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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 7/13/2022 at 2:38 PM, Guppysnail said:

    If your ordering aco do it right. A few dollars more gets the new aco battery pump. All in one pump and emergency air. I am running 9 of them. I’ll never run anything else c

    I thought about it but I think they run for 4 hours. I would need something that runs a few days, as the hurricane outages are extra special.  🙄

    • Sad 1
  2. On 7/13/2022 at 2:23 PM, Guppysnail said:

    If they are the blue Penn plax sab. Good luck. Best I did was sit them on thick matten foam and cover with towels. Not very helpful. They were useful in that when the power goes out they come on automatically and are so roaring loud with 9 running it would wake me up 🤣

    Oh great. It's not in front of me right now but I think it's called Penn Plax Emergency Air.  I think I'm shipping it back and going with the nano pumps, just wondering what I should buy to run a nano pump though (that won't cost a fortune). We have some RavPowers lying around but would need those for our cell phones if we were out of power for a few days and need to check on the relatives.  Those have a nice life but are about $45 each. 

  3. Snagged a few D-cell pumps recently, what with hurricane season coming up, and I tested one out and WHOA!  It is LOUD!  Anyone have any tips on dampening that?  I wrapped 2 hand towels around it and it didn't seem to make a difference.

    Last hurricane we were out of power for 3 days and I can't imagine listening to that for that duration.

  4. On 7/13/2022 at 1:24 PM, Guppysnail said:

    Thankfully I’m immune to conical snail cuteness.

    Those snails are weird.  

    Also, your "guppy snails" are conical, just not "as" conical.  But I'm with you.  I don't really have interest in the long shelled ones.  Their faces are smaller and you can't really tell their.. expressions?  Also I'm afraid of live-bearing snails and a mega population explosion.  Although last night I watched a video on trumpet snails which was kinda cool.  They burrow in the day and they keep the sand turned so it stays looking good. Then they all come out at night.  But yeah, no control over breeding. It happens in the sand. Next thing you know, 1000 trumpet snails.

    You need to put your pink snail eggs journal and this one in your signature line so I can find the threads; I keep losing them. 🤪

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  5. Today I retired my breeder box (for now!)

    The 4 babies that were in there have been drip acclimated to the growout tank. Much like the previous arrivals, they had no interest in staying by the food. They are enchanted with their new environment and eager to explore! There is plenty of algae for them.







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  6. I got a new phone. The only reason I got it is for a better snail camera. #priorities

    Hopefully the photos and videos are gonna be better now.

    On 7/12/2022 at 8:42 PM, Guppysnail said:

    I guess the food is good in The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. Did they need the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy to get there? If they start saying So Long and Thanks for all the Fish I would be concerned 🤣

    There were quite a few parasnails to get to the dish.  ☂  They have really good sense of smell. 

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  7. I looked in the tank and realized the babies polished off every last bit of food! Added some Repashy and some of my DIY Snello which I had made a few months ago. That one has been in the freezer. Wasn’t sure they’d like it but it’s a big hit! Has a bunch of boiled veg, can of green beans, powdered eggshell, crushed algae wafers, little bit of fish food. It was really a sort of use-up-the-ingredients-on-hand recipe. They love it and everyone has traveled from near and far to the restaurant. 😊🐌🐌🐌🐌🥦


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  8. On 7/11/2022 at 3:21 PM, Guppysnail said:

    Oh I should mention using green veggies also creates in tank infusoria. And snail digestion is so poor micro fauna flourish. My egg laying fry survival all but doubles in tanks with mystery snails and veggies. 
    @Torrey recently tried my veggie method and tested diligently to prove it’s no different if the critters eat the veggies then the bio filter eats the waste or if the tank eats the decaying veggie. No ammonia spikes etc. Josh’s Frogs also has a quick article on in tank infusoria using veggies left in tanks for excess time. I do pull them at 24 hours if any are left. This may assist your pupfish. 

    I usually pull at 24 hours but I took a small trip and I was gone for 36 hrs and the snails had eaten the green bean completely and had a huge headstart on a second one that I convinced my husband to drop in there. I’m now wondering if I should just let them consume the green beans in their entirety, even if I takes a day and a half, or no?

  9. On 7/12/2022 at 6:37 PM, Odd Duck said:

    She has excellent balance!  That’s a good trait for an inspector.  One of mine is a pest, but none are much good as inspectors.  Followers, foot swirlers, and trippers, I have, but no proper inspectors.  😆  My professional pest pictured below.

    A caution to everyone, if you come across a professional pest, be very careful about letting them come inside, particularly if you occasionally have a touch of vertigo.  This can lead to dangerous circumstances, many near misses on feet and tails, and lots of arm waving and vigorous and loud exclaiming.  They will insist on making themselves a permanent part of the household no matter how many inspectors you may already have, whether you need another one or not.  😉 


    Aw 😍

    Mine yells orders at me. They are actually just head scratching requests or pick me up requests. I give in to a lot of them, as long as my hands aren’t wet! 

    • Haha 1
  10. 12. A small but bright flashlight. For those white dish inspections or to see what is a snail or what isn’t while siphoning a breeder box. Trust me, it helps a lot!

    On 7/12/2022 at 5:14 PM, Odd Duck said:

    I see your inspector has done the quality control analysis.  Good work, there.

    The very best supervisor. High involvement that one. She micromanages all my activities. 🙂

    • Haha 1
  11. 10. Magnifying glass. For snail welfare checks and to inspect removed debris. This is very important for when they’re newborns. The dollar tree one is junk and doesn’t magnify well. Spend a few extra $.

    11. Test kit card. For removing snail clutches from the wall or lid. 


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  12. Baby snail tank maintenance hacks

    Here are a few things I learned along the way when keeping baby snails.

    1. Buy a quality turkey baster. Not the dollar store one. You can suck stuff (waste and leftover food) into the cheap one but it will just drip back out before you get the turkey baster out of the tank. Spend $8-$10. I have the Farberware one with the red bulb.

    2. This bucket from dollar tree. It has a spout and it pours nice. It’s just about 2 gallons and is perfect for that 10 gallon tank’s water change.


    3. Paint cup thing from dollar tree. For whatever junk you remove with the baster when snails are big enough to keep track of. (Initially you’ll want to use a white dish.)




    4. Water diverter. Make it out of a juice or soda bottle. Use it during water changes or all snails will experience a tornado. Young snails don’t have good suction like adult snails. Also keeps substrate from getting disturbed. Props to Foo the Flowerhorn. 




    5. Terra cotta dish. Keeps the food from getting lodged in the substrate or blown all over the tank during water changes etc. @Guppysnail patent pending. 


    6. Plant weight. For holding that green bean in place. Also a @Guppysnail tip!

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  13. On 7/12/2022 at 9:31 AM, Katherine said:

    Fingers crossed it's not completely infertile, but only a few would be ok by me. I don't want to get completely overrun before I get the hang of what we're doing. And if this one does fail we can always try another clutch later. Thank you for the heads up!

    Every egg hatched in the first, small clutch that my snail laid.  Oddly enough, the success rate on my bigger clutch was not as good.  Good luck!

    On 7/12/2022 at 9:29 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Yes. The females can store male milt for think 10 months from many males. 

    I still think that is incredible.

    On 7/12/2022 at 9:29 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Im very excited to follow along your journey.  I love reading of others snail hatching journeys. It like I get to experience more snail hatches without getting overrun and having to d the water changes 🤣

    Meeee tooooo! ORD!

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