@Lowells Fish Lab thank you so much for taking the time to reply and give your great advice!!! I will most definitely try using a smaller 8oz deli cup and maybe try a spawning mop, water sprite and continue to use java moss! They are just starting the breeding literally a couple days ago so I feel I have a while to try new things, and since they literally spawn for hours every morning EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! I have plenty of opportunities try new things! Also the bbs...? Is that live bbs or can you supplement frozen bs? I have plenty of high protein foods with flake, frozen and if need be I can brine up some bs too!
Again thank you so much for taking the time to help me out! It’s greatly appreciated and I’ll make sure to keep you and the forum posted on my journey!
Between trying to breed cpds and some medaka rice fish (in tanks) I’ve had my hands full. I don’t have a big huge fish room. I have a small rack to play musical fish with! So it’s a fun experience that I love!
Have an amazing day and I’ll keep you posted!