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  1. Where did all the Variatus Platies go? I got back into the hobby 6 months ago after 5 years away. One of my favorite fish is the humble Sunset Variatus, and they used to be everywhere. Every LFS had them, even Petsmart carried them. Now, they are nowhere to be found, can't even find them online. Does anyone know where I could order some plain old Sunset Variatus from? And does anyone know why they became less available?
  2. Thanks for the opinions. I have rehomed all the fish and turned it into a peaceful tank with Hatchets, tetras, Bolivian rams and Platies.
  3. So I'm curious what other people think. I have a 125 gallon with the following stock. 1, 5 inch chocolate cichlid, 2, 4 inch leopard ctenepoma, 5, 3 inch yellow rainbows, 1, 4 inch festivum and 1, 4 inch delhezi bichir. I have had these fish for 6 months. (Note, I had to replace their tank so they went into a temporary tank for a week, 3 months ago.) It is a heavily planted and aquascaped aquarium. Parameters 0, 0, 20ppm nitrate OK, that's the info, now the problem. All the fish are growing and eating great, but I never see them. They all just hide constantly, the tank looks empty most of the time and I'm not sure why. Everyone s getting along but they all just look terrified and hide behind the decor and plants 100% of the time. Before I just sell all the fish and do something different I thought I'd get on here and see if anyone has an idea of what could be going on?
  4. All the fish are OK, just a little stressed and cramped in a 75 gallon for now.
  5. So, every aquarist nightmare just happened to me. I walk into my fish room and my brand new (3 months old) 125 gallon is leaking. It looks like the entire front bottom seam was starting to seperate. I immediately went to petco and got a 75 gallon to transfer everything to till I figure this out. My question to you guys is, has anyone gone thru the Aqueon tank warranty process, and what was that like??? Thanks, I'm gonna go cry more now.
  6. So, I don't think it's Epistylis anymore. It's not spreading, the spots look like they are in the fins and they are getting frayed. Fin rot? Fungal fin rot? Here are some better pictures than my last post, please help. Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5
  7. Thank you again. Two more fish in the tank have signs this morning so at this point I think I'm gonna treat everyone and not quarantine, it seems to be spreading.
  8. Thank you for the reply. Do you think I should treat the whole tank or move the affected fish to a Qquarznt8ne tank?
  9. So I have a question. I just treated my 125 semi aggressive community for ich. All went great except for one thing. The ich cleared up but now all three of my small Leopard Ctenopoma have something else on their fins where the ich was. I'm not sure if they are just healing from the ich or if a secondary infection is happening. Here is the best pic I could get, you can see the spots the most on the caudal fin. It is not ich, it's larger and has a more puffy appearance. Any ideas or suggestions? Also, water parameters are Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5
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