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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. @Lennie that looks awesome when it’s the only plant. Shallow tank with other plants and Val is asking for trouble. At the very least you’d be working against what they said the goal was. @little red herring I wouldn’t toss it. Use it as an excuse to buy another deeper aquarium.
  2. There you go, that’s what Val will look like if it’s healthy. It will block the light to your whole setup once established.
  3. You’re probably going to get a ton of answers to all your questions. My input is that a 20 long is a low tank, while Val grows very, very long. I’d stick with the dwarf sag and remove the Val so it doesn’t eat up excess nutrients. Just for example, I attached a photo of my 180 gallon with Val, it’s somewhere around 8’-10’. Edit: Of course, it won’t let me post a photo.
  4. @Jeff I’ve had the same issue on all the aco pumps on larger tanks. Seems like they are great for a backup if you loose power, but I’ve stopped using them as my main air pump, they just have very little flow, very quickly after cleaning.
  5. @Jeff what kind of air pump are you using?
  6. @Lennie I absolutely do not mind at all. I could possibly make a video and send it to you or we can zoom/facetime so you can ask real time questions. Whatever works for you
  7. I clean hob’s with impeller once per month on all units, I’ve literally never had an issue. Not to say it’s the perfect filter because it doesn’t exist, but this is as close as I’ve found.
  8. I have 6 110’s and 1 70 and I love them. I don’t even research anything else. Unless something is introduced that is a literal game changer, then I love/trust the tried and true.
  9. I could be crazy, but I’m pretty sure you would be fine just using dechlorinator. I would buy locally and you’re most likely fine. Just my opinion. I’ve lived in a soft water state and now hard, I’ve never had an issue that a fish couldn’t acclimate to my water. I don’t keep sensitive fish like discus, do my regular maintenance and I’ve never had an issue. Over time, you’ll be able to notice things with a quick glance of your aquarium. I think you might be overthinking this a bit. If you want to tinker by all means, but as my doctor told me, sometimes it’s best to stay off webmd. ps that’s not discredit the fine advice you got above. If you decide to continue then you got some good stuff up above.
  10. I’ve moved with a 125 before and in my experience, as long as you take your time, go over everything as you’re doing it, then you should be good. The suggestions above are excellent and you should be successful.
  11. Have you tried keeping Pygmy Cory’s before and had bad luck? Or are you chasing numbers? Just curious.
  12. What @Colu and @Tony s stated is what I do to the syllable. Personally, I’d get those fish out of those bags as soon as yesterday. Toss them in a tote with a sponge filter.
  13. This is fascinating, please keep us updated.
  14. Hey everybody, anybody keep paradise fish? I’m thinking of keeping either 1 or 6 in a 29. I prefer keeping 6 but have read males can be a bit aggresive at breeding times. Anyone have any personal experience with these guys?
  15. Panda Garra is an excellent idea. Personally, I’d swap those mollies for some platies and amano shrimp. JMO
  16. I’ve done this before and it works, you’ll be fine. I cannot tell you why or how, but I can tell you that afterwards, I had a mini bacterial bloom for 1-2 days and then all was well. I fed lightly until the canister was up and running again. I also seed my sponge filters by placing them in a stock pond with no air running through the ones to be seeded. I’ve pulled them out and have stocked an aquarium with them and never had an issue. Good luck, but I don’t think you’ll need it. PS awesome bala’s
  17. @T. Payne Since they move a bit clumsier than speedier fish, would you say they prefer a more sedate tank mate or either way works? You’ve got me curious.
  18. @Tony s my thumbs are as black as my x wife’s soul. All the plants in my aquarium go straight in. If they survive, cool. If not, I might try again. I’m definitely a fish first kinda dude.
  19. Here’s the thing, you’ve posted about this before which tells a more experienced keeper that you’re a bit bored with your setup and would like to tinker with it a bit. More fish doesn’t necessarily mean more satisfaction. I suggest breeding because with these guys, you can use small totes/shoebox for fry. Once you implement an actual project, you’ll challenge your mind and get a bit more satisfaction out of it. Another reason I suggest this is I’m pretty sure your cycle is out of wack according to your previous posts as well. Become an expert with what you got and then stretch your tentacles once you master the tank/task at hand. This isn’t meant to be mean or anything, I just remember the same behaviors in myself and other newbie’s around me at the time. This is a big reason why people have many tanks. You could theoretically have a different tank to work on daily. However, when finances, space, or time is limited, I always look to get a project going in said aquarium.
  20. 6 is a number used for the high probability of getting a pair. It’s been stretched a bit to include schooling fish when in reality it is more like schools of hundreds. However that’s why 6 is used.
  21. @gardenman I agree, however experience plays a huge factor in this equation.
  22. Cory keeps these in a 40 breeder. Go to one of his last 6-7 videos and you’ll see how he has it setup and the tank mates that are housed with them. I wish I could recall and don’t quote me, but I’m pretty sure he’s got platys in there.
  23. 75 regular 40 short bodied but monitor and potentially move it up to a 55 if maintenance is too much or it looks cramped. 29 gallon only for fry. I would never put anything that gets over 4” in a 29. 8” is just too big.
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