
  6. Just wondering how yall covert and post videos using Android phones ? Appreciate any help
  7. So I've got a 20 gallon on the screened in patio and thinking it's just going to be a spare plants and quarantine tank over the winter...but... what are some cold water species I could possibly keep through the winter ? Located in Houston TX so the normal Temps through winter are high 30s and mid 40s . Rarely hits below freezing and if it does its for maybe a day or two . And I do have a spare heater too. Thanks !
  8. That's awesome. Mine do the same on the wisteria
  9. Update: So I believe the "female" double red is turning out to be a young male.. and I still can't tell with the fire golds/reds.. the double red definitely does some dancing for the both of them so hopefully they are ladies. Everyone is happy and healthy though!
  10. Couldn't say much on the 40. But I've got a trio in a 29 with some cardinal tetras and otos and they are already showing some aggression. Like fish folk said you'll need to start small and once they pair you may have to separate to different tanks.
  11. My scarlet temple looked exactly the same for the first two weeks I had it but it settled in . Have had it a month now and it's got some crazy roots shooting out if it
  12. So going to set up this new 75 gallon the wife got me for early Xmas!! Moving the mbunas from the 55 to this and tearing down the 55 for a while. Want to get some really good flow in this tank . Planning on getting a fx4 , already have a sicce voyager powerhead but wondering if there are better options yall would recommend. I'll also be transferring over the sword plants and vallisnaria from the 55 if that effects any amount of flow I may need or don't need.
  13. Everything going smooth so far . Have been dosing heavy easy green and plants are starting to perk up a bit and showing less melt. Tetras, otos and nerites doing great. Apistos are showing a little aggression but mainly between the two fire golds , still not sure if I have two females or a pair so it's a waiting game to see where the aggression is coming from .
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