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  1. Oh no… I was hoping it was not that. Any other opinions?
  2. Hi all, someone please help identify what these patches on my corydoras look like. They were in a 10g tank with a betta that just died with symptoms of dropsy. Because I only had one cycled QT, I moved these 4 to my 20g fry tank, only later to realize that they had these lesions. I’ve done 2 water changes and increased the temp of the fry tank but otherwise I am at a loss. I’m so afraid this is something contagious that will kill all my babies 😞
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Hi all, someone please help identify what these patches on my corydoras look like. They were in a 10g tank with a betta that just died with symptoms of dropsy. Because I only had one cycled QT, I moved these 4 to my 20g fry tank, only later to realize that they had these lesions. I’ve done 2 water changes and increased the temp of the fry tank but otherwise I am at a loss. I’m so afraid this is something contagious that will kill all my babies 😞
  4. Thanks but not really an option currently because the fish seems to be behaving normally. Anyone else encounter this condition??
  5. Hi Everyone, (posting for a friend) Below are some parameters pH - 6.2 (I know- this is low) Typical is 6.5 Nitrates- 40+ (just added nitrate reducer) Hardness - not sure Nitrites - 0 ppm Ammonia - 0 ppm KH/Buffer - not sure Water Temperature - 80 degrees This fry was born at the end of October with some deformities (at the least, curved spine) but this growth also seems to have been there- not positive about that though. Anyway, it has doubled in size recently. We were wondering if this is cancerous tumor vs. edema versus congenital defect, and if it can be treated. This little girl has been eating and behaving normally. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  6. Thank you very much. I am trying to think positive and your words just helped me a lot.
  7. They just ate them less than 30 minutes ago… is there anything I could give them to help them vomit?
  8. Hi all, So my daughter, trying to help me out, decided to feed all my fish this morning, and I was horrified to learn she fed my green spotted puffers clams on the half shell that I was preparing to throw out. They had been thawed since yesterday morning (so 24 hours!) …I am so upset. Please, if there is anything I can do to prevent them from getting sick or dying, I appreciate any words of advice.
  9. Hi, everyone- I am relatively new to this forum but have received great advice for my molly from several members (thanks Colu, XxlinkedphoenixX and guppysnail) and I am so grateful for it. Although she ended up passing away, Mione did initially improve quite a bit with your help, and at least passed away with me by her side. I also feel like I did everything I could to save her. So, on the bright side, my fish sitter did an amazing job while I was away for a week. All of the fish in my 7 tanks look happy and healthy —except my blind cave tetras— I’ve noticed these red areas, although they are still eating and behavior seems normal. I measured tank parameters after I performed a 40% water change last night, and they were: 29 gallon tank (cycled for >1 year) 80 degrees F KH 8 GH 15 ph 8.2 Ammonia 0.0 Nitrite 0.0 Nitrate 0.0 There are currently 2 blind cave tetras (I tried for months to get more of them but my LFS couldn’t get them) and two mollies. Bc of m/f imbalance, I added two young female mollies to the tank last night, so now there are 6 total fish in the tank. I also realize that my parameters are somewhat high for cave tetras (I just added some buffers last night) but would warmer, alkaline water produce those streaks? I just want to do the right thing by them and my mollies if possible. Thanks in advance.
  10. So… what happened to your mollies? Did the levamisole do the trick?
  11. So, you may want to check out this link apparently that symptom *could be* one of the first signs of dropsy.
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