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Posts posted by CalmedByFish

  1. I also agree with waiting longer. 

    I'll throw another thought out there though. I've often wondered if fish, like us, can sometimes simply be infertile. If, by chance, the female can't have babies, then perhaps the males can somehow tell, and that's why they don't chase her around. (Which sounds sad actually, but I have to remind myself these aren't humans we're talking about.) 


  2. On 9/14/2021 at 1:30 PM, ARMYVET said:

     I placed one empty basket upside down on the bottom of the pond to use as a fry cage. Fry can swim in but the bigger fish cannot. 

    I've been wanting to do this! Can you give me any detail about how the basket is made, or where you found it?

    (I want it for a tank, but your experience might point me in the right direction.) 

  3. On 9/14/2021 at 2:57 PM, Jimmy said:

    I would prefer water sprite but why spend the money.

    For what it's worth, octopus is doing much better in my water than sprite did. Sprite has thin flimsy leaves - and all plants with flimsy leaves dissolve in my water like they're made of toilet tissue. So you might actually be better off with the octopus anyway.

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  4. On 9/14/2021 at 9:41 AM, siniardem said:

    I thought about that but was told that they wouldn't have enough room to swim in the 45 gal

    Mine is in a 29 gallon. In the 29, and in the wide open 55 he used to live in, he just finds a small spot and parks. He does slowly mosey around the tank a few times per day, but then just goes back to his parking spot. 

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  5. On 9/12/2021 at 12:20 PM, Hobbit said:

     gold bodied platys will never, ever give birth to dark bodied platys.

    Tuxedo pattern dominant to plain.

    Wag is dominant to non-wag.

    I just got "dwarf red coral platies." They're all shorter than a typical platy, and all males and females are solid orangey red. Should it be that all offspring forevermore are also short and solid red?

    • Like 1
  6. Based on a video from my favorite ShrimpTuber, caridina and neocaridina can and do crawl out of their tanks to their deaths. The water surface and rim of the tank need to be about 2 body-lengths away from each other, or a tight lid needs to be all the way around the tank. On the examples he showed, the shrimp had gotten through the narrow slit between the rim and lid.

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