Hi, everyone-
I am relatively new to this forum but have received great advice for my molly from several members (thanks Colu, XxlinkedphoenixX and guppysnail) and I am so grateful for it. Although she ended up passing away, Mione did initially improve quite a bit with your help, and at least passed away with me by her side. I also feel like I did everything I could to save her.
So, on the bright side, my fish sitter did an amazing job while I was away for a week. All of the fish in my 7 tanks look happy and healthy —except my blind cave tetras— I’ve noticed these red areas, although they are still eating and behavior seems normal.
I measured tank parameters after I performed a 40% water change last night, and they were:
29 gallon tank (cycled for >1 year)
80 degrees F
KH 8
GH 15
ph 8.2
Ammonia 0.0
Nitrite 0.0
Nitrate 0.0
There are currently 2 blind cave tetras (I tried for months to get more of them but my LFS couldn’t get them) and two mollies. Bc of m/f imbalance, I added two young female mollies to the tank last night, so now there are 6 total fish in the tank.
I also realize that my parameters are somewhat high for cave tetras (I just added some buffers last night) but would warmer, alkaline water produce those streaks?
I just want to do the right thing by them and my mollies if possible. Thanks in advance.