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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Maracyn and maracyn2 are safe to use with African Dwarf frog's
  2. Maracyn and maracyn2 are safe to use with African Dwarf frog's
  3. If you can get a better picture it will help with a diagnosis
  4. I feed my comet goldfish twice a day with a mixture of foods spirulina flakes repashy super gold hikari saki fancy goldfish purple pellets duckweed bugbite goldfish pellets frozen blood worms once a week
  5. Looks like Epistylis it feed's off gram negative bacteria on the skin of your fish and spreads more quickly at higher temperatures the most effective treatment is a combination of kanaplex in food and aquarium salt if he won't take the medicated food you can dose the tank but it's less effective @Marcisaninja
  6. Looks like a case of mild Mild fin rot you could quarantine and treat with Aquarium salt 1 table for 2 gallons and Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties and keep good water parameters it should grow back without the need for antibiotic medications @Schuyler
  7. Possible Epistylis it feed them off gram negative bacteria on the skin of your fish and spreads more quickly at higher temperatures the most effective treatment is a combination of kanaplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days and aquarium salt 1 table for 2 gallons
  8. I would do a 50% water change in between treatments then redose with 1 teaspoon for 20 gallons
  9. With other fish showing symptoms I would check your Water parameters have you added anything new to the tank recently that could have bought in parasites or disease it's possible your other fish could be having a reaction to the medication adding three medication at once can be extremely stressful to fish the medication can have negative interactions any other symptoms rapid breathing hanging near the surface listlessness sunken belly spitting food white stingy poop color loss
  10. If the white spots have gotten better with kanaplex in food it could be Epistylis it feed's off gram gram negative bacteria on your fish skin and spreads more quickly at higher temperatures if she eating the none medicated food and not spitting it out it more than. Likely not wasting disease it could be a combination of stress and Epistylis if the bump is on one side that could an internal growth or caused by constipation have your Notice her pass anything recently @venzi
  11. Have you looked on aqua huna for them
  12. Does she eat the none medicated food if she is spitting out the medicated food it can because she doesn't like the taste you could add to some garlic guard to the food if she spitting out medicated and none medicated food I would worry about possible wasting disease the bloating is more than likely because she is pregnant you can get bloating with internal parasites but spitting food out and hiding she could she is sick have you notice any other symptoms such as rapid breathing hanging near the surface listlessness sunken belly spitting food in any of your other fish @venzi
  13. I just looked them up I think a group of dwarf centipede knife fish would be a better choice and would do well in a 40 gallon tank
  14. He look a litte thin and with the symptoms your describing what I would do treat him with levamisole that's the active ingredient in Expel p once a week for three weeks and you could try feeding him daphnia or brine shrimp good quality flake food hikari micro pellets or VIBRA bites
  15. Have you notice any rapid breathing hanging near the surface listlessness sunken belly also spitting food out can be a sign of wasting disease were the parasites causes irritation of the throat making it difficult for them to swallow food
  16. Sorry to hear that they didn't make it as all three developed the same symptoms at the same time is odd I would monitor all your fish closely for next couple of weeks
  17. Looks like lucania goodei the bluefin killifish
  18. @Fish Folkkeeps flag fish maybe he will have some good information on keeping them in a community tank
  19. Very unlikely for frozen blood worms or brine shrimp to be carrying disease infection or parasites that would infect your fish the freezing process would kill the parasites
  20. @nabokovfan87I was reading about something similar the white spots on the fin rays can be linked to the start of fin rot in fish it's more than likely cause by your high nitrates if they were 30ppm after a 50% water change i would increase water changes to try and keep them below 20ppm I would also add some floating plants they are excellent nitrate sponge's I use water lettuce on my gold fish tank it doesn't get eaten spreads really quickly @DustinJWagner
  21. Hanging near the surface can be caused by low levels of desolve oxygen so adding an extra air stone as @nabokovfan87suggest is a good first step I would also add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes at that level it shouldn't harm your plants with the bloating they could have over eaten or internal parasites can cause bloating and rapid breathing have you notice any other symptoms such as listlessness sunken belly spitting food white stingy poop @mprisbrey
  22. I typically only treat if I see any symptoms otherwise I just monitor for 4 weeks if there wild caught I only treat for parasites during quarantine period
  23. Typically you see camullanus worms protruding from the anal vent they are red in colour have you got any pictures of the worms it will help with an ID
  24. Looks like the eye has ruptured you could add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table for 5 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes and if he still eating I would do a course of maracyn2 in food the active ingredient in maracyn2 is minocycline has anti-inflammatory properties I would recommend seeing a fish vet may need surgery to remove the eye @insaneinnixa
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