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CoryWithAKatana last won the day on September 1

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  1. Pine is saturated in sap. Sap gives Pine trees a resistance to bugs because it is toxic and pungent. The sap will leech into your fish tank and kill everything in the tank. This goes for all soft wood trees
  2. Make sure you know what kind of wood you are using! Soft woods like pines cannot be put in fishtanks. Also make sure the wood has no fungus or rot. Oak branches are nice when set up correctly. Sand is a perfect substrate for corydoras since they sift through the sand with their gills. I have no experience with Gouramis so I cant help you with that part. I am excited to see what it turns into!
  3. To me, these look like Malaysian Trumpet Snails. They are not harmful to your tank and eat old uneaten food from your substrate. They most likely came in on some plants, this is very common. There really isn't a way to get rid of them once they are in your tank since females can reproduce without the help of a male. Other than being a dull color they dont pose any threat. If you dont like them the best way to keep their population at bay would be to introduce an Assassin Snail.
  4. Nah I would say its best to have a good mixture of the two instead of it being split. Maybe you can put some spider wood into the dragon stone holes and have a cool hybrid hardscape. It would def give your fish a little resting/hiding place Bravo! You have an awesome tank. Im jealous... 😄
  5. Betta fish need at least 5 gallons of water to be happy. Im not sure about 3 gallons... Shrimp kinda need an established tank to thrive. But snails you could do. Some snails like rams horn snails get pretty colors like bright orange, or some mystery snails look nice.
  6. On my campus we have 7-12th graders so some bigger fish could be better. I live in Florida so my water is really hard. I have always heard that Angels were aggressive so could I have community fish with angels? Also are the electric blue acara community fish or species-only Ive never heard of them but they look cool.
  7. No no, I was wondering what would be a good flag fish or main fish for the tank
  8. Welcome back! Im glad to hear you are doing somewhat better. 😄
  9. I have an empty 50 gallon at my school that I have responsibility of. What would be the best fish to have as a flagfish, best schools, or best bottom-dwellers. Equipment can come after I get the fish but I do have a giant filter that operates on a sump pump.
  10. It is most likely a small caterpillar that hitchhiked on the broccoli. Harmless
  11. Ye it was drinking alcohol, ill do a water change. Just curious though...hear me out... what would happen if I left it in there? im not gonna but like what would happen?
  12. HELP! So I was dumb and poured about 2oz of alcohol into my new 6 gallon long tank. Currently it has a bunch of bladder snails and rams horn snails from my java moss and I also have an aquarium lily and baby java ferns, no fish. Im unsure on what to do... I was giving it a top off because water evaporates and I poured the alcohol into my tank, it was in a water bottle and I thought it was water but as soon as I saw the alcohol hit the water and start mixing and looking weird I stopped and smelled the bottle and it was alcohol. Will this kill my population of snails, small creatures and beneficial bacteria? or will it be ok? idk I am very panicked rn
  13. Wow! Such a pretty tank.Keep up the good work
  14. In my opinion 7.6 pH is pretty high for a betta fish. They prefer a 6.0 to 6.8 pH range. @Colu might have more professional advice but I would reccomend a pH reducer. When a betta is exposed to a High pH like 7.6 for a while it could make them susceptible to diseases like Fin Rot.
  15. My advice would be to give the shrimp PLENTY of hiding spaces and caves to hide and spawn in. The betta will for sure eat fry if they can so try not to let that happen. Another thing I would try to do would be to cycle the tank plenty before adding the shrimp, since they like established tanks. Another crucial thing I would also do would be to add the Shrimp first. I know this sounds strange but in my experience bettas will live with other organisms the best when the other organisms are already in the tank. This is because the betta will think that they are being added to the shrimps area instead of the other way round. Personally I would not suggest a betta with shrimp in such a small tank but I believe you can do it with enough time and effort. So to recap: Cycle the tank(few weeks/month) --> Add shrimp (let them settle for a week)---> Add Betta. This is my personal advice, feel free to disagree or whatever
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