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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. That’s good news, again, you’re doing a great job @Colette!
  2. Correct, Java fern, hope it makes it! @VanDogh
  3. Thanks a ton @CoryWithAKatana, I will look into that! Thanks for all the cool plant recommendations. Algae is so annoying, I have it everywhere in a 10g I have. Thanks for the 3rd time!!
  4. It did! You’re welcome, and yes that is what mine looks like as well. @VanDogh
  5. Yes, and also u can buy gel glue from aquarium coop and glue it to rock/driftwood/decor etc. here is a link to the gel glue that u can use @VanDogh. Hope this helps. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/plant-supplies/products/super-glue-gel
  6. If it’s Java fern, it is really easy to keep. One thing to keep in mind tho, if it is in the substrate, that’s not good, it’s a rhizome plant, if you bury the rhizome, it will rot. This is the rhizome, besides that, it only needs ferts, and it can handle high medium and low light, it is a super easy beginner plant @VanDogh
  7. Wow, I don’t know that would be it, I love it too!!!!! Your welcome @GuppyLover123!
  8. Ok yeah I was blank on the last ones name, I was like “pogo stems steltius is”? 🤣. Dwarf sag is sooo much different lol. But to be serious, I think there is 2 that we still don’t know, maybe a plant expert will show up hopefully here @VanDogh
  9. Curious as well, the filtration with rocks in front is interesting, i would love to know why you did it, again curious… 3 filters is a ton of filtration, seeding for other tanks is what I am thinking, @NOLANANO you said everything I would’ve said lol
  10. @VanDogh, that 2nd one looks like Java fern. The others, idk for sure, maybe someone else will chime in as I am curious too…
  11. Yes, maybe someday I will get a 40….. space is all that is holding me back. Thanks @Tony s, and everyone that helped me on this mysterious journey 😂. Thank again guys!
  12. Ok, still 0, and folks, I think this might be the end, no MORE AMMONIA SPIKE 🎇🎆🎇🎆🎆🎇🎆🎇🎆🎇🎆🎇🎆🎇🎆🎆🎇🎆🎇🎆!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully….. Should I add the late arriving de Tim’s bacteria from Amazon with my weekly water change? Or is that unnecessary…
  13. Actually everyone on this forum are all just experinced to veteran fish keepers spread all over the world! I wish i could see some people on here IRL but we all are mostly spread over in the US @Colette. About the remover, is there any ammonia present? If not, no need for it, if so, i think it would work for almost any size tank @Colette, colu might have better info tho, he is a veteran, im a experinced fishkeeper trying to help.🙂
  14. Amazon delayed my package and said it will be here on the 24, so i guess i will keep an eye one my fish until then
  15. Here are some suggestions, Sunshine, Mango, this is a weird one but Sheldon, lol, almost named my betta that @GuppyLover123.
  16. It’s true, this MLB player (btw my favorite player in MLB) has a 10,000 gallon koi pond with 100 KOI….. a 550g, 200, and 100g…. It’s awesome! I love his channel and thought to share it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jlpgWPd3nI&t=575s
  17. Nice, could i see a pic of your tank @GuppyLover123? Im here for the journey btw!
  18. lol, if your talking about me, no way. If your talking about @johnnyxxl, oh yeah. His is awesome!
  19. @Zenzo is my best guess, I feel like I watched that video or something….
  20. Wow, looks amazing, looks better than mine lol. Very cool @bigcorydora49
  21. Absolutely. Kinda disrespectful at the same time because your selling them as like food. But hey it’s ok, their cheaper at least 😉
  22. Oh 3? Ok Idk if it’s a good idea to do another one then. Don’t worry, during in a ammonia spike I don’t feed my fish for 1 whole week. They were fine as ever. In general, most fish can go three days to two weeks without food. But if your worried, maybe you can feed tomorrow a small amount, then fast for 2 days @Cellie Same, vacation for my white clouds, they don’t care, when I get back, still fine, but they are still ready for food because hey, fish will eat and eat and eat if you give them the chance unless they are sick. My betta (R.I.P) would eat 30 pellets if I gave them to him. But don’t worry I didn’t.
  23. Yes. Guees what @Tony s, I can’t react to anymore posts 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
  24. Cool! Could I see some pics of your white clouds? They are such a good and beautiful fish. @bigcorydora49
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