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Everything posted by Colu

  1. The most in important thing is to get your nitirtes to zero without doing this the treatment won't be very effective as you haven't dealt with the cause of their illness I would do two 50% water changes one in the morning and one in the evening to get your nitirtes as low as possible then I would do daily 50% water changes and add a double dose of prime I would stop feeding for a couple of days add some Aquarium salt that will help with nitirte poisoning 1table spoon for 2 gallons just remember to only put back in what you take out so if you do a 10 gallons water change put 5 table spoons of salt back in that will also help with the body sores
  2. Colu

    Sick Apisto

    If his scales are peeling that. Could be caused by him rubbing of things in the tank or bacterial infection what I would do is after your Frist course of general cure do a course of kanaplex or maracyn2 they are good antibiotics treatments for when fish aren't eating as their adsorbed thought the skin and gills of fish and repeat the the general cure in two weeks after the Frist course you could try soaking his food in seachems garlic guard to encourage him to eat
  3. Colu

    Ranchu floating?

    That could be constipation have you noticed him pass anything resently
  4. Colu

    Ranchu floating?

    Your treatment options very limited in Canada if you can get kanaplex off eBay that's your best treatment option if The Epsom salt and fasting don't work you can get a prescription off a vet for antibiotic treatments if you have trouble getting kanaplex it will be more expensive
  5. Colu

    Ranchu floating?

    you can rule out the flow from your filter Swim bladder issue can be caused by over eating and the stomach putting pressure on the swim bladder constipation internal bacterial infections injury to the swim bladder also high levels of nitrates can also effect the swim bladder what I would do is fast for a Couple of days and do Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for no more than 15 minutes for a couple of days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxants to relieve pressure on the swim bladder if after a week your seeing no improvement or he's getting worse then I would do a course of kanaplex in food
  6. Colu

    Ranchu floating?

    Looking at the video the flow might be to stong for your Ranchi I would try adjusting the flow from your filter see if that helps
  7. It's difficult to tell if it's mouth rot the best treatment is a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment like kanaplex in food and jungal fungas clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone together following this treatment schedule using jungal fungas clear instead of furan2 as it has been discontinued i would Qarantine and treat him separately
  8. What's your ammonia level notice any rapid breathing added anything new to the tank resently what are you feeding him and how often
  9. Colu

    Pygmy Cory Temp

    I wouldn't go higher then 79F with pygmy Cory's
  10. Colu

    Sick BN pleco

    I would wait 24hr then dose the water column if he not eating the medicated food
  11. I wouldn't recommend neon's and angelfish together angelfish will eat neon Tetra's
  12. Colu

    Angel fish spot

    I would just monitor leave the salt a in week melafix and primafix are just herbal treatments that act as a mild antiseptic treatment that aren't very effective I think it will heal given some more time a bit of salt
  13. Angelfish have deep body's when full grown so the deeper the tank the better my friend has a group of manacapuru red angelfish and he keeps them in a 28in deep tank they have plenty of room as they can be between 6-10in tall when full grown depending on the species of angelfish when you add substrate that will lose you another couple of inches that why I think minimum depth should 18in just my opinion other people might disagree
  14. Colu

    Angel fish spot

    It doesn't look like a cyst have you noticed any aggression between the krib and the angelfish
  15. Fluval FX 6 rated for tanks up to 400 gallons you can add a spray bar and fluval uvc inline clarifier as well they are great filters for larger tanks
  16. Just my opinion i think angelfish do better in deeper tanks I think a group 15 neon tetra would look nice in that tank with the Cory's and Bristlenose
  17. Colu

    Angel fish spot

    What your ammonia and nitirte at and temperature and are they eating ok any rapid breathing
  18. He's a medicated food recipe for fenbendazole what type of medication did you get was it panacur c or one of the other medications I mentioned he how @Odd Duckdose panacur c
  19. Colu

    Angel fish spot

    It looks more like it's rubbed itself a little information would be helpful what are your water parameters
  20. I would start feeding them hikari shrimp cuisine
  21. The fungal growth on the gills would be enough to kill your endler it's also possible the fungal growth happen after your fish died in warm water fish decompose really quickly also did she look pregnant as she could have had complications from giving birth and that what kill her it's difficult to no for sure as your water parameters are fine I wouldn't treat the other fish I would just monitor them for now
  22. It could also be constipation have you noticed him pass anything resently if not then I would do Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for no more than 15 minutes for a 3-4 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxants to help with constipation
  23. Bristlenose pleco for algae control a nice school of tetras bleeding heart or lemon tetras are big enough so won't be eaten by your angelfish and a group of Cory's for the bottom of the tank
  24. I agree with @Guppysnail looks like a leech
  25. kanaplex is more effective in food if she not eating dose the tank with salt and kanaplex
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