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Posts posted by DaveSamsell

  1. Typically, I feed very lightly.  Once per day at 12 pm.  

    Mostly have a bunch of different live-bearers \ various snails & use the following foods, in rotation:

    Xtreme:  Krill Flakes, Nano, Algae Wafers

    Hikari:  Fancy Guppy Granules, Freeze Dried Bloodworms, Algae Wafers

    Fluval:  Bug Bites, Flakes

    Repashy:  Community & Soilent Green

    Zoo Med:  Mini Banquet Blocks

    On a side note, since all aquariums are planted, they are very lightly fertilized once per day, around 10 am.  

    • Like 1
  2. Hi Everyone 🙋‍♂️

    Earlier this spring, a 100 gallon tub was set-up, for mostly livebearers (Guppies/Platies) & lots of snails.  Am experimenting with a UV sterilizer & DIY fine filter on a powerhead.  Have a large Aquarium Co-Op sponge filter for the added mechanical / biological filtration.  All seems to be working well.  

    Thought I'd share a few, quick photos with you.  Sorry for the visual glare.  Am not a very good photographer, lol.  📸  Many of my female Guppies are about to have fry, so the tub should be filling up quickly.  

    Plants include, Brazilian Pennywort, Moneywort, Hornwort, Anubias Congensis, Water Hyacinth, Hygrophila Pinnatifida, Water Sprite, Water Wisteria, Tiger Lotus & Bacopa Caroliniana. ☘🌿🌵🌿



















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  3. @FlyingFishKeeper, I was referring to the nose cone being of metal, not the propeller.  Typically, propeller material is wood, nylon or fiberglass\carbon fiber.  

    Have owned & flown the original Radian & Radian Pro w\flaps.  A lot of fun in thermals.  

    Keep practicing a couple of mistakes high & you will be  pro in no time.  

    I have been busy myself with fish lately.  Setting up an outdoor 100 gallon planted tub.  

    All the best....


    • Like 1
  4. Many fish are often happier in greater numbers of their own species/type.  Instead of one of these or two of those, etc in a community tank.  My "do over" to my younger self, would have been just that; if purchasing "schooling" fish, purchase in greater numbers, so they may be happier.  🐠

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  5. I am Pro-Snail, 🙋‍♂️ so my comments are probably biased towards them.  They are welcomed in my aquariums & are a nice addition to a well balanced ecosystem.  "Pest" snails are actually one of my favorite snails.  Have been breeding a lot of Mystery Snails lately.  While they do eat algae & look amazing, they are not the best algae eaters, IMO.  

    Most of my "pest" snails came in on live plants as "sneaker snails".  Am surprised companies don't charge extra for them, when ordering plants, LOL.   🐌  

    • Like 3
  6. 4 minutes ago, Dade said:

    Hi, all.

    The tank is not quite 3 months old. I regularly add minerals and fertilizer (including root tabs). I also add calcium. The tank is heavily planted. 

    I've got wood, almond leaves, and CO2, all of which I know drop pH. 

    The substrate is fertilized gravel. 

    Any other data I can provide that will explain better?

    Just curious, how often do you change water and what percentage?

  7. 1 minute ago, Anita said:

    Even easier than crushing antacid tablets, you can buy food grade CaCO₃ (calcium carbonate) powder from a winemaking shop. CaCO₃ is used to raise the pH of acidic wine. And it's cheap; I purchased 1 pound for about $6. 😎

    That is a good idea, too.  See, I learn something new everyday, LOL.  I try to use what I have on hand though, but will have to try your suggestion.  Thanks.  

  8. I do use Repashy products & sometimes mix in some calcium carbonate from pure antacid tablets.  The snails seemed to like that.  Plus, the gel based foods will stick around awhile, instead of being eaten too quickly by the fish, etc.  

  9. 33 minutes ago, Ayman Roshdy said:

    I have a couple of low tech tanks with a lot of green or light orange plants but I really want to add some red plants, I don't have a problem in the light nor the fertilizers but I don't induce CO2 so what are my options here? And would using something like the Walstad method enable me to add some red plants or CO2 is a must here?



    You may have some good luck with Scarlet Temple plants, too.  

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Neilabraham said:

    Is it really worth it....what water do aquarium co.op use in water change 

    From my understanding, most fish will adapt to a certain degree regarding water parameters.  I feel the majority of the Aquarists really don't need RO water, unless your H2O is way out of whack.  Actually my well water over the winter dropped from a pH of 7.6 to a pH of 6.5 from the snow pack melt.  It is sort of like having free RO water, LOL.  Anyway, would rather my usual harder water back for my livebearers.  

  11. 7 hours ago, KaitieG said:

    I'm working on purchasing stock for the 95 gallon display tank we're setting up.  There's a local club auction with some very nice livebearers.  Last month there was nothing I wanted, and this month there are several appealing options. Here's the stocking plan (what I already have is in bold)


    Green Corys

    1 Angelfish (added last after I have some less-edible size juveniles then serving as population control help) 

    Dwarf Chain Loaches

    Hillstream Loaches


    Here's where I run into my lack of decision.  I've decided I want platys for a few reasons: the male/females both being colored; size; color varieties to complement my guppy strains; peaceful disposition, etc.

    There's an assorted group of 6 platys available but there's also a really nice looking group of Koi Swordtails that keep catching my eye.  I've heard swordtails are generally more aggressive and was therefore going to avoid them with the guppies and Angelfish, but I've never kept them.  So, platys vs. koi swordtails.  Any opinions?  How aggressive are swordtails compared to platys?  I'm open to any thoughts and considerations!

    It's really a personal preference.  I am partial to Platies, especially the Red Wag & Variatus.  My Platies can be still "nippy" though, but not terribly.  

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