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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. Careful. We’re only allowed to discuss dans fish and aqua huna
  2. Coop recommends around 50 ppm for a heavily planted tank. Girl talks fish has a video on that. For unplanted 20 or less is recommended. But 20 is not necessarily enough for heavy plantings. Unless you have sensitive species 50 is no big deal.
  3. That is actually very helpful. The strips are very convenient
  4. Yeah, I’ve never seen them for sale anywhere around me either. Available online though. If you have something like that you can use
  5. Yeah, mine is on a landing literally on top of a load bearing wall. I just worry that guys in apartments 1. Check with the landlord and. 2 know what the insurance policy says. Lots of time and effort to be told to take it down at the last second. Which of course, I break #2, I have no idea what my insurance policy says. but, yeah, the weight from a 40 is relatively negligible. on the stair landing is very cool as it is very visible from front door. Bigger would have been better
  6. Great! Go for it then. Or maybe up it to a 55 or more. I have a 75g on the second floor. I wish I would have went to 125. It’s on a supporting wall. And is overbuilt. I should know, I built it 🤣
  7. Really would depend on landlord. I’d hate for you to have it set up perfectly, then be forced to take it down. But the weight shouldn’t be an issue. Especially since you’re talking about concrete floors anyway.
  8. Sorry, wasn't trying to rain on your parade. I love otos. was just using them as an example.🙂
  9. and if it doesn't warn you on compatibility and water issues like temp . you should be good. but... you still have to research your fish. like the oto. complete vegetarian. will need to be supplemented by fresh veggies. possible blanched zucchini rounds. that kind of thing
  10. yes. actually, can be relatively conservative. I usually go to 120%. the higher percent may just add a bit of maintenance.
  11. Wow, that last picture is funky. looks like black hairs growing from the white patches? no idea what that is
  12. To get an idea where you could get an idea for stocking levels. Try aqadvisor.com. It's actually really fun to play with your ideas there. it gives you basic info on compatibility also.
  13. yeah, and I don't have a reason the floater is doing well. but...
  14. Mine grows just fine in gravel. and has propagated into smaller bulbs. I actually have one floating (by accidents) and it's doing fine as well. This is the second time I've seen somebody say theirs won't grow. which honestly makes not a whole lot of sense. they're bulb plants. at this stage they don't even require any fertilizer. it should come from the energy store in the bulb. My suggestion is to pull it up and lay it completely on the surface not trying to cover it up at all. My floating one is laying on a bed of dwarf sagittaria, 2 inches from gravel and has sent roots down into the gravel from there. and leaves to the top all over my 75g
  15. In addition to oyster shell. you can use chicken grit. which is crushed limestone. which would be much cheaper in bulk. both should be found in stores that carry supplies for farm animals. Rural King or tractor supply here. If chickens can use it to promote eggshell health, there should be no issues in pond water. cuttle bone can also be used in your indoor aquariums. the kind they use for small birds. You'll just have to experiment and see what works for you after adding.
  16. Ok, that would explain the guppy thing 😅. But you may be absolutely correct. About the trio, I haven’t tried any cichlids except angels before. Been intimidated by german rams. But wanting to try the bolivians.
  17. In all honesty and if it were my tank. I’d probably go back with a couple of angels or even 4. Have had up to 6 in a 75. Had 2 pairs for a bit. But now the corys eat the eggs and the aggression has stopped. But I’d do something special. And possibly use this as a gift for your daughter. Possibly a pair of marble veil tails. Or platinum pearl scales. My daughter wants the platinum
  18. For off the wall. And depending on substrate. Gymnogeophagus balzani or geophagus steindachneri. Just the one. Mostly peaceful. Wont eat plants. Just digs. for more normal. Pearl gourami or honey gourami.
  19. But I’m thinking then that a pair is just instant aggression towards each other
  20. Was just thinking that 1 might get lost. I have training in horticulture and we usually think in odd numbers.
  21. Ok, yeah can't really see what you're seeing because of the picture. But, first thing, calm down. I'm sure it's nothing that needs immediate attention. Since it's a new tank you have new learning to do. No such thing as white spot algae. But you're about to learn about brown algae because it's new. then green spot algae on the glass. which is normal. almost all algae is good for your fish. algae= plants. they provide oxygen, reduce nitrates, and can provide food. it's all natural. brown spot is unsightly, but it goes away over time as well. see if you can get us a better picture so we can see what you do.
  22. Yeah, technically I know how. but, my lord, that is a lot of work. and a lot of wasted time and care. but I suppose, like everything else that goes wrong, I can fix things better next time.
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