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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. @Lonkley, it says nitrates should be under 10 ppm nitrates……??? Uhhhh help.
  2. Also, @NanoRain,the 5 gallon is going through a thing that happens to most aquariums. It can be bad too
  3. Ok. For the smaller ones I recommend like maybe tetra submersible heaters maybe 2 as they automatically heat to 78-80 degrees or the flu all e200 electric heater. Both are good the first one I own and the second they say is the number 1 heater this year
  4. I am not freaking out as I just read this before I noticed this so thx. This happens to Java fern plants?
  5. @MattyM he ate it! He loved it too! Thanks
  6. Uh yeah I knew that.😂 ok Thx man. You are super helpful always! I just am starting to learn how to take care of plants btw so do NOT WANT to mess this up!😄 here is the plant or plants! I got 2 in 1!
  7. Hello, another question and this is concerning my betta who if you read my “betta is fat?” And “betta is dying” u know about him prob. So, can he eat bug bites tropical fish formula that I have got now from AC. It says for small fish soooo…..can he?
  8. yes healthy diets will always help with any fish! I have learned this with a betta I have who barely survived swim bladder and is eating now!
  9. Hello, currently I am having trouble thinking but could you give me some of your tank sizes?
  10. Ok sooo should I add more? I just tested and nitrates and they are 40 ppm. Add fertilizer?
  11. @JS Fishthat is sick! He is sooo big! 😀
  12. Uhhhhhh…. @Tony s…..I think they are more than 50….HELP!!! I already added them like 30 mins ago!!!! Actually…I will test..just did a google search and it said 60-70 ppm is fine. I panicked for a sec there😅 So btw @Tony s do I add fertilizer or no? Just adding them
  13. If you did salt,I reccomend fritz aquarium salt and add t. 2 tablespoons Didn’t read much of what other members had to say so u might not…😆 @Lys
  14. I am getting some WCMMs so thanks! I here they are good fish👍
  15. Yeah still waiting for ammonia +nitrite go down then I will redo se a SMALL amount of ammonia. 5fishes is fine right? @jwcarlson?
  16. No fish. Yeah I thought I was overloading the tank with ammonia!😆but can I add 6 fish in the tank first thing? Thanks because plants are out for delivery! Is nitrates fine with the plants btw @face and @Dacotuaand @Tony sand @Galabar? Somebody????😅 Ok thanks for the info.
  17. So,my tank has no live plants but they are coming tomorrow from AC. At least the Java fern. The anubius nana is coming day after tomorrow and some easy green as well. Anyways I just tested ammonia and nitrite after dosing 2 ppm ammonia (40 drops of the dr Tim’s ammonia). This is theSECOND time dosing as btw on the final stages of the cycle with nitrates present btw. Ammonia is 1 ppm with nitrite like..3 or 4 ppm!!!😫I was wondering if possibly the ammonia dr Tim’s ammonia I am using I am overdosing even though..it says 4 drops per gallon I know but should I do 1 drop and see what happens??? I am doing 40 drops because it is a 10 gal…..PLEASE HELP..I WILL ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ANYTHING!!!!😔
  18. 😂 yeah some say u can get 10 or so but I personally would not like that! They love diatoms and you don’t have to feed them anything with all that algae.
  19. @NanoRainthe distilled water is your only option I see but it might be anissue but not certain…get some merits snail in the 5.5 like 3 or so and they will clean that up good. Do you siphon your gravel? Nerite not merits 😅
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