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Everything posted by Colu

  1. I would test every other day on the main tank and quarantine tank if your seeing any ammonia do a large water it's possible ammonia is causing the clamped fins getting this to zero might stop the clamped fins
  2. What you can do is dose the tank with ick X and do a course of maracyn in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days that's if your treating an active infection if your doing a preventive treatment add one dose per 10 gallons of ick X and maracyn and let it marinate for 7 days then do a water change
  3. If you have 0.5 ammonia that could be causing the clamped fins if your using test strips it can be difficult to tell the difference between 0 and 0.5 I would get a liquid test kit for ammonia and I would test your tap water for ammonia if your seeing any ammonia I would do a 50% water change and add a double dose of prime to help detoxify any ammonia till it constantly stays at zero after treating with aquarium salt your seeing no improvement then I would do a course of maracyn just in case there's a bacterial component @Guupy42
  4. Is there any Reddening were the tail fins split @Tan Tran
  5. You could add a low dose of epsom salt to the quarantine tank 1 table spoon for 3 gallons for 5 days it will raise your GH @Chick-In-Of-TheSea
  6. It's adsorbed by the intestinal tract so the medication gets into the blood which is more effective when treating epistylis
  7. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature as clamped fins can be caused by poor water quality low KH that can cause a lot of health issues in liverbears @Guupy42
  8. Yes there's a test for mycobacterium vet would need to euthanize one of your fish showing symptoms and do histology acid fast staining cultures I think your dealing with a parasitic infection what I would do is @Odd Ducktreatment protocol for parasitic infections it can take multipul treatment with appropriate time between doses to deal with potassium permanganate it will help with external parasites it wouldn't help with internal parasite it wouldn't it be an effective treatment for mycobacterium
  9. Could a parasitic infection you can the odd random deaths weeks apart with the emaciation you described could be wasting disease have you notice any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food out sunken belly white stringy poop @melanochrysum
  10. Given the fact they have had 4 treatment twice with levamisole that would have effectively dealt with camallanus worms what I would do is quarantine the platy in question and do two more courses of prazipro and add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for two weeks good from there the salt will also help with nitrite poisoning as well it's
  11. Kanaplex isn't very effective in food as very little of the medication is adsorbed by the intestinal tract if your dosing the tank I wouldn't recommend adding antibiotics to food I would always use the full dose using half dose can lead to antibiotic resistant @CarrieB
  12. Fish TB unlikely your more likely dealing with wasting disease how many round levamisole and prazipro did you do
  13. What I would do is treat with expel p active ingredient levamisole once a week for 4 weeks add an extra air stone During treatment and black out the tank for 24hr during treatment as levamisole a light sensitive medication @Ryan1988
  14. Looks like a bacterial infections what I would do is treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment such as maracyn2 or API fin and body cure which ever one is more readily available both these medication are shrimp and snails safe you could quarantine and treat if your concerned@Honolulu
  15. High levels of nitrate can weaken the immune system leading to secondary infection I would get to 40ppm and treat with the medication I recommended with ick X your doing daily water changes so that will help to bring down your nitrates I would start treating maracyn2 food straight away
  16. As I said in the other post maracyn2 is what I would treat with if after a full course of treatment your seeing no improvement give an update @CarrieB
  17. What I would do is get some new test strips or lmiquid test kits they are more accurate your KH and pH are to low for platys if your test strips are right what I would do is add crushed coral to your substrate or in a media bag in your filter you will have to add one pound of crushed coral per 10 gallons that will gradually raise your KH and pH spots look raised that could be epistylis that feeds off of gram negative bacteria on the slime coat of your fish and spreads more quickly at temperatures effective treatments are dose the tank with ick X and do a course of maracyn2 not maracyn in food @CoolCats
  18. I have seen Bettas develop texture changes to the scale it can be the start of a tumor or benign growth sometimes it has a genetic component what i would do is monitor for next couple of weeks don't treat with methylene blue or salt bath it will be unnecessary stressful and it won't have any effect then give an update if he gets worse or his behaviour changes
  19. given the length of time it's been going on a bacterial infection like columnaris would have killed your fish by now possible neon tetra disease and fact another neon tetra is developing a spot on it's chin makes this more likely @Alisa23
  20. Could have a bacterial component the picture quality not the best I would air on the side of caution and do a course of maracyn2 active ingredient minocycline won't harm your frog add an extra air stone during treatment
  21. Could bacterial component spots look raised could Also be deal epistylis that feeds off of gram negative bacteria on the slime coat of your fish and spreads more quickly at higher temperatures what I would do is a course of maracyn in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days as you have it on way and dose the tank with ick X I would Also get holed of maracyn2 just in case you need to follow up @Acohen
  22. Colu

    Lump on Gourami!

    If this becomes a recurring issue I would look at what your feeding
  23. @mountaintoppufferkeeper has a lot of useful information on puffers maybe he can help what are you seeing to suspect a parasitic infection @Attack_muffin
  24. With rainbow fish they are very susceptible to mycobacterium it can cause lesion and lumps I can't say for sure that's the cause it could have a bacterial component what I would do is quarantine and do a course of kanaplex that's a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment @wfv
  25. Just plane non scented Epsom salt
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